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should I stay or should I go?
1st Placeshould I stay or should I go?

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Decisions (Basic Editing III)
Camera: Canon EOS-300D Rebel
Lens: Canon EF 24-70mm f/2.8L USM
Location: Reykjavík
Date: May 28, 2005
Aperture: 11
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/80
Galleries: Sky, Urban
Date Uploaded: May 28, 2005

My original idea was to photograph a yellow streetlight with the title "stop or step on it?". I had done some shots with that idea just a little bit to the left from this shot. Then I moved to the walking lights and noticed that they didn't change at the same time. There is about 2 second time where one is red and the other is green. I just couldn't resist that and instantly the classic Clash song "should I stay or should I go?" started playing in my head.

. Model Canon EOS 300D DIGITAL
. Date/time original 28.05.2005 23:14:31
. Shutter speed value 1/80 s
. Aperture value f/11
. ISO speed ratings 100
. Exposure bias value -1.00 EV
. Metering mode Pattern
. Flash Flash did not fire.
. Focal length 35 mm
. White balance Auto white balance

Place: 1 out of 275
Avg (all users): 6.6399
Avg (commenters): 8.1852
Avg (participants): 6.1321
Avg (non-participants): 6.9024
Views since voting: 9868
Views during voting: 472
Votes: 311
Comments: 64
Favorites: 18 (view)

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04/29/2006 11:30:43 PM
How interesting this is. Nice night capture. Different, and something I wouldn't really appreciate by day, but does capture much interest at night.
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06/15/2005 11:25:07 PM
This is a photograph of a choice, not a decision.
06/14/2005 03:57:42 AM
Smart, and beautiful.
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06/13/2005 11:56:44 AM
if the title refers to ure entries ..stay!..pleasure will be double!
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06/13/2005 11:33:44 AM
love the subject, absolutely adore the light. congrats on the win!
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06/11/2005 11:18:31 PM
snildar hugmynd...
eftirtektarverður.. ég hefði ekki tekið eftir þessu :P

nice composition,cleverly done....

Godd jop and concrats

now i hafto start to compete in here...

icelanders rule... :D
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06/10/2005 10:42:35 AM
Ãað er bannað að vinna tvo blá á sömu forsíðu...

Congratulations, good week. Icelanders with 50% of ribbons these weeks... ;)
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06/09/2005 09:23:22 PM
Fantastic, and well composed ! Lighting is everything and here's why !
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06/08/2005 06:58:50 PM
congratulations on your blue and second blue in a week! A beautifully presented image, well captured!
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06/08/2005 01:38:05 PM
Beautiful composition and background, and the challenge concept captured very well. Congratulations!
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06/08/2005 10:49:43 AM
Wow, looks like someone's having a good week.

