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Hydrabad Princess
Hydrabad Princess

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: People (Classic Editing)
Camera: Olympus C-3000Z
Location: Wichita, KS
Date: May 24, 2002
Aperture: F2.8
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1.2 sec
Date Uploaded: May 26, 2002


Place: 44 out of 107
Avg (all users): 5.3620
Avg (commenters): 6.8750
Avg (participants): 5.3218
Avg (non-participants): 5.3881
Views since voting: 1218
Votes: 221
Comments: 17
Favorites: 2 (view)

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
05/31/2002 08:44:00 PM
everybody wants some mmmmmm yessssssss
05/29/2002 02:34:00 PM
I think a more contrasting background would have made this picture stand out a bit more. Her dress and her skin tones are in the yellow range, so a blue or red background I think would have made them pop out some more.
05/29/2002 10:19:00 AM
A really nice photo. Just a nit, but are you looking up at her just a bit? A little more straight on, or back just a bit to get more of her costume might have been nice. Also a nit, maybe a touch dark, but really not that far off, could be my monitor even.
Photo 10 Creativity 8 People 9 total 9
05/29/2002 02:03:00 AM
Very beautiful portrait. The clothes and jewelry are gorgeous, set off really well by the background and lighting.
05/29/2002 12:10:00 PM
Nice portrait. A different background color, if at all possible, might have made the picture have a little more *pop* to it. The yellow garment and yellowish wall sort of blend together. I like the lighting you have used.
05/28/2002 12:33:00 PM
I think a different background could've suited her skin and dress color better than the one chosen.
05/28/2002 12:21:00 PM
beautiful subject!
05/28/2002 01:25:00 PM
A nice pose, but I think the angle should have been a bit higher. Also the lighting doesn't do justice to the color and texture. My preference would be to have the backlight slightly higher and add major and minor front light sources to the left and right. This would bring out more texture in that lovely face.
05/28/2002 11:25:00 AM
The teeth are in better focus than the eyes....portraits should always have the eyes in razor-sharp focus.

Lighting and background is nice and the background colour complements the clothing colour.

The spot light on the background seems to be a little too bright on the right side of the head.

Might've lit the face a little more with a light reflector.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
05/28/2002 10:34:00 AM
shouldn't work but does
05/27/2002 07:38:00 PM
This is a beautiful portrait! I can't come up with much critique on it, but I would probably have tried to offer a light in the background that created a little more contrast between the background and her clothing... good job!
05/27/2002 05:19:00 PM
Pretty lady. Love the color and the light is pretty good. Maybe a little more on her face. Still this is good work. Congrats.
05/27/2002 01:40:00 PM
What a striking, regal woman. Her sari is lovely, too.
05/27/2002 08:28:00 AM
Nice. Maybe a little more light on the face...
05/27/2002 05:58:00 AM
Nice portrait!
05/27/2002 01:06:00 AM
Pretty subject, nice warm tones. Good separation of subject from background. Good separation of gold from yellow.The bright spot above her left shoulder is a bit distracting. Would like to lighten her eye area a bit. Would also like seeing this subject in silhouette as well.
05/27/2002 11:59:00 AM
Very nice portrait but the background doesn't add to the picture too blah (the background, certainly not the lovely lady).

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