Let me say first off that you've got a good eye and this site definitely has possibilities.
The main issue I have with this photo is the time of day that it was shot. While it is possible to have a good landscape photo durning midday, here the harsh, direct light is preventing you from getting a good, dramatic range of tones. Most landscape shots are taken early in the morning or late in the afternoon when the light is a bit more dramatic and moody. As it stands the colours are a bit washed out, and not as rich as they would be in a more diffuse or lower light. The shed and the area behind it are in partial and full shadow, and I find this somewhat distracting.
Compositionally I think this might be improved slightly by either including a lot of the dock in the foreground, or none at at all. As it is, the dock is bright and it leads my eyes over to it, and yet it's cropped enough that I can't get a good look at it. Pulling back and including more, or moving the camera up and to the right and cropping it out would be better I think.
The partial reflection on the water is another slightly detracting aspect...A change of light and/or a the use of a polarizing filter would even this out somewhat.
Still, nice shot. Add some dramatic clouds in the background and you've got a winner. Do you live around here? If so, perhaps do a locational study and shoot it under a variety of times and weather conditions and see the differences that you can get in the shot. The spot is certainly worth it. |