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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Decisions (Basic Editing III)
Camera: Canon EOS-350D Rebel XT
Lens: Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 II
Location: ferndale, CA
Date: May 31, 2005
Aperture: 1.8
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/320
Galleries: Emotive
Date Uploaded: Jun 1, 2005

Thank you everyone for your comments. I'm glad so many people appreciated the photo, and it actually did much better than I expected. For everyone that felt it deserved a vote of 1 or 2, I'm glad that you feel this photo is every bit as good as an all black or all white photo.
I do however apologize if I offended some people, that's never my goal, but photography can be more than snapshots, it's okay to try to say something in a photo even if it seems negative. I'm happy there are still some artists out there.
Oh by the way, its an air soft gun, of course it's not a real gun, I'm not a maniac, this just seemed like a good decision to me. How does it not meet the challenge? I don't know, thanks anyway everyone!

Place: 12 out of 275
Avg (all users): 6.0253
Avg (commenters): 8.0000
Avg (participants): 5.5437
Avg (non-participants): 6.2582
Views since voting: 2462
Views during voting: 642
Votes: 316
Comments: 59
Favorites: 12 (view)

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03/11/2008 08:44:52 AM
Originally posted by Cam:

What is up with all the ones and twos? I gave it a ten and thought for sure it was a ribbon winner.

A fantastic, dramatic, very powerful photograph.

Hippies!!! There's alot of anti-gun sentimentality around here, if you haven't noticed. And people aren't being objective.
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06/10/2005 11:44:19 AM
You sooo deserved a blue ribbon for this... You were definitely my first choice. BRILLIANT!
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06/09/2005 12:34:45 PM
This looks like a shot from a movie...very well done.
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06/08/2005 09:51:48 PM
where the heck did you get that gun? (ps nice shot)
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06/08/2005 06:37:56 PM
I really thought this would do much better than 12th. Very underrated. This looks like a movie still to me.
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06/08/2005 06:28:53 PM
What is up with all the ones and twos? I gave it a ten and thought for sure it was a ribbon winner.

A fantastic, dramatic, very powerful photograph.
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06/08/2005 12:57:52 PM
Thought this would make the top 5..great shot! Emotion and expression were wonderful.
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06/08/2005 12:53:25 AM
Great photo...easily the best of this challenge! Congrats.
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06/08/2005 12:40:00 AM
12th is pretty darn good, but I expected a ribbon on this one. Few images are powerful enough to make the top 15 with that many ones and twos.

Message edited by author 2005-06-08 00:41:57.
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06/08/2005 12:31:05 AM
i think this is an amazing photo, suchs how people get so offended by it... need to open up a little
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06/08/2005 12:21:17 AM
Gave this a ten...looks like a lot of social commentating with all those undeserved 1's and 2's. Abysmal! Great image...love it!
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06/08/2005 12:08:19 AM
excellent, looks like a still from a movie. im sure this would have done a lot better without the 14 1's and 14 2's but thats just how some people respond to such subject matter. Congrats on breaking the 6+ barrier, keep on being edgy and keep up the excellent style.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
06/07/2005 11:07:27 PM
Great lighting, very dramatic look of fear in the young man's face. Very noir...shows someone has definitely decided something about the guy that makes the gun handler want to do him in. Excellent.
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06/07/2005 10:11:40 PM
That is absolutely the most believable expression I have EVER seen.Lighting is perfect. Great job. Hope you are not voted down due to the nature of the subject because this should be a ribbon winner. You got a 10 from me.
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06/07/2005 08:11:58 PM
I don't particularly care for the subject matter of your picture but it is an excellent photograph. Good luck.
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06/07/2005 07:50:18 PM
This is kind of frightening, yet it's a good picture. The expression on the young man's face is believeable, the lighting is effective, and I like the backlight on his head...8
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06/07/2005 12:51:13 AM
the subject mad its decision. what about they guy with the gun?
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06/06/2005 06:15:07 PM
very good, looks like a snapshot froma movie! well done!
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06/06/2005 12:04:44 PM
is that enrique iglesias?
shoot him!! :)))
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06/06/2005 05:00:10 AM
I liked the lighting used, but the image in my opinion didn't really meet the challenge criteria.
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06/05/2005 11:17:10 PM
Holy crap man, looks like a scene from a movie! Great lighting, model, composition and everything. It's a shame some voter's hate this kind of stuff, it's a 10 in my vote though!
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06/05/2005 02:58:33 PM
I think we have enought evil in the world without people taking pictures of it, or even suggesting something so horrible.
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06/05/2005 09:59:37 AM
great work. looks just like a scene from a movie.
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06/04/2005 11:33:20 PM
awesome photo. the expression is perfect and the lighting is great too. nice job. one of my few 10s
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06/04/2005 02:18:08 PM
Wow, this looks like a still frame from a movie. The lighting and clarity are excellent.
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06/04/2005 12:30:19 PM
Yeeps! Don't much like guns but I do like this photo. I like how it focuses on the man's face so we can see him considering his fate. Well done/
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06/04/2005 08:08:18 AM
i love the expression on his face, reflects the moment perfectly, it's a very good photo and congrats to the model as well, nicely done!
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06/03/2005 10:02:35 PM
You captured the emotion of the moment very well. I like the lighting too.
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06/03/2005 09:58:06 PM
Looks like its from pulp fiction....very well done 10
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06/03/2005 06:20:45 PM
I love it- it's packed with emotion- 10
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06/03/2005 10:39:45 AM
ooooh This is dramatic! Looks like a movie still shot. Love the shadows, the look on the victims face. 10
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06/03/2005 03:31:45 AM
One of the best suicide/gun photos in the challenge. Great use of light, and I'm not sure what is it but the image has a certain 'movie' feel to it. Well done.
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06/02/2005 08:23:40 PM
Very good lighting. Detail of face is really clear. I imagine it is an open ended decision. Do ya talk to save your skin, or do you do the noble thing and not give anything away.
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06/02/2005 01:06:38 PM
lots of drama in this photo. Somebody better make a decision fast !
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06/02/2005 11:16:09 AM
Whoah. True emotion. I actually think this meets the challenge brilliantly and the technical execution is absolutely superb. Were you the guy who entered his first challenge with granular? The guy who blew the salt? I like the way you interpret these challenges and the emotion in this shot is tangible.

