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Serving R2's favorite soup
Serving R2's favorite soup

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Metal (Basic Editing III)
Camera: Canon EOS-350D Rebel XT
Lens: Sigma 18-125mm f/3.5-5.6 DC for Canon
Location: My laundry
Date: Jun 21, 2005
Aperture: F 10
ISO: ISO 400
Shutter: 1/200s
Galleries: Abstract, Studio
Date Uploaded: Jun 21, 2005

Mercury, or also knows as quicksilver. Extremelly poisonous, but also EXTREMELLY interesting! I'm sure that R2 and C3P0 love it on a cold winter's day (pretty hard to heat up, it boils only at 356.58°Celsius)

Place: 82 out of 508
Avg (all users): 5.6765
Avg (commenters): 6.2727
Avg (participants): 5.3899
Avg (non-participants): 6.0796
Views since voting: 1421
Views during voting: 405
Votes: 272
Comments: 14
Favorites: 2 (view)

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06/29/2005 07:21:05 PM
I'm really glad with my picture, and also it's score! Thanks for all the votes and comments.

Now to some answers:
*R2 is the name of that little white robot on StarWars. Just thought it would be a funny title.
*It's kinda hard to work with mercury, because of it's liquid form, it just won't sit still.
*As a shiny metal, it reflects the environment around it! Was I didn't have anything large enough to reflect on the bigger "blob", I switched off the ceilling's lights, in order to reflect only "darkness". I wish I could have wdone something to enhance it's "metallic" appearance and form, but that was just not possible! The funny thing is, I've just read an article on a very popular brazilian photography magazine, which deals with lighting on reflective objects, including metal! A bit too late I think. Oh well....

Here are some outtakes, and some diff ideas:
no editing besides resize ---- ---- ---- ----
06/29/2005 02:39:55 PM
i gave up voting/commenting before i made it to this photo. for me this would have been a 7 vote because of the lighting. i think if the lighting had been any different you wouldnt have gotten the results on the pour part of the mercury. i have to agree with mesmeraj on the zoom tho. this would have scored alot higher(possiably a 10) with just the pour/splash part seen in the photo. still an excellent photo and 82 out of 501 is nothing to sneeze at! u did alot better than me..congrats on your finish
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06/29/2005 01:27:01 PM
Scuds - i gave you a 6. From the second i read the metal challenge, i wished i had some mercury to play with, so naturally i was happy to see someone with a mercury pic.
The strongest aspect of the image is the splash of the mecury as it hits the bowl, and the twist in the poured line. I was not a fan of the large blob of prepoured mecury (probably from previous attempts, right).
For me, the image would have ben stronger (8-9) if you had let go of the soup in a bowl concept and gotten closer to the action. ALthough understandable you wouldn't want the mecury on your camera - a zom perhaps rather than macro.
The lighting was a little iffy for me also, i would have prefered the bowl to be soild white rather than a gradient shading to the back of the bowl, for a higher score.
I really love the tiny droplets that had rolled away from the main attraction, i think it might have been interesting to be down on thier level rather than up above. I can tell you enjoyed taking this picture - and thats what matters most of all ;)
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
06/27/2005 01:05:31 AM
Nice use of liquid metal in this image..
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06/25/2005 10:21:18 AM
I'm assuming this is mercury, so I'm hoping you were taking proper precautions.

I think you lose out by having the metal relfecting darkness and a few lights.
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06/24/2005 04:24:48 PM
mercure's a great idea and the light is great. the composition though might have been more elaborated.
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06/24/2005 02:27:52 AM
reflection at bottom left is a bit confusing...otherwise it's awesome!
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06/23/2005 05:18:35 PM
Nice. Real metal. It needs something. That shoud have shine.
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06/23/2005 12:19:32 AM
great concept - although I would have liked a closeup of a droplet more
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06/22/2005 02:26:48 PM
Interesting shot. Brings some relief to all the hard iron and steel images. Funny title. Just a little cold... but then, it is metal.
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06/22/2005 02:20:11 PM
What's an R2? Good photo. I wish it was a bit more reflective though.
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06/22/2005 08:23:33 AM
good one, but the idea need to be more developed
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06/22/2005 01:25:15 AM
mercury! curious, but did u try shooting them on a standstill? i know they create very nice shine and shape. also, it would have been nicer if the big blop on the right-center of the photo is shining instead of appearing "black"
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06/22/2005 12:35:09 AM
I hoped someone would photograph mercury because it is so cool looking. I think this picture could improve a little if you didn't have the glare from the lights/flash. Also a closer shot that showed the texture of the metal would have been nice.
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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