Open each thumbnail and switch between them in the taskbar.
Adjustments were all basic, using Photoshop 7.0 (I'm at home - CS2 at work)
* Image, rotation, arbitrary, 0.3 degrees CCW.
* Levels, Options, default 0.5 & 0.5
* Brought down brightness & brought up contrast a little.
* Hue/Saturation, Yellow, Hue to the right a little, saturation to the right a little and brighness down a bit.
* Hue/Saturation, Green, saturation up a bit, brightness down
* Image, Adjustments, slective, Yellow & Green, bottom slider, and increased black levels a little.
* Image, Mode, Labcolor, Brightness channel, Unsharp mask 50, 0.3, 0
repeat USM again, Image, mode RGB.
* Redid framing as close as I could to match yours.
This is just a real quick 3-4 minute edit just for comparison sake.
Nice & serene composition.
Suggestion to better this:
1) Though it may be horizontally correct, the landscape makes it seem off. Perhaps a minor CCW rotation would ease the eye a little.
2) Bring the darkness down a little, and the contrast up a little to give it a little more punch.
3) In your software, try this: Take the Hue of the yellow channel and tweak it a little to the green side, up the saturation and bring down the darkness of the same. This will shift the yellowish cast to a darker green, making the image richer in appearance.
After the challenge, feel free to contact me and I can show you how to take the great potential in a shot like this and really make it come alive.