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My mates ride
My mates ride

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Obsolete (Basic Editing III)
Camera: Nikon D70
Location: wynuum
Date: Jun 23, 2005
Aperture: 0
ISO: 0
Shutter: 0
Galleries: Sports, Action
Date Uploaded: Jun 23, 2005

hey this is a mates photo, we can't remember the setting so we just put in 0. Is there anything we can do to make this photo look better. We have added a little contrast and a little brightness. Thanks

Place: 437 out of 453
Avg (all users): 3.5740
Avg (commenters): 3.6957
Avg (participants): 3.4140
Avg (non-participants): 3.7833
Views since voting: 1043
Views during voting: 434
Votes: 277
Comments: 29
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
07/05/2005 04:56:31 AM
Cool picture, but why is this obsolete?
07/05/2005 12:09:50 AM
Nice ride. The upper right part of the hood is overexposed and the picture is tilted to much.
07/04/2005 04:05:57 PM
How is this obsolete?
07/03/2005 05:05:16 PM
I cant grasp the 'Obsolete' in this photo
07/03/2005 03:34:33 PM
obsolete hey?
07/03/2005 02:27:30 PM
if you would care to explain this one too me, i'd be most obliged.
07/03/2005 01:34:09 AM
07/02/2005 11:50:29 PM
Nice picture, but how is this obsolete?
07/02/2005 12:27:45 PM
as obsolete as every internal combustion engine, I suppose... but I'll bet you a new camera body that you get a LOT of comments about "NOT obsolete"...
Nice ride, nice pic. Love the sky
07/02/2005 11:55:08 AM
Not seeing the obs in this. Nice lighting and well composed.
07/02/2005 05:27:19 AM
nice angle and comp, but the sky's too blown, I like the take on the challenge though!
07/02/2005 02:49:38 AM
? Obsolete? I don't see how this fits the challenge.
07/02/2005 12:57:22 AM
I'm sorry. I don't get the obsolete at all. Nice shot, though. (5)
07/01/2005 10:17:13 AM
How is this obsolete?
07/01/2005 08:59:47 AM
I don't really think this fits the challenge!
06/30/2005 10:44:22 AM
Doesn't seem to fit the challenge, nice picture though.
06/29/2005 06:50:55 PM
Normally, I'd say straighten up the horizons, but in this case, I'd actually tilt it even more anticlockwise - it'd give more strength to the feel of the car driving out of the photo with the viewer behind the wheel! The sky is over bright, though.
06/29/2005 06:00:53 PM
This snap does not show the damage, uselessness or anything to do with obsolete. Perhaps an after shot if totaled, or a copy of the police report if stolen may have been more appropriate. Otherwise gr8 pic and very nice ride. Needs custom artwork on the hood though.
06/29/2005 05:13:28 PM
This would be a good picture for a car ad. The reflections on the car are nice. The angle is nice. I just think you might be pushing the obsolete a little bit.
06/29/2005 04:21:09 PM
No sure how this fits into the challenge.
06/29/2005 02:16:12 PM
Nice tongue in cheek. Curious to see if everyone gets it. Otherwise, the sky may be too white and highlights overblown? I'm not an expert and I don't know if I'm describing this properly.
06/29/2005 01:27:19 PM
I am at a loss as to how this is old, obsolete, broken... And what is the relevance of the title? It could be anyones car.
06/29/2005 11:51:25 AM
and your mate`s ride is obsolete because?? how can you enrty a competition with a photo in which you put no effort or inspiration?? i mean, nice ride but come on...
06/29/2005 11:46:19 AM
Very nice.................... But is it obsolete.....................
06/29/2005 09:52:12 AM
06/29/2005 08:23:55 AM
Very nice, very nice old school car done up. I love nissan exas 1980 model is it.
06/29/2005 07:17:37 AM
Perhaps I'm missing the point, but how is a modern(ish) car obselete?
06/29/2005 07:08:40 AM
Nothing obsolete here. As bling-blingy and pimped out as they get. A sign of the times.
06/29/2005 06:55:12 AM
it's a Pulsar, that ain't obsolete. (sorry 350z owner here and nissan fan)

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