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 This image was disqualified from the Leading Lines II challenge.
The Man on the Phone
The Man on the Phone

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Leading Lines II (Advanced Editing IV)
Camera: Canon EOS-20D
Lens: Canon EF 28-135mm f/3.5-5.6 IS USM
Location: ExCeL London
Date: Jun 25, 2005
Date Uploaded: Jun 26, 2005

wow and blimey! i am genuinely surprised at the outcome of this! woo! thanks very much for all the lovely comments during and after the challenge.

few key things about the shot:
1. this is a total fluke, as it was taken as a random walking about shot (i originally went to this area with the intention of shooting the thames barrier from barrier park; this tunnel leading to the Docklands Light Railway is just half a mile to the north)
2. the blur is all photoshop; i applied the radial blur to all but the guy in the distance.
3. i had to clone out the light fittings from the roof as when blurred, they leave unsightly black smudges
4. i applied a little diffuse glow to the pavings; no particular reason, just liked how it looked.
5. i was asked by the security to leave soon after this shot (apparently, even though it a station, the land is owned by ExCeL (Exhibition Centre London) and they're a bit uppity when it comes to people wandering around with a camera. fascists.

totoally thrilled with the result; it's just exactly 100 entries since my other ribbon!

oh, and apologies for the crap title; couldn't think of anything less literal.
Disqualification Details
Cloning, dodging, burning, etc. to improve your photo or remove imperfections or minor distracting elements, etc. is acceptable. However, using any editing tools to duplicate, create, or move major elements of your photograph is not permitted.

Views since voting: 4012
Views during voting: 444
Comments: 72
Favorites: 21 (view)

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07/06/2005 02:09:05 PM
DQ or not, I really like the mood & effect here.
Certainly one I would be proud to have in my portfolio.
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07/05/2005 11:05:12 AM
Sorry to see this DQ'd. It's wonderful as I said before.

I know the DQ still stings, but if you would be so kind as to post the original pre-editing, we can all learn from this what the site council thinks is too much editing.
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07/05/2005 10:59:25 AM
Sorry David, I do know how you must feel. I had a fourth place DQ'd and felt the same things I've seen you expressing in the forums. So happy to have your work accepted and then to have it yanked out from underneath you is a tough rollercoaster to ride.

I continue to wonder what to do with DPC feedback. I always feel better after a DQ to go sell the print as many times, for as much as I can extract, as possible. This has indeed been my salve for my Ansel Adams wounds, and one other.

My point is, you created a great photo, you thought you were within the guidelines (so do I) and you won critical acclaim from your peers. I've appreciated your openess and candor too. Congrats on a fine artistic achievement, and a great finish. You've still got the ribbon in my book - for what that's worth.

(edited for clarity)

Message edited by author 2005-07-05 11:02:15.
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07/05/2005 09:24:08 AM
So sorry about the DQ! Regardless of whether you fit the editing rules, I repeat my comment made while voting: this still is my favorite picture in the challenge. I love everything about it. Please post in your portfolio so that I can mark it as a favorite!
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07/05/2005 01:50:10 AM
Very very sorry about your DQ.It still a ribbon in my book. Beautiful shot. Much success
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07/05/2005 12:35:51 AM
you need to put this picture in your profile somewhere. it got rid of it in my favorites. i'd like to be able to mark it again.
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07/04/2005 10:54:50 PM
Too bad, but it's still a fantastic shot, ribbon or no ribbon. :-) Just keep telling yourself that over and over and eventually it'll hopefully get better. ;-)
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07/04/2005 08:19:08 PM
David... Sorry about the DQ! No matter what you do you can't get an uncontested winner! Just know you are a really good photographer and that some image you really don't care much about or you don't put much work into will probably win you the blue ribbon... That is what happened to me. Keep trying!
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07/04/2005 06:25:32 PM
remember and change your profile! You've scored 2 ribbons now (",)
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07/04/2005 11:41:10 AM
Congratulations on the ribbon - so what do I know about photography!
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07/04/2005 10:58:40 AM
Congrats on the ribbon! Sure hope this time someone doesn't come along and try to claim you ripped off their photograph again for this entry like they tried with your telephone booth ribbon winner. :)
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07/04/2005 10:26:57 AM
Congrats on the ribbon with this stunning image....
07/04/2005 10:03:16 AM
Knew this would ribbon! Congrats! GREAT shot!
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07/04/2005 09:38:27 AM
Really well deserved! Compliments! :)
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07/04/2005 07:08:32 AM
first thought...wow! :)
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07/04/2005 06:47:28 AM
congrats on your ribbon!

