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Rolling Coils
Rolling Coils

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Transportation (Classic Editing)
Camera: Minolta DiMAGE 7i
Location: Altoona, PA
Date: Apr 28, 2003
Aperture: f 5.5
ISO: 1/500
Shutter: 100
Galleries: Cityscape, Snapshot
Date Uploaded: Apr 29, 2003


Place: 146 out of 246
Avg (all users): 4.9543
Avg (commenters): 7.0000
Avg (participants): 4.8378
Avg (non-participants): 5.0741
Views since voting: 836
Votes: 219
Comments: 7
Favorites: 0

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05/13/2003 04:43:45 PM
Critique Club Critique

Title: Rolling Coils, by Doorskidder

Composition: You have taken this picture from a unique vantage point. I am not sure that it was the best for a well-composed picture, as it is hard to tell that the train cars themselves are your main subject. The coils of wire seem to come on the strongest to me.

Technical: Your focus and exposure are very good and you have made good use of available light.

Challenge: With the train cars being the subdued subject meeting the challenge was a little weak in my opinion.

Suggestions: I give you due credit for going out and finding something different and interesting for your entry. I do however suggest that you work with making it even more interesting by tying in the main subject with some other part of the picture to exemplify it. Low angle shots of train tracks and the cars wheels always seem to draw the viewer in for a longer look. I know that my suggestion is somewhat traditional and their is nothing wrong with using your own interpretation and expression, but you will probably find it takes a lot of experimenting to find a new view of an old subject that really stirs the viewer. Keep shooting and good luck in the future.

Bear in mind that I am here to learn, just as many others, and any comments that I have made are not intended to be offensive in any way, and are only constructive criticisms. If you wish to comment or discuss this critique please feel free to do so at any time.
Thank you,
Dick Pattee (Autool)
 Comments Made During the Challenge
05/02/2003 12:27:14 AM
Well composed and executed.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
05/01/2003 07:10:31 AM
It is an interesting photo with good exposure.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
04/30/2003 02:25:06 PM
How is this transportation? Should have focused more on the train and less on the cargo! - 5
04/30/2003 11:14:20 AM
beautiful composition and textures.
Would look great as a black and white too :)
  Photographer found comment helpful.
04/30/2003 10:48:01 AM
Cute titel. The focus is a bit off. Maybe a change in the shutter speed. I do like the composition, and the colors. Good DOF
04/30/2003 12:09:38 AM
Very clear and well focused even the numbers are readable.
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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