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Family Road Trip
Family Road Trip

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Family (Advanced Editing IV)
Camera: Canon PowerShot S1 IS
Location: Between Dallas and Waco, Texas
Date: Jul 5, 2005
Aperture: 2.8
ISO: auto
Shutter: 1/60
Galleries: Family, Travel
Date Uploaded: Jul 6, 2005

Entered this one more for fun than anything. To me it conveys my family, taking long road trips to visit more family!
edits: Auto contrast, auto levels, unsharp mask, and adjusted highlights.

Place: 66 out of 159
Avg (all users): 5.3518
Avg (commenters): 6.0556
Avg (participants): 5.1444
Avg (non-participants): 5.4663
Views since voting: 1258
Views during voting: 371
Votes: 253
Comments: 20
Favorites: 3 (view)

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07/21/2005 08:58:28 PM
This is sooooo familiar...
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
07/17/2005 11:48:14 PM
What a fun picture. It would be fun to see something through the windows and the left side is a bit overblown. I love the feet in the picture though.
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07/16/2005 03:36:54 PM
Excellent - an image that speaks to anyone who has been a parent or a child.
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07/15/2005 02:15:38 PM
The lighting is a bit harsh and it feels a bit to snapshotish, but I think it would be helped out by cropping out the right side of the pictre (everything right of the feet on the back of the chair)
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07/13/2005 06:32:40 PM
i cant help liking this view:-)
it must be the feet i guess
like a bmovie that wont leave my mind
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07/13/2005 01:37:43 PM
Alright! This is my favorite in the challenge...we can all relate to this shot at any age...good lighting, positioning of the kids; love the feet up on the seat...very unique view of family life.
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07/13/2005 02:57:33 AM
hehehe. I love the feet popping up over the seat!
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07/12/2005 04:12:57 PM
awesome eyes there ... I think I would have cropped to those and left out the rest ...
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07/12/2005 08:18:38 AM
Are we there yet?? I know this one and am finished with that age, good luck to you and a cuuuuuuute photo...
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07/12/2005 08:03:07 AM
how many times have i experienced this.. what a memory awakener. Looking at the pic in more detail makes it a pity that the one kid i can see has a lot of blown-out areas that are somewhat distracting. other than that i really like this candid for it's honesty and true reflection of family life.
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07/11/2005 09:20:16 PM
Base Score 5
LCP +2
Top 5 in challenge +1
Total Score 8

Great concept...makes me think back to my family vacations...nicely composed...
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07/11/2005 04:18:26 PM
Cute. How real.
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07/11/2005 03:14:52 PM
What a hoot. The idea is great...right up my alley.
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07/11/2005 10:23:57 AM
I hope you didn't have to listen to "Are we there yet?" too much. I think this is one of the better shots representing 'family' in the challenge. The washed out windows don't even bother me too much as there is enough going on to keep your attention. Nice job! Good luck!
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07/11/2005 09:51:50 AM
Cute kid (the one who can actually be seen in this shot). The side of his face is quite blown, also the child who's head is cut off by this shot was not a good compositional choice. Cropping to just show the feet and the boy on the left would have worked better imo.
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07/11/2005 08:53:14 AM
I love the feet!!! That's really a cute shot. Those blue eyes are gorgeous. On 3nd review, I might suggest cropping the sleeping kiddo on the right since you can't see him/her anyway and you wouldn't lose those darling feet. I'm sticking to my 7 vote though.
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07/11/2005 06:36:18 AM
His eyes are amazing.
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07/11/2005 04:30:42 AM
sorry but this just has no appeal - no WOW - even the boy on the right looks bored with it
07/11/2005 03:34:58 AM
classic. the feet especially make this photo fun and familiar. too bad she(?) didn't lean the other way for a nap to fill in that empty space in the middle. 9.
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07/11/2005 12:43:32 AM
heh.. love the feet sticking up in the back.. don't get a no-seatbelt ticket! :)
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