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10/15/2005 01:19:10 AM |
I like the compositions, but I also wish the book cover had more impact in the photo. |
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07/06/2005 01:59:01 AM |
To clarify to everyone about so much religion in the world. I believe the callenge stated somthing that has "outlived it's usefulness". The definition to me had nothing to do with how often the item is still used. I expected to get slammed for my beliefs though so no hard feelings. All in the eye of the beholder.
Message edited by author 2005-07-06 02:01:45. |
Comments Made During the Challenge  |
07/05/2005 08:23:42 PM |
nice layout, but I wish the book's face would have come through a bit clearer. I have to strain to read "holy bible" and I would have liked to see it just pop out. |
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07/05/2005 08:00:12 PM |
This is a well done and beautiful image but Religion will never be obsolete. If this met the challenge I would have given it a 9. 6 |
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07/05/2005 05:09:50 PM |
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07/04/2005 11:36:57 PM |
If religion is obsolete, our little world is in deeper trouble than I thought. (Or, if it's obsolete, please tell those jihad boys over closer to Mecca. Maybe we can end a few wars and save a lot of lives... )
some burned out highlights on the bottom two fingers, but an interesting composition nonetheless. |
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07/04/2005 01:23:29 AM |
Sorry, I have to disagree. Prayer and religion are not obsolete, there are 4 churches, 1 sybagouge and i Mosque within 2 miles of my home. Great composition and exposure on this image thouigh. |
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07/03/2005 05:18:25 PM |
What a great idea!!! So true... No doubt this will get a ribbon!!! |
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07/03/2005 05:08:44 PM |
Though I myself am not religious, those who are might disagree. |
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07/03/2005 12:25:08 PM |
Interesting interpretation , would have liked to see the lighting balanced out a bit more ... the thumb and the holy bible for instance could have been better lit. Creative idea though. |
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07/01/2005 09:24:24 PM |
considering the world still contains billions of believers of one religion or another, I'd hardly call it obsolete. nicely done pic tho |
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07/01/2005 09:19:57 PM |
I can't very well grasp your way of thinking that religion is obsolete, when half the world is fighting over it till this very day and will be till the end of days. I'm sorry, but it doesn't tell me anything and therefor I'll rate it a 4 |
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07/01/2005 05:11:17 PM |
Wow now thats controversial! I don't know that I agree with you, but kudos for having the courage to enter this pic! Ohh and very well done. |
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07/01/2005 03:49:08 PM |
While I in no way believe that Christianity is obsolete, I do like the photo as it is well lit and looks sincere. Nice. |
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07/01/2005 03:29:46 PM |
Was it ever "in fashion"? |
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07/01/2005 01:00:10 PM |
Religion is obsolete now? My faith is the ONLY thing that keeps me going and striving everyday. Nice technical peice though. Love the lighting and the light sepia tone. |
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07/01/2005 10:11:33 AM |
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07/01/2005 09:16:50 AM |
good picture, The one fingernail bugs me though. 6 |
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07/01/2005 03:29:13 AM |
I think that some people in high places would definitively disagree that your subject has outlived its usefulness. It can be used in elections, lawmaking, and court ruling... but still an interesting and brave concept. What is useful to some may be outlived to others.
Technically, i'm not the favourite of the colour tone you picked - it makes the skin on the hands look too unnatural. Also, minor distraction is the clipped fingernail on the ring finger - probably was broken - but a distraction nevertheless. 6. |
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06/30/2005 11:55:24 PM |
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06/30/2005 06:35:48 AM |
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06/30/2005 03:41:25 AM |
Right. Guns are in...??? 3. |
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06/29/2005 09:51:57 PM |
nice shot.. (but i disagree with the message.) 7
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06/29/2005 05:59:17 PM |
I may have went for a different angle with the lighting.. I find the words "holy bible" hard to read (but maybe its just my monitor). I think it is an overall good shot, and I hope you don't get hit too hard score wise due to the topic you chose. |
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06/29/2005 04:53:08 PM |
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06/29/2005 03:29:21 PM |
Politics, war and work should also be declared obsolete, however as all of the aforementioned as well as religion is practiced my millions I feel it is out of context with the challenge. |
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06/29/2005 02:22:10 PM |
Nice capture. not exactly obsolete, though. |
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06/29/2005 01:36:31 PM |
Ahhhhhh. . . .not obsolete at all. . . but I like your photo. The lighting is so appealing on the young hands, and the color tones make this one of the nicest composed images I've seen so far. 8 |
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06/29/2005 12:26:12 PM |
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06/29/2005 10:21:41 AM |
Ok, I was waiting for a politica statement. Sorry, doesn't work for me. |
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06/29/2005 08:02:38 AM |
Sorry but this does not meet the challenge, how can the number 1 selling book every year including the last year, be obsolete??? Bears thinking about. |
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06/29/2005 07:18:03 AM |
Oooooo, you are going to get hammered by the bible thumpers for this one. Howe ever, I atotally agree with what you are saying here: religion is taking a hammering as people get disillusioned by it. Good toning. |
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06/29/2005 07:07:04 AM |
Sad, but true. Nice image, and very well done. <8> |
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