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Now THIS, Little Duck, is a Circle!
Now THIS, Little Duck, is a Circle!

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Circle (Basic Editing III)
Camera: Nikon D70
Location: in a land far far away
Date: Jul 5, 2005
Aperture: f/4.2
ISO: 200
Shutter: 3.0s
Galleries: Humorous, Nude
Date Uploaded: Jul 5, 2005

all the usual suspects,
smart sharp

Place: 156 out of 545
Avg (all users): 5.2814
Avg (commenters): 6.9048
Avg (participants): 5.1012
Avg (non-participants): 5.5197
Views since voting: 1412
Views during voting: 415
Votes: 295
Comments: 23
Favorites: 2 (view)

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08/03/2006 02:59:32 AM
Even without the title, I could tell exactly what that wooden man was saying... :-)
Very humourous set up, and well taken.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
07/12/2005 11:33:29 PM
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07/12/2005 07:33:20 PM
Oh boy! Oh boy! Oh boy! i think you've got it. You've covered a lot of bases! BOL 6
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07/12/2005 06:31:05 PM
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07/11/2005 09:40:37 PM
For this contest everyone who has the word âcircleâ in their title is getting a max 10 score. This is a copy and paste version that I am including in every photo that I upgrade to 10 due to the title. We as members of DPchallenge need to be reminded of the topic of the challenge â we really need to reread the topic every time we reach a photo. If circle is in the title and it is appropriate I will give a 10. I am sorry if you do not agree with my method of voting â but scores are all I have.
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07/11/2005 01:02:40 AM
Subject Impact: Low
Meets Challenge: Average
Technical: Average
Composition: Average
Creativity: High

Score: 6
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07/10/2005 03:30:19 AM
Ok - This is good! combination of 3 separate challenges (maybe more?) and your title works for me. 7
For this contest everyone who has the word âcircleâ in their title is getting a lower score. This is a copy and paste version that I am including in every photo that I downgrade due to the title. We as members of DPchallenge know the topic of the challenge â we do not need to reread the topic every time we reach a photo. If circle is in the title and it is appropriate I will most likely not down grade, but it better be good. I am sorry if you do not agree with my method of protest â but scores are all I have.
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07/08/2005 10:04:11 PM
Subject Impact: Could be more powerful
Meets Challenge: Meets Challenge
Technical: Average
Composition: Good
Creativity: Good Idea

Score: 5
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07/08/2005 07:28:01 PM
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07/08/2005 08:20:48 AM
I have to know the subject to keep thinking circle.
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07/06/2005 10:30:19 PM
love it! very nice composition, exposure and focus/depth of field. bumping up
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07/06/2005 08:37:00 PM
HAhahah! This is too cute!
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07/06/2005 06:03:10 PM
Thanks for the chuckle! Every time I viewed this I chuckled and bumped you up another notch. The shot is clear and I like the balance between reflection and directness in the lighting. Could be a little softer on Woody, but the circle is nice. Ducky, well....
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07/06/2005 03:37:12 PM
Fit to challenge criteria: 2/2
Contrast/Colors: 1/2
Photo Quality: 1/2
Composition: 1/2
My subjective affinity: 0/2
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07/06/2005 09:59:54 AM
ah hah, the teacher becomes the teachee... wait that makes no sense.
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07/06/2005 08:13:48 AM
Hey! This looks like the same dejected faceless man from "Obsolete". I am glad the faceless have found a purpose in the education of ducks!
I love the lighting too. This is the first circle picture to really delight me, so I am giving it a 10.

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07/06/2005 07:35:23 AM
Woody and duck together - heaven.
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07/06/2005 05:57:34 AM
Way to combine past elements...
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07/06/2005 04:21:58 AM
Are you quackers? This is the sort of simple clear guidelines we need for those unable or unwilling to read the full challenge descriptions;)
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07/06/2005 03:55:20 AM
Awww...Woody and Ducky. Nicely composed. Good to see some creativity. Lighting seems a bit harsh
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07/06/2005 02:46:25 AM
LOL! I try to get my rubber duck to jump through hoops, but have never succeeded. Nicely done!
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07/06/2005 02:19:32 AM
BRAVO!! Woody does it again. Very clever. So much fun. Love it.
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07/06/2005 12:08:28 AM
Some people never get bored :)
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