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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Decisions (Basic Editing III)
Camera: Sony DSC-F828
Location: Home
Date: May 27, 2005
Aperture: f2.0
ISO: 64
Shutter: 1/8
Date Uploaded: May 27, 2005


Place: 238 out of 275
Avg (all users): 4.1831
Avg (commenters): 4.2500
Avg (participants): 3.9255
Avg (non-participants): 4.3035
Views since voting: 580
Views during voting: 399
Votes: 295
Comments: 15
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
06/06/2005 09:26:41 PM
The image seems to lack contrast, though the background is almost too exposed. I would have waited until the light was less bright in the background.
06/06/2005 08:21:13 PM
lol, cute.
06/06/2005 11:55:15 AM
06/06/2005 10:56:54 AM
contrast needed here..
06/05/2005 04:15:20 PM
Seems like it's a bit to bright. Some of the colour is washed out, and up in the top, in what looks like a parking lot I'm going to guess it's completly washed out. Good subject though.
06/03/2005 11:11:52 AM
I'd say you have met the challenge.
I would like to see a UV filter to help with that bright sunshine. It washes out colors and did so here with the blues/red.
06/03/2005 02:34:19 AM
A good concept for a photo. I believe that it could have been improved by exposing it slightly less and/or tweaking the levels so that the shadows are darker.
06/02/2005 07:45:06 AM
I am making this comment on a number of votes, but please don't hold that against me: I just wanted to let you know why I gave you a relatively low score in this challenge. I have approached voting with the starting point that the photograph should stand on its own (ie without the title), and have as a focal point a decision (ie I should look at this photo and one of the main things that I should be thinking about when looking at the photo is, "there is a decision just made, being made, or about to be made, and this photo captures that moment". Ideally, I'd love to be provoked by the image into thinking that "the essence of this photo is the decision it portrays".

Unfortunately, absent the title, I would not have guessed that your photo was intended to capture a "decision". As the rules state, I am voting with high regard to the challenge description. However, I am explaining why in case you were left wondering why your score is not doing was well as you expected!

Specific to your picture, I would add that the postboxes are a little underexposed - increasing the contrast and reducing brightness might help. Wonder if you might have been able to find prettier specimens, and perhaps try a few different angels. maybe a model posing to demonstrate a decision more obviously?
06/02/2005 12:58:52 AM
I don't feel that the image conveys instantly recognizable decision.
06/02/2005 12:57:17 AM
out of focus, maybe a different persepective would have worked better, like coming in from the side with your hand out of the window holding a letter. something like that. i usually try to stay away from the bullseye approach
06/01/2005 09:21:19 PM
thank you for presenting a decision. you are one of the few. quality of photo a little weak, however.
06/01/2005 12:12:03 PM
Good idea. Slightly on the overexposed side...
06/01/2005 10:58:43 AM
I like this image a lot. It would be great it you could bring out the colors a little more, maybe up the saturation. This image looks a little muted.
06/01/2005 09:41:12 AM
that is beautiful. great entry mate
06/01/2005 09:40:22 AM
exposure is way off.......4

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