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Frequent Decision
Frequent Decision

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Decisions (Basic Editing III)
Camera: Olympus C-5000Z
Location: Manchester, CT
Date: May 31, 2005
Aperture: 4.8
ISO: 64
Shutter: 1/200
Galleries: Travel, Transportation
Date Uploaded: May 31, 2005

Taken with Polarized filter cap. Adjusted levels, contrast and saturation. Then Cropped,a dn resized and sharpened a bit

Place: 152 out of 275
Avg (all users): 4.8322
Avg (commenters): 5.2727
Avg (participants): 4.8265
Avg (non-participants): 4.8351
Views since voting: 746
Views during voting: 405
Votes: 292
Comments: 15
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
06/04/2005 04:09:09 PM
The Shot is a little blurry, but you NAILED the theme, one of the best Ideas in the challenge, I think everyone can relate..
10 for content- 6 for Picture quality--
8 overall
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06/04/2005 01:50:11 PM
i had never saw that thing so near
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06/02/2005 10:57:37 PM
Composition could be improved using the rule of thirds. Colors are not as well represented as they could be, and without knowledge of the title or challenge I would not associate the image with a decisions. Overall, this shot lacks the visual appeal found in other challenge entries.
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06/02/2005 03:49:49 PM
This picture doesn't scream "decision" at me, but with the context of the challenge and the title, I get it, and it's one that we all make all the time! Great idea!
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06/02/2005 10:08:14 AM
I think you got the subject really well in this shot.
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06/02/2005 01:04:19 AM
I don't feel that the image conveys instantly recognizable decision. Nice attempt.
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06/02/2005 12:55:43 AM
The best in the challenge! Good work, I find myself making this decision often....usually it's not the safest one ;)

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06/02/2005 12:49:33 AM
slightly out of focus. bullseye composition might not be ideal?
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06/01/2005 05:58:38 PM
i did have the same idea... Yours a little out of focus!
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06/01/2005 10:41:03 AM
To speed up or slow down? Not a bad idea! Outside the boxish! For that I'm going to give you a 7 even though the subject matter doesn't really enthrall me. :)

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06/01/2005 10:26:06 AM
I think i would have framed this a bit different. Also it seems a bit blurry to me.
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06/01/2005 02:19:14 AM
GREAT idea....and compared to most of the enties I've seen so far, this ROCKs. 8
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06/01/2005 01:07:40 AM
I thought about this idea, IM GLAD SOMEONE DID IT. Oops caps, ill dedit [ppst later 7
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06/01/2005 12:12:40 AM
it's not very clear. a little unfocused.
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06/01/2005 12:04:30 AM
Good idea for the challenge. I like the clouds, however, maybe it would have been nice at night too. Could be a little sharper too.
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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