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Reading Todays Paper
Reading Todays Paper

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Apple (Basic Editing III)
Camera: Sony DSC-P50
Location: My kitchen table, Rosebud, Texas
Date: May 16, 2005
Aperture: F 3.8
ISO: 400
Shutter: 1/30
Date Uploaded: May 16, 2005


Place: 372 out of 386
Avg (all users): 3.6879
Avg (commenters): 2.1429
Avg (participants): 3.3141
Avg (non-participants): 4.0570
Views since voting: 854
Views during voting: 458
Votes: 314
Comments: 14
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
05/23/2005 03:30:05 PM
rather a cheat - a photo of a photos! It isin focus
05/22/2005 01:27:07 PM
This image has a documentary feel rather than giving the viewer a glimpse of creative inspiration. The fold in the newspaper detracts from the image. Personally, I'd rather see the photographer's attempt at something similar rather than just a picture of someone else's picture.
05/22/2005 12:14:50 AM
I bet you would have better luck if you had taken a picture of an apple yourself. Not the best shot of the bunch, but at least you tried.
05/20/2005 10:18:09 PM
ever watch CSI?
05/20/2005 09:46:34 PM
Newspaper clippings don't make very good pictures. Try again.
05/19/2005 03:55:29 PM
Basically, this is nothing but a photograph of someone else's photograph. I don't feel like you did anything for your submission and even think that you are stealing somebody else's work. 1.
05/19/2005 09:23:28 AM
Reading todays Paper ...........with very old news. It's the most original pic i saw.
05/19/2005 07:42:17 AM
Why not? It's different:))
05/18/2005 09:10:35 PM
is this even allowed ?
05/18/2005 06:59:15 PM
I don't know if the qualifies, I thought we needed a real apple. Also, the model's thumbnail is dirty.
05/18/2005 04:24:12 PM
Did you take the photo in the paper? I am guessing you didn't since it was taken in 1964. Sorry I have to give it a 1 because it is not your photo.
05/18/2005 02:45:19 PM
I enjoyed reading the caption, I even remember back then. However, I just felt this didn't really meet the challenge.
05/18/2005 02:39:39 PM
I suppose someone was bound to do something like this...
05/18/2005 09:26:19 AM
Harold edgerton..........Got the book myself amazing pictures.

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