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Father Sky
Father Sky

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Beauty (Advanced Editing IV)
Camera: Nikon Coolpix 8800
Location: Estancia Valley
Date: May 25, 2005
Aperture: f/5.6
ISO: 50
Shutter: 1/125
Galleries: Landscape, Nature
Date Uploaded: May 26, 2005

An awesome storm building up over the Estancia Valley near sunset, reminded me of the Navajo legend of creation with Father Sky and Mother Earth.
This photo was made looking East from my backyard, using a polarizing filter. I debated about including the foreground but decided the house helped establish the scale.
Image levels adjusted, contrast and saturation adjusted, unsharp mask applied, cropped and resized.

Place: 28 out of 255
Avg (all users): 6.1890
Avg (commenters): 6.9565
Avg (participants): 5.9766
Avg (non-participants): 6.4048
Views since voting: 2197
Views during voting: 422
Votes: 254
Comments: 31
Favorites: 9 (view)

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05/19/2006 06:54:10 AM
This is an amazing shot, and although other commentors said otherwise I think the foreground is well chosen. The rugged and unorganized aspect of the clouds is reflected with that of the buildings and powerlines, but the wide flat areas of cloud and sky are also heavily contrasted with their texture. GREAT SHOT!!
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04/24/2006 06:23:10 PM
Beautiful clouds in the sky.
Good contrast and colours.
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08/10/2005 12:09:10 PM
stunning image...
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06/14/2005 06:19:58 PM
I would have liked this with no buildings below. Just crop and have only clouds. That's a "humdinger" of a cloud and you captured it very well. I like the depth of color and shadow.
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06/07/2005 08:10:01 AM
what a powerful photo. almost looks like a mushroom cloud.. a little eerie.
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06/07/2005 03:33:21 AM
OMG - THAT is an amazing and beautiful cloud formation!
Well seen.
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06/07/2005 03:30:12 AM
that is enormous ! Looks like an a-bomb :) really really really.. REALLY good :)
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
06/05/2005 05:27:28 PM
nice use of the burn tool
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06/04/2005 10:32:36 PM
Stunning clouds.
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06/03/2005 09:44:50 PM
Whoa... very striking! I'm impressed that anyone would go to all the trouble of setting off an atomic bomb just for a chllenge. 8
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06/02/2005 10:20:00 PM
Impressive sky, and unless you are incredibly good at photoshop, I actually believe that it truly DID look something close to that even before doctoring it.
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06/02/2005 05:49:02 PM
Love the wicked clouds! Also like how the house is lit in the foreground. Would have been better if it was a larger white house to really shine! Nice capture

Message edited by author 2005-06-06 00:13:01.
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06/02/2005 12:10:52 AM
Whoa... looks like a nuclear bomb just went off! Amazing sunlight there...
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06/01/2005 10:59:50 PM
Goodness! They don't make skies like that where I live. The houses in the forground take away from the sky but I imagine you were where you were when you saw it and couldn't get to a place where the houses weren't there. And the sky alone would lose the sense of size without the buildings in the forground...
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06/01/2005 08:39:27 AM
Cor blimey, what an amazing sky - well captured with good tonal range
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05/31/2005 06:54:13 PM
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05/31/2005 06:50:36 PM
I like this cumulus cloud shot , the placement of horizon is good, sky has the prominent part in picture..contrast is good...7
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05/31/2005 03:45:22 PM
What a fabulous sky. I like the drama of the range of light. I wish the foreground were compelling enough to balance the sky or simple enough to not distract from it. Here the wires and scattered small buildings just draw the eye away and they are nothing to look at on their own. Perhaps finding one lone building and compose it to one side or the other would work?
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05/31/2005 03:41:30 PM
I have never seen a cloud like that. It is truly magnificent. I like that you kept the emphasis of this photo on the cloud. You coul probably even have cropped out more of the grass for a more dramatic effect.
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05/31/2005 12:21:06 PM
Wow! WHAT a sky!! That most definitelyis beautiful!
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05/31/2005 07:05:20 AM
Blimey, that's mad. Good overall sense of tones, though the over-blown areas in the main cloud, although very small, are a shame in my eyes. There's a strangeness in the contrasting of the unusual sky and the so-very-humdrum world below: almost as though this is about aspiration and ambition.
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05/30/2005 05:51:18 PM
Very nice photograph! Great caputre!
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05/30/2005 03:52:41 PM
Very dramatic cloud formation that is effectively presented. Wish you would have had a more interesting foreground for that sky. It still should be a top finisher and will make a perfect sky replacement for the right landscape image.
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05/30/2005 02:27:22 PM
man what a cloud, colours are great
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05/30/2005 02:21:25 PM
Wow! What a cloud formation. Maybe a tornado breweing? Excellent shot.
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05/30/2005 12:57:33 PM
are you kidding me? that really is beautiful. wow. although i agree that you need the ground to provide context, i would have raced like crazy to look for a better setting for this photo. that's really neat, though!
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05/30/2005 12:43:55 PM
If not for all the stuff on the bottom, I would have voted a little higher, the sky is great.
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05/30/2005 10:25:46 AM
As a complete weather geek...I'm giving this a 10...totally maginicent.
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05/30/2005 10:19:33 AM
The cloud is beautiful, but I find the forground objects distracting. Good luck
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05/30/2005 03:17:02 AM
It made me say "Wow! That's beautiful!" so it gets a strong score from me, even though the foreground is so ugly as to beggar comparison with the sky... Maybe that's what you WANTED, but I suspect you came across this on the fly and didn't have many options.
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05/30/2005 12:02:12 AM
I have never seen a sky like this. Wow! 7 on first pass.
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