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Jungle Gym
Jungle Gym

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Leading Lines II (Advanced Editing IV)
Camera: Canon EOS-20D
Lens: Canon EF 75-300mm f/4.0-5.6 III
Location: Queen Creek, AZ
Date: Jun 26, 2005
Aperture: f/9
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/160 sec
Galleries: Architecture
Date Uploaded: Jun 26, 2005


Place: 264 out of 275
Avg (all users): 4.3702
Avg (commenters): 4.5000
Avg (participants): 4.2314
Avg (non-participants): 4.5175
Views since voting: 882
Views during voting: 291
Votes: 235
Comments: 9
Favorites: 0

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07/07/2005 12:07:08 PM
*Critique Club*

This is a nice focused entry, but maybe not the best choice of subject. Let me tell you why. A jungle gym does have MANY lines. There are so many that lead in SO MANY directions that your eye is lead all over the place instead of one direction. I think that is why you rec. a under 5 score. It is not because of your ability, just a bad choice for the challenge. It would be very hard to take a shot of a jungle gym and not have too many leading lines.

Picture as is... what I would have done to improve this shot if I had to enter it is... I would have straightend it. Since Advanced Editing was allowed I would have removed most of the un-needed bars in the background so the viewer could focus on the bars leading to the platform. The colors are nice as they are. I don't know how much better votes you would get by making any changes though.

I think that in future challenges you should just keep trying, don't give up and most important thing that I always keep in mind is, is my message that I am trying to communicate with my picture clear? Is there anything at all in the frame that shouldn't be there or I don't like? If so, re-shoot. Just keep trying different angles and lighting until you are not just happy with your entry, but thrilled with it. Man that is good! I should practice what I preach. Good luck in future contest!

Mandy the fotolady
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
07/02/2005 11:45:16 PM
I think I see what you are trying to do with this shot, but it's not horribly interesting of a composition overall. Your lines are kinda confusing. My eye has no where to rest. The time of day was not the optimal for this shot. The harshness of the light makes shadows that do not add to the composition. The shot is also crooked. Not enough to be artsy, but enough to be distracting.
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07/02/2005 10:35:03 AM
This looks to be a little off-centre and leaning to the right. I find myself leaning over in my chair to look at it.
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07/01/2005 02:59:46 PM
Nice exposure, especially in the shadows, under the top. These lines lead well in to the photograph, but there seems to be subject matter lacking at the point of interest. Also, the photo seems to tilt to the right. I don't know if it was intended, but it is distracting.
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07/01/2005 12:50:49 PM
There are too many conflicting lines here which really detract from the leading lines in the foreground. If not for those, I think this could have been much better.
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06/30/2005 10:38:26 PM
Just way to busy for me.
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06/30/2005 04:14:10 PM
i like the use of lines, the picture being crooked detracts, however.
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06/30/2005 01:56:29 AM
Focus and exposure here are good. I think this could be an interesting subject that does fit the challenge IMO. In this case, the shot seems a little busy to me. Maybe a different angle/perspective could be a simpler, stronger presentation? Also, I find the slight tilt a little disturbing. I think this is a case where care should be taken to ensure a level 'horizon', or if you use a editing program, it may have an 'arbitrary rotation', I know in photoshop there is. You can choose this under the rotate image command, and use the ruler tool to rotate any number of degrees, not just 90 or 100. One last thing, this maybe an instance where including a child, or person may increase the interest/appeal factor of the photo. (I know, that sounds stupid, like a child is not a person :-), anyway, I hope you know what I mean)
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06/29/2005 12:22:18 PM
nice lines, but a little boring.
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