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 This image was disqualified from the Apple challenge.

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Apple (Basic Editing III)
Camera: Canon EOS-D60
Location: At my home
Date: May 17, 2005
Aperture: 11
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/250
Date Uploaded: May 17, 2005

las minute picture, just wanted to tag along on this one.
Disqualification Details
Spot editing is not permitted in 'Basic Editing.' Please review the challenge submission rules.

Views since voting: 3765
Views during voting: 545
Comments: 59
Favorites: 3 (view)

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05/26/2005 07:02:39 PM
Ég verð að játa að ég sprakk úr hlátri þegar ég sá þessa mynd og notandinn "toti" hefði tekið hana.

Minnti mig dálítið á myndir sem ég hef séð eftir einn notanda með svipað notendanafn á ljósmyndakeppni.is.

En til hamingju. Þetta er massaflott mynd og algjörlega í þínum stíl svona mynduppbygingarhugmyndalega séð!
05/25/2005 10:26:42 PM
Bet you are glad you tagged along now .....original yet so simple. Well done !
05/25/2005 09:27:52 PM
Congrats on your first ribbon - it definately is a well deserved win. :-)
05/25/2005 07:23:18 PM
Congrats on your first ribbon, it's a great shot.The splashing juice is very effective.well done
05/25/2005 06:49:59 PM
Mjög flott, til hamingju
05/25/2005 01:58:14 PM
Congrats on your first ribbon, no offense but I am really glad it wasn´t the blue one this time :)

Keep up the good work!
05/25/2005 12:14:32 PM
Já til lukku kallinn!
Flott mynd.
05/25/2005 11:50:56 AM
Pretty good for last minute! Very creative. Congrats!
05/25/2005 08:41:23 AM
amazing creativity... a real graphicfunk type masterpiece.
05/25/2005 08:39:55 AM
Excellent work here! Well deserved ribbon winner! :)
05/25/2005 08:03:39 AM
Very Juicy!
05/25/2005 06:34:37 AM
til lukku með fyrsta borðann!
05/25/2005 05:53:21 AM
Cool !
05/25/2005 05:31:22 AM
Til hamingju. Fín mynd og var viss um að hún félli í kramið hérna.
05/25/2005 03:10:54 AM
Wow. Really great shot, I'm sorry I missed this during the challenge. I 100% agree with the ribbon status. Congrats.
05/25/2005 12:40:02 AM
Congratulations! Jæja kallinn, þetta tókst hjá þér, til hamingju með gula borðann! Rosa flott mynd hjá þér..
05/25/2005 12:25:19 AM
A very outstanding accomplishment with great composition. Congratulations on your yellow.
 Comments Made During the Challenge
05/24/2005 09:47:11 PM
well this has just enough WOW factor to make it on the front page and probably ribbon--
Solid 9
05/24/2005 09:21:23 PM
Nice idea and good capture of the liquid! :)
05/24/2005 07:43:11 PM
Very nice idea here!! I wish the top end of the splash didn't get washed out. I'm assuming that is due to levels in order to make your background nice and crisp white. I like this a lot.
05/24/2005 06:10:16 PM
Yeah. this a a shot that a client would buy. you have a creativity thing going on here. the top of the apple does not look leved but who cares. nice shot. stop action simplicty. and deserves an award.
05/24/2005 04:10:06 PM
Wow! Clever! White background seems rather harsh and the splash doesn't show well against it. 7
05/24/2005 03:54:31 PM
For some reason this puts me in mind of the last scene from Kill Bill: Vol. 1... Totally nifty, both in set-up and execution. (LOL, 'execution')
05/24/2005 10:27:48 AM
nice image i like the idea, and it has great color and detail
05/23/2005 09:23:23 PM
very creative.
05/23/2005 07:15:17 PM
Awesome! one of the best! mm, looks good too! 9
05/23/2005 06:01:21 PM
That's a great shot, this is = 10 in my book
05/23/2005 04:16:10 PM
You get an extra point for the clever approach. I wonder how many tries it took to get the timing right.
05/22/2005 12:12:32 AM
Awesome shot. Very creative idea that you carried out well.
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05/21/2005 04:18:42 PM
The only thing I don't like in this is that the rear of the splash seems slightly blown, otherwise excellent
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05/21/2005 04:02:01 PM
Minimalist and squeeky clean! I like it lots......
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05/20/2005 02:00:10 PM
Not a bad idea but the splash really blends into the backround and therefore loses a lot of visual impact and the glare from your lighting in the top of the apple drags it down. Is that apple juice?
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05/20/2005 11:06:57 AM
That is cool! I hope you told how you did this, I'd love to see. Great job. 10
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05/20/2005 10:45:57 AM
Nice shot, I love it :)
Gave you a 10 despite the distracting flash spots (I didn't think they detracted THAT much)
05/20/2005 01:07:34 AM
Incredible creativity, and wonderful execution.
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05/19/2005 04:58:49 PM
perfect ingenious idea. i would prefer the picture to be much less white, however.
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05/19/2005 02:31:03 PM
Well you sure did this nicely. The light is okay and the focus is outstanding. I do however think a better background color would of made the 'splash' pop more. It's a bit washed out with the white.
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05/19/2005 12:46:56 PM
Cool idea. Great focus, nice clean image, lots of detail. The apple is perfect, the juice gives it a little life and movement. I don't know if you could go any darker, but it would be nice to have a little more detail in the splashing juice. 9.
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05/19/2005 12:10:38 PM
love the concept on this one
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05/19/2005 11:05:00 AM
terrific idea and technically a terrific shot. good job!
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05/19/2005 06:57:19 AM
Very good idea.........
05/18/2005 10:53:52 PM
very cool and unique!
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05/18/2005 09:25:02 PM
great shot!!!
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05/18/2005 09:17:07 PM
Great idea. The white seems to wash out the splash.
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05/18/2005 09:02:04 PM
I love this image! Simple and clean and I'm giving up entering challenges:)) 10
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05/18/2005 08:19:58 PM
Original plus. I wish it were mine! 10.
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05/18/2005 06:48:46 PM
this is very cool 9
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05/18/2005 04:36:12 PM
Great Job!!!!!!!!!!!!
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05/18/2005 02:37:49 PM
Unique shot! Very nice job!
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05/18/2005 01:39:15 PM
One of my top favs at this point! great idea and good job!!
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05/18/2005 01:23:11 PM
Excellent and well captured! 8
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05/18/2005 01:15:02 PM
What a clever idea! The lighting seems a bit overly bright.
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05/18/2005 12:24:01 PM
i call winner
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05/18/2005 12:11:29 PM
Neat idea. 9
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05/18/2005 11:12:18 AM
WOW neat effect!
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05/18/2005 05:19:41 AM
Awesome shot! One of my favourites of the challenge.
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05/18/2005 03:11:51 AM
Creative! Great timing and great image. Very nice.
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05/18/2005 02:36:30 AM
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05/18/2005 12:33:39 AM
This is nice, and a very creative idea as well, the only thing I don't care for in this shot is the backside of the juice that is overexposed and hard to see, otherwie I would say this shot is perfect. Still very very nicely done!
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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