Congrats on your two blues!
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06/08/2005 09:13:29 AM
til hamingju með frábæran árangur!
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06/08/2005 07:11:50 AM
Two times in a row!!! Wow, well done! Congratulations!
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06/08/2005 06:33:06 AM
This is unfairly cool - extremely well caught. Great title.
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06/08/2005 06:31:31 AM
Many congrats. Sorry for being so dumb earlier
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06/08/2005 05:53:29 AM
Congratulations on winning two in a row! That's some achievement. I am inspired!!
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06/08/2005 05:16:18 AM
Frábært móment og ótrúleg lota hjá ykkur Xilebo.
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06/08/2005 05:06:36 AM
You again! Congratulations. Well done.
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06/08/2005 04:44:03 AM
Great work. Congrats with your two blue ones.
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06/08/2005 04:21:51 AM
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06/08/2005 04:21:49 AM
The thing I really like about this is the seemingly unnecessary presence of the traffic lights in such a natural backdrop. A skilful composition to achieve such beauty as well as meeting the brief.
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06/08/2005 04:11:56 AM
Ãetta er algjör snilld hjá þér. Til hamingju.
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06/08/2005 03:10:56 AM
Ãessi Ãslendingalota hér er að verða klikkuð!
Til hamingjum með fína mynd.
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06/08/2005 02:38:42 AM
A lot prettier than my shot for 'Indecision'!
Spectacular result - great job.
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06/08/2005 12:59:23 AM
Many congratulations on achieving a really rare feat ... ain't it nice when things just work?
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06/08/2005 12:34:29 AM
Apparently I am a very tough critic... congratulations on the ribbon!
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06/08/2005 12:17:23 AM
line 'em up, knock 'em down... congratulations.
you have a monopoly on front-page blues!
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06/08/2005 12:16:11 AM
Awesome to see you with 2 blues in a row. Well deserved wins for one of my favorite photographers on the site.
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06/08/2005 12:08:42 AM
Beautiful shot, congrats again!
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06/08/2005 12:04:55 AM
The ribbon was never in doubt. Congrats on dominating the DPC home page!
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06/08/2005 12:04:49 AM
Congrats on another blue, Arngrimur! A great week for you! Super!
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06/08/2005 12:01:46 AM
Wow - Am I seeing double! Congratulations on dominating the page! Beautiful shot!
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
06/07/2005 11:20:17 PM
Nice timing, beautiful colors and composition and excellent exposure. One of my favorites.
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06/07/2005 02:01:31 PM
Clever idea, nice simple shot, I like it.
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06/06/2005 10:51:13 PM
a beautiful sunset and a decision....nicely done...
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06/06/2005 02:21:49 PM
nice photo.....great colors and I like the framing of both lights.....
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06/05/2005 12:15:24 PM
How long did ya stand at the lights for one of the men to be red and one to be green?!!! Lovely silhouttes against the sunset. 8
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06/05/2005 11:06:41 AM
What a great photo!
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06/05/2005 10:43:11 AM
Amazing. You couldn't ask for a more perfect scene for this challenge. Enjoy your ribbon. 10
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06/04/2005 06:24:58 PM
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06/04/2005 02:32:29 PM
Nice shot
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06/04/2005 12:33:20 PM
To me this is on the edge of decision but having the red and green stop and go symbols make it work. The photo is quite beautiful.
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06/04/2005 11:44:43 AM
very nice composition!
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06/03/2005 04:21:32 PM
Nice repetition and clever to get the green man and the red man
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06/03/2005 10:15:30 AM
What a great shot and unique. 10
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06/02/2005 11:29:53 PM
Interesting juxtaposition of elements. The overall picture has a feeling of peace and nature, and yet there's a large intersection...blatant human involvement. Well-done technically and beautifully composed.
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06/02/2005 10:30:44 PM
This is definitely the best of the challenge (My opinion, of course) It shows a great grasp of theme and is well executed. This could've won in several challenges... I.E. Silhouettes...etc etc
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06/02/2005 05:44:49 PM
BEAUTIFUL shot...definitely on my list for top 10....a 9!
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06/02/2005 05:40:06 PM
go, no wait, stop no........
nice sunset, silhouette etc. needs more of something to hold the interest for long sorry I'm not good enough to know what it might be.
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06/02/2005 05:21:52 PM
Nice delima. Colors are nice. The photo presents the idea.

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06/02/2005 01:03:06 PM
Beautiful sunset, I think I would go for it!
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06/02/2005 12:58:26 PM
Very nice and clever idea to use the lightposts as a way to convey the idea of a decision. Love the sunset and all in all a very good shot. Still not an amazing photograph but one of the best in the challenge, hope you end up close to the top.

Hvar er þetta tekið annars, á horni sæbrautar og snorrabrautar?
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06/02/2005 10:55:03 AM
The sky is beautiful. I wish the street light poles and heads were lit up a little more, but great shot none the less. - 8
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06/02/2005 04:57:31 AM
the stark outline get the eye and the message is seen great work 10
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06/02/2005 12:57:00 AM
I don't feel that the image conveys instantly recognizable decision. Nice pic.
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06/01/2005 11:03:28 PM
Well done. Sure to place highly.
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06/01/2005 08:55:18 PM
Great colors and composition! 8
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06/01/2005 06:11:34 PM
Well spotted. I pick this as a ribbon winner although I may be wrong as some people may vote this down for not fulfilling the challenge. Personally, I feel it does, and it is truly beautiful and well composed to boot. One of three 10s. Good luck!

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06/01/2005 01:53:50 PM
Another favorite!
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06/01/2005 12:33:14 PM
Really nicely done. this is very attractive, good to look at.
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06/01/2005 04:55:20 AM
Hey, there is no decision to make.
Sure you need to cross then only you can to last one. First one clearly says freeze....
06/01/2005 03:50:57 AM
One of the best yet in the challenge. Congrats on a top 10 finish for sure! :)
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06/01/2005 03:34:34 AM
Would have been an awesome Silhouettes II photo.....good luck
06/01/2005 12:29:58 AM
one of my favs in this challenge
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