Beauty is a subjective thing, I know. In my scoring and comments I'm trying to score based on NOT whether or not I would think a particular subject beautiful, but on whether the photographer has succeeded in creating a beautiful photo. I look for the elements of color, lines, focus and dof interest, lighting, and a certain element of grace and lovlieness. I'm looking for a unique and creative appeal for the highest scorers. The description says to create a photo that makes the viewer think "that's beautiful", so it will undoubtedly be very subjective. (This is what I'm putting at the start of all of my comments, and I hope it is helpful.)
That being said, you picked a beautifu spot for the photo. Technically it's a well done shot, I think. Although, I think it would look better with the foreground rocks darkened some and if the cloud whites weren't blown out quite as much. Still a very pretty setting, and nice composition. It does make me think "beauty." It doesn't, however, make me go "wow". Not a unique or creative take on the challenge, but a nice photo anyway. Oh...and I really like borders, but I think this one overpowers the scene a bit. |