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Smok'n Dream
Smok'n Dream

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Fantasy World (Advanced Editing IV)
Camera: Nikon D70
Location: Allston, MA
Date: Jun 19, 2005
Aperture: f/2.8
ISO: 600
Shutter: 1/8
Galleries: Emotive, Portraiture
Date Uploaded: Jun 19, 2005


Place: 76 out of 151
Avg (all users): 5.2906
Avg (commenters): 7.0769
Avg (participants): 4.9326
Avg (non-participants): 5.5103
Views since voting: 1003
Views during voting: 448
Votes: 234
Comments: 17
Favorites: 3 (view)

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09/17/2005 06:39:29 PM
great shot - been to many a similar party ;}

06/27/2005 09:35:43 AM
I really wish people would open up their minds a bit...shoulda done way better IMO and meets the challenge perfectly...{{{{shaking head in disgust}}}
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06/27/2005 06:59:16 AM
This is an excellent image in every way mood, culture, lighting, composition. I gave it a 10. It should have placed higher.
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06/27/2005 01:56:08 AM
i think most people saw your image as off-topic. Imo it is an amazing photo that really captures the mood, part candid, part artistic/noir and film like and deep on many many levels.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
06/26/2005 10:01:27 PM
This looks all to real to me although it is a nice capture. 5
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06/24/2005 04:32:29 PM
Love it .. very deep ... 10!
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06/22/2005 09:36:53 PM
This type of shot is usually not my bag, but I love it. The light on the gorl in the background is perfect and you are forced to work back and forth between the smoker with head down and the happy, party girl. Great job.
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06/22/2005 08:42:05 PM
An interesting snippet of a teenage party, reminds me of school! I don't really think this fits the challenge, however, and technically there're a lot of shortcomings. The background elements are quite distracting, particularly that girl in the background. She really 'steals the show' away from the subject. Perhaps try a shallower DOF.

I like the genuine feel to this photo, but it doesn't really work in the challenge context and, overall, is far too snapshotty.

Good luck
Alex (4)
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06/22/2005 05:20:31 PM
Very good capture for this challenge. The composition and lighting have been well exploited for this dantasy.
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06/21/2005 09:54:13 PM
Base Score 5
Good Color/Poor Comp/Good Proc +1
Total Score 6

I like the silhouette and the smoke trail...I would have cropped the photo different to put the silhouette in the upper right third...otherwise nice
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06/21/2005 08:36:18 PM
Definatly my kind of image
Everything is perfect here- love the mood.
Goodluck! (10)
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06/21/2005 12:33:19 AM
"A world beyond our own" ???? Looks very earthlike to me.
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06/20/2005 07:14:33 PM
i like the mood
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06/20/2005 03:06:10 PM
wonderful moody image...a great glimpse into someone else's mind, attitude and frustrations.
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06/20/2005 05:13:47 AM
I like your idea for this challenge and the mixed collection of people gives the image a candid feel.
Dream or fantasy there are plenty of ways to make this happen and you have touched on one.7
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06/20/2005 01:06:45 AM
nice shot? does it fit the challenge? I don't think so, but my entry doesn't either, 8
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06/20/2005 12:20:41 AM
excellently taken photo. lighting that brings out the blonde girl in the background is kick ass and the sihlouette of the guy in the foreground smoking is amazingly done.
seems like something one would see in a magazine in one of those anti smoking anti drugs ads. And i love the green tones in the photo, very well done. Im adding this to my favourites. A different take on the challenge in some ways but its just such an amazing photo. 10
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