The subtle decision of the non-subject character (the man with the gun) is a brilliant take on this challenge. To take the life of another human being or not? I'm giving you a 10.

I was initially disturbed, but after pondering this shot for a while I realized what an excellent image it is. People are going to hammer this in voting as they're going to instantaneously lump it with the stupid suicide shots, this is in a different league to those...

Good work, mate. You were one of my few 10s in the challenge.

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06/02/2005 11:08:46 AM
I like this a lot. It's a real sharp, clean photograph with very effective lighting.
This looks right out of a movie. nice work - 9
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06/02/2005 09:47:45 AM
Looks like a scene out of a movie, great shot!
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06/02/2005 01:51:50 AM
I don't feel that the image conveys instantly recognizable decision. Great picture! Really good.
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06/01/2005 11:24:53 PM
Heartbreaking and graphic - almost did one just like it ;o)
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06/01/2005 09:31:29 PM
Interesting image, if a bit bizarre. The focus is a little soft on the 'gun' and the gunman's hand. Nice look of fear on the victim's face.

BTW, I don't think that's a real gun, but if it was, then this was a very bad idea. :)
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06/01/2005 09:16:19 PM
though this is not onw of the most original themes, i'm impressed with both your abillity to capture the man's expression and his actor skills... Great job 10
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06/01/2005 09:06:10 PM
Though this is highly controversial, and you will probably receive comments all across the board, I voted this higher, since the setup looks straight out of a movie, and, really, it was done well.
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06/01/2005 08:24:34 PM
A very high scoring image with me. This invokes the sense of impending doom should the subject not come up with the right information or decision. The lighting adds an ominous tone to the whole and the model's expression is perfect for the concept. This is an image that requires pop-culture knowledge, but does not scream suicide like others, instead it forces the subject into an active thought process which is something that most submissions in this challenge neglected to fully communicate. Even with the harsh light on the cuff and grainy feel, this is a 9 in my book.
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06/01/2005 06:08:48 PM
He looks scared, well done.
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06/01/2005 05:09:27 PM
Who made a decision on this?
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06/01/2005 04:31:37 PM
great emotional shot
ooops sorry for the pun
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06/01/2005 03:36:33 PM
i really like this photo...mostly for the emotion in the mans face... he seems genuinly scared. excellent
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06/01/2005 02:25:43 PM
Fantastic job! Hands down the best in the category IMHO. Great work. (10)
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06/01/2005 02:09:59 PM
This is excellent atmospheric lighting. Looks like it was taken from a move - the quality is that good.
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06/01/2005 01:53:28 PM
Nice expression on his face but it still looks staged IMHO. Nicely lit though and the composition is nice, pretty good all around effort on your behalf. Good job.
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06/01/2005 11:32:04 AM
This is a beautiful photograph! Definitely one of the tops, IMHO. Great lighting, terrific choice of color (or lack thereof), great expression on your model's face. Congrats!
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06/01/2005 11:06:08 AM
Looks like a still from a movie! Excellent lighting!
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06/01/2005 10:21:19 AM
Great setup, great lighting, great expression. This is one of the best images I've seen on this site.
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06/01/2005 09:22:23 AM
it's like a still from a movie. i like it, good job
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06/01/2005 08:28:31 AM
wow this is intense!!!!!!!! love the look on his face, 10
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06/01/2005 08:06:59 AM
Tough decision - one of my top scores
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06/01/2005 01:12:59 AM
Cody, Not bad at all. I'm not a fan of your title, though. Nice lighting, good expression. Don't play with guns.
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06/01/2005 12:49:02 AM
wow, now thats a scene out of a movie.
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06/01/2005 12:23:58 AM
Really good execution (no pun intended (okay maybe a little)) I like the whole "I look like ive been held hostage for several days look your model has and the "I got enough money to buy and sell punks like you" look your other model has, 9 for you.
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