this might make a good tutorial...care to post up your original, for comparison?
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07/04/2005 05:16:08 AM
This one I liked the most of the top three. Congratulations on the red ribbon !
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07/04/2005 04:34:50 AM
Absolutely fantastic shot ! Congratulations on your ribbon !
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07/04/2005 01:44:39 AM
Terrific and dramatic image! Congratulations on a well deserved ribbon.
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07/04/2005 01:22:25 AM
Congratulations on a red ribbon,this image has awsome depth,well done
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07/04/2005 12:52:39 AM
David: you are an artist. I had attributed this image to "Imagineer" Congratulations on your Red. This is one image to be proud of.
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07/04/2005 12:36:02 AM
Congrats on 2nd place!!! Imagination is a great thing!!!
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07/04/2005 12:35:57 AM
I'm really glad to see you survived the sharpness police and took a well-deserved ribbon. Congrats!
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07/04/2005 12:17:18 AM
Very very neat. I didn't see this in voting week but I would have wished it a ribbon had I :). Congrats on such a nice shot and the ribbon!
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07/04/2005 12:15:47 AM
Wow, this is a great shot. I love the composition, colors, and sense of motion. Congratulations on the red!
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07/04/2005 12:06:21 AM
Congrats on a great shot! I sure hope this radial blur was done in camera and not like mine which was in PS and got DQ'd!!
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07/04/2005 12:03:49 AM
Verrrrrry Cool! I didn't get a chance to vote on it, but it's a winner in my book! Congrats. Into my favs!
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07/04/2005 12:02:43 AM
Congrats, well done. An excellent shot and well deserved.
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07/04/2005 12:02:41 AM
Clever. Congratulations!
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
07/03/2005 10:17:26 PM
Meets the challenge head on with quite a flair!
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07/03/2005 09:29:07 PM
Fantastic!! Whether this blur was achieved in camera (I'm guessing it was) or via PS matters not. It just really rocks. The lines, the subject and the light are really great. Bumping to a 10
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07/03/2005 07:40:36 PM
An outstanding image with that "in" modern look. Bumping up.
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07/03/2005 05:34:33 AM
I like your interpretation of the subject, excellently done.
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07/03/2005 03:33:19 AM
i'm interested to see how you achieved the motion in this. the image as a whole is edgy and creative. full marks for creativity. keeping the person as sharp as you did must have been a feat with the longer exposure. very well done.
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07/03/2005 02:37:42 AM
I like this a lot, the inage is dynamic and together iwth the title full of suspense.
The zoom lines are great.
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07/02/2005 11:21:16 PM
Radial blur technique? Different!
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07/02/2005 08:15:01 PM
A perfect entry for the challenge! :)
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07/02/2005 05:44:16 PM
Alternative title: "Communication"

Get the feeling like I"m the person on the other end of the line talkign to the man on the phone! Fantastic idea and brilliantly executed. You've created great rhthym here, the tones are great.

10 from me!

Good luck,
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07/02/2005 12:05:17 PM
easily my favorite shot. one of the better pictures i've seen in the challenges in a while.
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07/01/2005 07:00:47 PM
Wow... excellent job. This is a winner for sure.
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07/01/2005 05:12:38 PM
Wonderful aura of calm and serenity to this shot. I can almost imagine being on the phone in a tunnel such as this and speaking to someone I love and that discussion being so central to me that everything around me falls silent in my head and I hardly notice the details... A great image! 10
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07/01/2005 12:16:48 PM
COOL zoom efeckt!!! This one is gonna go far! my second 10 in this challenge
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07/01/2005 11:28:51 AM
Yes another excellent image. I like the effect, soft and smooth. I'll be coming back after the voting period to see how this was achieved. Very impressed.
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07/01/2005 10:16:35 AM
cool picture
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06/30/2005 05:50:24 PM
Centering works here. Beautiful soft focusing (motion blur) and the addition of the person in the middle completes the story.
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06/30/2005 03:09:55 PM
I really like the zoom blur effect here and I think that having the man on the 'phone slightly offcentre really makes this stand out.
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06/30/2005 06:43:31 AM
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06/30/2005 01:58:20 AM
Well done. Nice lights and darks, clear figure in the center. Top 10. Good luck!
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06/29/2005 10:25:00 PM
Beautiful shot... Good luck in the competition!
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06/29/2005 07:56:03 PM
My favorite of this challenge
great work
i wouldn't even start to pick holes in it, I think it is perfect
good luck
hope to see this at the top of the pile.
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06/29/2005 03:36:14 PM
Wowza! You may get hammered on softness, but I think this is absolutely wonderful. Certainly, it meets the challenge.
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06/29/2005 08:35:35 AM
one of the best, keep going good luck, its realy nice
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06/29/2005 07:34:23 AM
Great attempt, sorry but it doesn't quite come off for me, 6
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06/28/2005 08:30:49 PM
I think this is one of the most unique shots in this challenge. Fantastic use of perspective/converging lines. Outstanding work. 10
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06/28/2005 06:22:57 PM
This totally rocks! I love it!
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06/28/2005 03:06:19 PM
It's a little extreme for my tastes, but still an awesome photo and effect. I love the two people at the end of the tunnel, my eyes do go directly to them.
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06/28/2005 01:25:35 PM
I really like this shot. I just don't like the title - you can't tell he is on the phone. Nice shot!
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06/28/2005 06:24:08 AM
my favorite for this challenge 10
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06/28/2005 05:12:59 AM
Good work
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06/28/2005 01:21:58 AM
Nice pic - I don't like the title, though, b/c the man is too small to really see that he's on the phone
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06/28/2005 12:57:34 AM
well done!
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06/27/2005 09:53:31 PM
This is a gerat shot and I'm sure that it will do very well. The only thing that prevented me from giving it a 10 was that I wish the subject (the man) was a little more clearly defined. Still a very nice pic though.
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06/27/2005 04:06:31 PM
Wow..now that's a cool shot! Love the rush of movement your lines give..they create a real sense of urgency.
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06/27/2005 01:48:52 PM
This is so interesting looking. I'm wondering just where this is and what you were doing to capture this. I love it.
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06/27/2005 01:43:18 PM
Love this shot
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06/27/2005 01:24:05 PM
great sense of movement conveyed.
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06/27/2005 01:11:30 PM
very dramatic picture, like it a lot
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06/27/2005 12:09:03 PM
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06/27/2005 11:44:00 AM
Probably my favorite photo in this challenge. There's nothing to not like! 10
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06/27/2005 09:24:03 AM
awesome blur. 10 and i hope this ribbons.
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06/27/2005 04:52:22 AM
Fantastic - this is a winner for me.
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06/27/2005 12:14:38 AM
Very cool.
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