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Party Splash!
Party Splash!

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Apple (Basic Editing III)
Camera: Canon EOS-300D Rebel
Lens: Sigma 105mm f/2.8 EX Macro AF for Canon
Location: My House
Date: May 17, 2005
Aperture: f/5
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/400
Galleries: Studio, Food and Drink
Date Uploaded: May 17, 2005

This shot was inspired by Tranquil and Sissi.

Thanks to Tranquil for helping out and turning green.

I've worked on droping shots before where the item is dropped or sometimes thrown into the water. Many of them, I was the dropper. But for this challenge I thought I'd try it myself and with some help, I did it. I used food coloring to make the water green and I know many of you might not like it, I do. It took a lot of tries to get this right. there were twolight sources for this:
- A 250 watt worklight being reflected off of the background (white paper)
- a 60 watt reflector bulb light placed at an angle underneath and to the right of the glass

This was taken in RAW because even though I was shooting with custom white balance, there would be a lot to be changed.

Post Processing:
Digital Photo Professional
- curves adjustment
- brightness adjustment
- contrast raised
Converted to jpg and into PS
- Hue for more "sour apple" green
- saturation raised just a tad
Neat Image
- Remove all noise
Back to PS
- Unsharp Mask

My reason for doing neat image before sharpening was because i didn't want to loose the deatail of the water and the apple. I know the apple is not perfectly green and I know I will get critisized for it looking like a pear.

Place: 35 out of 386
Avg (all users): 6.0031
Avg (commenters): 7.1000
Avg (participants): 5.6842
Avg (non-participants): 6.2800
Views since voting: 1799
Views during voting: 485
Votes: 327
Comments: 13
Favorites: 3 (view)

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
05/24/2005 10:06:09 PM
I am leaving a comment for everyone so no one will feel left out so here is yours...
nice shot. is that scope? ;)
05/24/2005 09:17:35 PM
Perfect timing and wonderful green tone! :)
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05/24/2005 05:44:45 PM
I love these "splash" shots, but it's hard to tell that's an apple slice.
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05/24/2005 05:08:36 PM
A very exciting action capture and you get credit for the good presentation. Now, because this challenge is "apple" I have beem able to identify the fruit. Otherwise it would have taken me a little more time as it is not readilly apparant to identify it. 6
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05/21/2005 04:18:02 PM
Nice highlited picture. Not easy to time correctly! I don't see this happening on parties though. The clue/or plot is not very strong. The picture is quite nice though!
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05/20/2005 03:22:27 PM
nice movement........10
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05/20/2005 12:38:34 PM
I can't see hardly it's an apple, but i like this picture. Very nice green coulor and i like the little drop hanging on the glas
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05/20/2005 10:42:28 AM
Great shot! One of my favorites in this challenge!!! 10
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05/19/2005 10:53:58 PM
Nice combination and color match
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05/19/2005 04:54:03 PM
For my eyes the main element is the green water in the glass, not the apple. A great picture but in a wrong competion.
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05/19/2005 12:21:09 PM
I love it. Very clear with a lot of energy. Only change I can think of is a slice of a red apple might have made it even more striking. But that's just personal taste. Great shot. My top 5.
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05/18/2005 05:43:46 AM
very nice picture but it does not use the appleness of the apple. it could have been anything splashing there.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
05/18/2005 12:16:49 AM
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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