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Tall Ship
Tall Ship

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Transportation (Classic Editing)
Camera: Olympus C-4000Z
Location: San Fran Bay
Date: Apr 24, 2003
Date Uploaded: Apr 29, 2003


Place: 120 out of 246
Avg (all users): 5.0926
Avg (commenters): 6.2222
Avg (participants): 4.9429
Avg (non-participants): 5.2342
Views since voting: 901
Votes: 216
Comments: 11
Favorites: 0

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05/13/2003 07:55:06 PM
Critique club. Hi Brian

A little more shooting information would have been useful!

Image quality is a pity - all that jpeg compression gives it an out-of-focus feel that is quite annoying to my eye.

This is a snapshot, really - that's the problem I have with it: those people on the tower bottom right, the house the other side, the steamer partially obscuring the ship but only partly visible, the tall ship placed absolutely dead centre frame - all conspire to give the impression that not a great deal of thought went into the composition of the photo. The lighting is quite flat - appears to be the sun behind you, which will always limit any feeling of depth.

for all that, it obviously fits the challenge, and there's a certain stillness to the image that's quite interesting - I think you scored pretty well, really. I see from checking your profile that it's your first entry - plese don't be discouraged - I remember from mymown experience that the low seeming scores are diappointing at first. This really did pretty well.

 Comments Made During the Challenge
05/06/2003 01:56:03 PM
nice boat
05/05/2003 02:34:06 PM
i like the way you set this image up, the background adds nicely to the rest of the image, it also gives it good depth. i also like how you shot the ship, it looks good 6
05/04/2003 08:32:55 PM
Too far away. the extra stuff in the forground distracts. Otherwise a nice photo.
05/02/2003 06:05:13 PM
Oh, if only the sails were up!! The house in the foreground is distracting, but I love the tall ship. I think a different angle would have helped this photo greatly - maybe even at side of the ship looking up at the masts???
05/02/2003 12:23:53 PM
Nice subject, however I find there are too many competing objects in the foreground ... trees/shrbus, houses, etc. Jacko.
04/30/2003 02:28:36 PM
Your image is only 37kb and some jpeg compression is showing. You should do less compressing when you enter the picture because it can be up to 150kb in size. Also you shot could use some post-production, with brightness, levels and contrast set a lot higher. Good luck in the future! - 6
04/30/2003 12:29:49 PM
Like the way you have the steam ship and tall ship together, prehaps closer and a different angle and with more of the steam ship you could have called it "Through the Ages"
04/30/2003 08:54:22 AM
great ship, boy....i think you have a blue cast on this image which digicams are famous for in less than perfect light...photoshop CMYK mode with curves can take care of it though. great scene, great photo.
04/30/2003 07:31:51 AM
fewer bushes would help keep the focus on the subject. too much other stuff in the photo.
04/30/2003 01:09:30 AM
Lovely subject I really like your compsition. I like the green in foreground. Lighting seems a bit dark, other than that, perfect. Good job.

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