I will not contact any of you directly, but I see this all the time when reading comments on challenge photo's, and here are some on mine. For any of you that have intentions of posting a comment on a photo in a challenge, may I suggest you know how the challenge actually states before making comments. Yes the challenge was MACRO V but the rules say for macro or close up photo's. I know most of you understood this, but some didn't that posted here, and for the ones that sent me messages after the voting as well, please read and understand first, then feel free to comment. I have had this on a few of my entries and have seen tons of posts like that declaring it's not within the challenge. True many are not and I can understand those, and I too might comment then, but I try to know what I am talking about first. I am putting this with my picture instead of posting in a forum, because I am sure it would have negative feed back, and look like I am stirring the pot, but I get tired of seeing lack of knowing what the challenge is. Then when I see pictures within the guidelines get trashed and down voted, because the viewer does not know how to interpet the writen word it bothers me.Don't get me wrong I appreciate all comment that are constructive, such as if you see something I could do to improve a shot, then please let me know, after all that is why I am here.
I am here to learn and I can say I have picked up more information from reading every forum and trying new photo technics and PS processing tips, and it really helps, and this I am thankful for |