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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: People (Classic Editing)
Camera: Canon PowerShot S40
Location: Huelva (Spain)
Date: May 23, 2002
Aperture: 2,8
ISO: 50
Shutter: 1/25
Date Uploaded: May 26, 2002

Me at home

Place: 63 out of 107
Avg (all users): 5.0734
Avg (commenters): 6.1176
Avg (participants): 4.9759
Avg (non-participants): 5.1333
Views since voting: 879
Votes: 218
Comments: 17
Favorites: 1 (view)

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
06/02/2002 02:01:00 PM
I liked this image a little better in the thumbnail because all of the blacks faded together. Could you adjust the levels on this shot to get the darks just a little darker so that they did? I think that effect would really make this image stand out. As it is, I'm just a little distracted by the objects still slightly visible in the background.
06/01/2002 09:12:00 PM
What's often the most difficult subject, handled well.
05/31/2002 06:15:00 AM
Nice portrait of a weathered man. You would have done better with some kind of a back drop rather than being able to see parts of your house. Lighting might work well in some circles but I would have prefered a half lit face for more dramatic effect. Oh yeah, the self-portrait challenge was a few weeks ago. ;)
05/30/2002 03:57:00 PM
Great colors and lighting, the white undershirt is a slight distraction but nothing major.
05/29/2002 01:04:00 AM
Good shot...Could of darkened the background though. Otherwise great portrait.
05/29/2002 12:33:00 PM
Not much thought/time looks like it went into this.
05/28/2002 05:32:00 PM
I love the catchlights you gave yourself! This is really well lit, especially for a self-portrait. Good choice for a model!
05/28/2002 05:23:00 PM
would be better on a solid background, i think. the face is nicely lit and well shot, but the background clutter detracts quite a bit from this shot.
05/28/2002 05:13:00 PM
Good shot, but background on right distracts me.
05/28/2002 01:35:00 PM
Good color, but in this case, the background shows up too much. (Are you an infrequent shaver, too?) Notice the t-shirt wash out on the left.
Photo 9 Creativity 6 People 9 total 8 (if you could have wiped out the background, this would have been a 10, and lose the t-shirt, it's toooooo white for this shot)
05/28/2002 09:04:00 AM
too much clutter in the background for this to really be effective.
05/28/2002 06:56:00 AM
I like the starkness of the photo. Others may disagree, but I would have placed the subject in the centre of the photo. The blank space to the right does nothing for me. Front of the forehead looks just a little bit too shiny.
05/27/2002 04:54:00 PM
This people has a *smile, *smerk that makes this a charming photo. Nice light, good work.
05/27/2002 09:57:00 AM
This is a good self-portrait.. i like it! You look absolutely thrilled :).. lol
05/27/2002 09:48:00 AM
the white shirt - i like - contrast - nice
05/27/2002 09:08:00 AM
All black background is good contrast to face.
05/27/2002 08:50:00 AM
you missed the short bus by about four weeks. i was hoping lang would re-run some of the challenges, though.

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