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K-9 in Autumn
K-9 in Autumn

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Fauna (Classic Editing)
Camera: Sony DSC-P72
Location: Houston
Date: Apr 20, 2003
Aperture: 3
ISO: 160
Shutter: .025
Galleries: Nature, Animals
Date Uploaded: Apr 20, 2003


Place: 295 out of 313
Avg (all users): 3.6612
Avg (commenters): 3.9167
Avg (participants): 3.5220
Avg (non-participants): 3.9186
Views since voting: 1125
Votes: 245
Comments: 12
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
04/29/2003 02:13:07 PM
I like the colors that you've captured in this photo
  Photographer found comment helpful.
04/27/2003 07:29:56 PM
I think a tighter crop (more canine, less Autumn) would help here.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
04/27/2003 08:56:27 AM
I don't like the angle the picture is on and the backyard could've been cropped some to hide the fence. You could've made the picture bigger as well, especially with it cropped at the top.
04/26/2003 02:00:34 PM
i assume you live in the southern hemesphere. focus seems a bit soft and the rotation a bit off. subject looks well trained for posing for photos, however.
04/25/2003 01:41:24 PM
nice photo. good job.
04/24/2003 08:19:14 PM
Very cute puppy...looks like an American Eskimo. This would make a nice snapshot for your family photo album. Just a pointer that I learned a long time ago when taking pictures of my animals...get down to their level and as close as you can. That way, you can fill most of the picture with your subject (in this case the dog) and won't have to crop too much in post processing, especially if your camera doesn't have very high resolution. I might have taken the dog out in the sunshine where there is more light and placed her in front of the tree, using the trunk as the background. Might try it and see how it goes.
04/24/2003 04:40:55 PM
not close enough to dog .. seems not focussed on dog
04/24/2003 02:30:25 AM
Nice angle! His expression is telling me a whole story :-)
04/23/2003 09:30:43 PM
He looks a little soft. Out of focus soft I mean, but cute.
04/23/2003 07:24:57 PM
nice shot, alittle grainy, did you scan it? could be alittle lighter and sharper and crop on the top and bottem, IMO, (:
04/23/2003 12:48:41 PM
cute dog :) composition here is slightly stale... maybe a different perspective or angle would make a stronger shot? - setzler
04/23/2003 08:34:11 AM
what a cute dog! Wish we could see more of the dog and less grass and fence.

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