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stopped trains
stopped trains

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Transportation (Classic Editing)
Camera: Minolta DiMAGE 7i
Location: San Jose Ca
Date: Apr 26, 2003
Aperture: 1:8.0
ISO: 125
Shutter: 1/2000
Galleries: Architecture, Travel
Date Uploaded: Apr 29, 2003


Place: 235 out of 246
Avg (all users): 3.9186
Avg (commenters): 4.0870
Avg (participants): 3.7759
Avg (non-participants): 4.0762
Views since voting: 990
Votes: 221
Comments: 24
Favorites: 0

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05/12/2003 10:43:38 AM
*Critique Club*

FIRST IMPRESSION: Good idea for the challenge, but the shot is way too dark in my opinion.

CHALLENGE: Meets the challenge.

COMPOSITION: There is a lot of wasted space in this shot in my opinion. This shot would have been better if you could have moved in or zoomed closer to your subject.

TECHNICAL: This shot is so dark that most of the detail is lost. A 1/2000 sec exposure is far too short at F/8 for this light.

CONCLUSION: An interesting theme. More experimentation with exposure times and aperture and excluding extraneous items may help strengthen your photography.

Thanks for sharing and good luck in future challenges!
 Comments Made During the Challenge
05/06/2003 08:18:20 PM
good composition from what I can see, but far too dark to get the real details of the shot.
05/06/2003 03:08:54 PM
That's really, really dark.
05/06/2003 10:27:06 AM
good job but i think its to dark
05/05/2003 10:12:17 PM
horrible exposure, there are no highlights, and too much shadow,
05/05/2003 12:18:52 PM
Photo is a dark overall, I maybe wouldn't have gone black and white on this. Maybe bump up the gamma. I like your silhoutte and composition. This pic definitely has potential.
05/04/2003 08:18:36 PM
I think it would have been a good entry. Two negatiives are the darkness and the leveling.
05/04/2003 07:51:56 AM
Too dark...
05/03/2003 09:47:28 PM
oh oh oh too dark to me
05/03/2003 07:03:14 AM
Nice subject however seems too dark. Iit looks like the sky was really nice that day, so maybe more sky and lass black foreground.
05/03/2003 03:49:51 AM
A bit to dark
05/02/2003 01:36:57 PM
I like the tracks across the forground, but they are too dark. Perhaps you were trying to get definition in the sky - but the tracks are important to see well too - they give a feeling of direction, motion.
05/02/2003 08:09:48 AM
It's a bit on the dark side. Could have done with some more exposure here. With a bit more light, you could have done something interesting with the nice contrast between the tracks/ground/shadows and the car rooftops and the sky.
05/01/2003 07:29:43 PM
this is an incredibly dark image. perhaps your shutter speed was too short? or maybe the aperature too large (in number. not in actual opening). The clouds are puffy, which makes me believe it was a nice day out.
05/01/2003 02:24:53 PM
A little dark, but interesting
05/01/2003 12:18:04 PM
Looks like it could have been a good shot but way too dark for me. Maybe use of levels or curves to lighten it up some.
04/30/2003 03:51:17 PM
I feel this shot could have done with brightening - it seems very dim as it is here. On a more positive note, the use of b&w works well here.
04/30/2003 02:34:41 PM
nice idea but a bit too dark.
04/30/2003 11:39:14 AM
I'm guessing that evaluative metering was used here which makes the foreground and part of the trains very dark. There are two ways that would bring the train out more.

1. Take a reading (evaluative) with less sky in the picture, lock the exposure and recompose - all done with the shutter button pressed half way. Then push the shutter button the rest of the way.

2. (Easier) Use spot metering on the area of the picture you want to expose for, recompose and take the picture.
04/30/2003 11:38:06 AM
Quite dark, but the darkness doesn't really add enough mood to warrant it completely. Perhaps there's a fine line at which the darkness can be present, but we could also get a good sense that we can see the train well. I love how you've used lines here.
04/30/2003 09:20:00 AM
It's a bit too dark for my taste.
04/30/2003 04:17:45 AM
A little to dark
04/30/2003 03:00:23 AM
its very dark, maybe you should lighten it a little
04/30/2003 01:15:43 AM
Lightening up the brightness on this would have helped it considerably.

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