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Survival of the Fittest
Survival of the Fittest

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Fauna (Classic Editing)
Camera: Canon EOS-D30
Location: Reykjavík, Iceland
Date: Apr 22, 2003
Aperture: F/5.6
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/500 sec.
Galleries: Nature, Animals
Date Uploaded: Apr 22, 2003


Place: 90 out of 313
Avg (all users): 5.7605
Avg (commenters): 6.9333
Avg (participants): 5.5655
Avg (non-participants): 6.0645
Views since voting: 1253
Votes: 238
Comments: 16
Favorites: 0

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04/30/2003 05:33:07 AM
Er þetta tekið á tjörninni?
 Comments Made During the Challenge
04/29/2003 04:42:12 PM
great action shot, love the moment, and water makes a wonderful background.
04/29/2003 01:55:39 PM
Good idea. Youu've definitely captured the meaning of fauna by having a GROUP of animals. I like action your've captured also.
04/27/2003 11:08:59 PM
A bit over-sharpened. Nice catch.
04/27/2003 09:42:16 AM
If this were sharper it would be a contender. Good subjects and good background. Just not quite sharp enough.
04/26/2003 03:09:16 PM
Very nicely done. Catching birds in flight and not having it blurry is not easy.
04/25/2003 06:11:53 PM
Það er eins og fuglinn til hægri hafi verið aðeins úr fókus og tilraun gerð til að skerpa hann, aðeins of mikill skarpleiki að mínu mati, en gott kaos engu að síður! Svo færðu +1 í íslendingafaktor! = 7
04/24/2003 07:08:29 PM
The ripples in the water are unteresting
04/24/2003 10:15:45 AM
other than being a shade fuzzy, this is a great capture of bird chaos
04/24/2003 06:27:22 AM
This is a lovely photo but the border is far too weighty - there's no real need for it to be this thick.
04/24/2003 02:38:10 AM
Wow an amazing capture, good shot! The drops of water are very effective. The white border is a little too exaggerated
04/23/2003 08:49:45 PM
very pretty
04/23/2003 08:46:29 PM
I like that the bird on the top right is in focus while the rest are slightly blurry, it draws my attention there. Nice composition also.
04/23/2003 06:55:32 PM
the cropping is distracting here, I would of focus on two are three birds here, course don't know what was around at the time.
04/23/2003 10:28:02 AM
very pretty, clear sharp picture..very nice
04/23/2003 12:21:31 AM
would have loved a bit more DOF to capute all of the birds clearly. :)

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