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Kibble vs Burger
Kibble vs Burger

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Decisions (Basic Editing III)
Camera: Canon EOS-350D Rebel XT
Location: Santa Barbara, CA
Date: May 27, 2005
Aperture: f/4.0
ISO: 800
Shutter: 1/800
Galleries: Animals
Date Uploaded: May 27, 2005

I wanted this shot to look spontaneous, but it actually too me a couple of hours to compose it (not counting a run to Carl’s Junior to buy a 6$ burger for the shot). Then it took three shooting sessions with the dog added before I got one that I liked. Help from my wife Linda was key in getting the dog positioned and then standing off camera waving a dog biscuit and jumping up and down to make him appear that he was looking at the burger.

Shasta was very patient about the whole deal and got a dog biscuit for each session, but not the kibble or the burger. You can see a puddle forming on the floor from all his drool. Not much post-processing needed for such a pretty dog: a little cropping, slight rotation and a minor adjustment to brightness levels.

Place: 4 out of 275
Avg (all users): 6.1567
Avg (commenters): 8.1538
Avg (participants): 5.9537
Avg (non-participants): 6.2607
Views since voting: 2430
Views during voting: 476
Votes: 319
Comments: 38
Favorites: 9 (view)

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06/09/2005 05:33:19 PM
congratulations on your 4th place. Unlucky not to get a ribbon... great work
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06/08/2005 07:02:15 PM
congrats on your 4th placing! Great shot with wonderful composition and a creative idea for this challenge!!
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06/08/2005 06:36:24 PM
This is so funny! Great job.
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06/08/2005 08:55:24 AM
That's a good one!
06/08/2005 04:40:44 AM
So cute!
His raised eyebrow is what really makes the shot. One-of-a-kind.
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06/08/2005 01:39:24 AM
Thanks for all the great comments. I really enjoyed shooting this one.
 Comments Made During the Challenge
06/07/2005 10:49:36 PM
This is my favorite in this challenge so far. You captured such a great look, you can almost see him making a decision. Great colors and composition - 10
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06/07/2005 09:02:28 PM
I see you have a better trained dog than I do. The burger would not have appeared in a photo of mine!
06/06/2005 11:46:41 PM
Too funny! Perfect use of a pet shot. Great settup. Perfect expression!
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06/06/2005 02:26:06 PM
I vote burger!!!
06/06/2005 12:54:28 AM
Next shot. Where is my burger.
06/04/2005 09:31:33 AM
i like the dos and this one is beautiful
nice shot
i like it
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06/03/2005 08:02:28 PM
Base: 5
Technical: 1
Subjective: +2

Total: 8
Poor pup!
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06/03/2005 05:08:17 PM
Now that is just crule. You can see the struggle on his face.
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06/02/2005 11:22:45 PM
Love it !! Technically prefect, colors/tones, sharp and I can relate to the story, ....â€Â¦.nice capture.
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06/02/2005 09:21:09 PM
Bur-r-r-r-r-ger. Choose the burger.
06/02/2005 08:39:16 PM
HAHAHAHA I love it! great very clever! lol
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06/02/2005 03:52:26 PM
I had to laugh at this one! No title is necessary at all to understand what's going on here. I can only think of two things that would maybe make this a better shot -- a little more light on the dog & kibble, and somehow coaxing the dog to look more directly at the burger. But it really does look like there's a thought process going on there -- I like it.
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06/02/2005 01:06:37 PM
Now this is interesting. Maybe the coke was to much here.
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06/02/2005 11:16:21 AM
It's the expression on the dog's face that makes this shot, and indeed IMO allows it to meet the challenge. Good capture
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06/02/2005 10:17:33 AM
This is precious!
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06/02/2005 06:41:04 AM
Very nice, before I even scrolled down to see the his bowl, I could tell from his facial expression that he was deciding something. Then I read your title. Very nice work.
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06/01/2005 11:46:51 PM
You can see the dog in thought, this is a great photo.
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06/01/2005 11:06:46 PM
I think I know what his decision will be. My decision is 8.
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06/01/2005 10:06:03 PM
Oh! Look at his great puppy expression! Everything about this comp is perfect...9
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06/01/2005 09:01:21 PM
so nice and simple. and the desperate look in his eyes...priceless.
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06/01/2005 08:30:22 PM
I think I can predict this choice! Well composed!
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06/01/2005 06:27:27 PM
This is so well staged and executed as to totally feel natural; as if the viewer has just come upon the scene. The dog's expression is perfect! I am picking this one to ribbon.
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06/01/2005 03:48:57 PM
Ohmygoodness, this is absolutely awesome!!!!! If that dog doesn't look like he's about a hare away from making a decision here, I don't know what! PERFECT fit for this challenge. And it speaks to my heart! 10
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06/01/2005 03:43:02 PM
I know which MY dog would choose.. Made me laugh! Although my dog, in her twelve plus years, never stole any of my food. I could leave on the floor and she wouldn't touch it. However, anyone else's was fair game. On a positive note, she taught my niece and nephew how to guard thier food, an important survival skill. Great capture!!!
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06/01/2005 03:20:48 PM
I feel like the decision should be clear without having to read this title. In this case, it isn't, so even though it's a nice picture in its own right, I don't think it meets the challenge well...
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06/01/2005 02:03:10 PM
Beautiful job! Very well done. Great composition, nice warm lighting, terrific clarity. (9)
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06/01/2005 01:58:24 PM
Very cute. But kind of snap shottish, I think some will comment on that. Tell me you don't feed your dog that much food! Your asking for bloat and/or a fat dog.
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06/01/2005 10:42:28 AM
cute! Could be a comercial shot for a hamburger chain
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06/01/2005 10:26:32 AM
I have a golden too! This guy is adorable!!
06/01/2005 10:23:45 AM
I like it. Just dont think it is as good as it could be. Great face on the dog.
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06/01/2005 09:28:03 AM
good capture, my dog would have been all over the burger.
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06/01/2005 03:22:33 AM
Dog's expression is priceless. Although Pepsi tastes way better, you get an 8.
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