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 This image was disqualified from the Sports II challenge.
whale watching
whale watching

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Sports II (Basic Editing III)
Camera: Kodak CX6200
Location: Durban, Ushaka marine world
Date: Jul 6, 2005
Date Uploaded: Jul 7, 2005

inverted whale skeleton.
Disqualification Details
You must provide your original photograph when requested, along with the editing steps used to create your submission. This information must be provided within 48 hours of the request. Please review the challenge submission rules.

Views since voting: 613
Views during voting: 578
Comments: 28
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
07/19/2005 05:42:25 PM
1 - DMC - No discernible creativity or effort here for the challenge. Nothing 'sporty' about this at all. No idea what it is.
07/19/2005 02:20:50 PM
Whell, you made me look at this for ages trying to work out what it is. I give up now. As I look at the picture confused, I can't give it a good score, however there is something intriguing about it. 4
07/19/2005 12:44:42 PM
I've looked at this for a little while, but I'm not sure what it is.
07/19/2005 11:37:54 AM
Sorry, I don't see it.
Interesting image, tho. Try again..
07/19/2005 10:17:45 AM
Not too sure what to make of this image, difficult to see what it is exactly
07/19/2005 08:01:12 AM
I dont get it?
07/19/2005 02:42:03 AM
The only thing I can think this might be is a whale skeleton - it really is a bit of a stretch to put this in a sports challenge...
  Photographer found comment helpful.
07/18/2005 10:00:23 PM
Photo is very small. Using the full allowed size available 640 pixels will give voters a better chance to evaluate your work. As it is, it looks over-exposed, or under-exposed since it is a negative image. I can't see what it has to do with a sport or whale watching for that matter. Sorry, 2
07/18/2005 05:14:43 PM
What is it!?
07/18/2005 02:32:41 PM
What is it?
07/17/2005 08:48:34 PM
Interesting and abstract. I am not sure what this is and wouldn't dare even guess. Judi
07/17/2005 07:44:24 PM
well It did catch my attention...still couldn't figure it out ...title was of no help
07/16/2005 06:56:49 PM
sorry, i just don't see it...am i dense :?
07/16/2005 09:57:54 AM
(1-2) Below Average (3) Average (4-5) Above Average
Challenge Relevance : 0 Very imaginative
Contrast / Colors : 1 Overly bright
Creativity / Originality :1 maybe more creative then it appears
Composition / Eye Appeal: can say i would look to long at this one before moving to the next
07/15/2005 06:04:33 PM
too abstract for sports
07/15/2005 11:23:34 AM
I have no idea what I am looking at. Maybe in the post mortem, I will have that moment of enlightenment that will make me regret that I give this a 2.
07/15/2005 05:57:26 AM
while this has all the makings of the type of image i enjoy (especially when produced in camera), there's not enough here detail or size wise for me to really get into the image, let alone relate it to sports action.

however this finishes, don't let it dissuade you. check out this thread and KEEP ON SHOOTING!

Message edited by author 2005-07-20 07:13:18.
07/13/2005 06:19:22 PM
I would like to vote, but need some indication as to what I am seeing. Please help.
07/13/2005 06:18:45 PM
Interesting abstract here. ot too sure if it fits in this challenge but still a nice job. Unfortunately I think it's gonna get pounded.
07/13/2005 05:43:06 PM
i don't get it?
07/13/2005 04:56:15 PM
well you win my brownie for this challenge.
07/13/2005 01:41:33 PM
Very, very interesting. Unsure exactly what it is of but I like it.
07/13/2005 11:27:18 AM
What kind of a sport is this?
07/13/2005 10:45:12 AM
The pic is very small and too much post edit
07/13/2005 05:42:52 AM
no idea what this is and the colours are all weird and funny and it is too bright and hurts my eyes and i still cannot make out what it is so i will not stop staring at it because i have already stared at it for about 3 minutes, they say we must look longer to appreciate and understand the photo but i still cant get it maybe i'm stupid but i really cant get it.
07/13/2005 02:03:28 AM
ask me how you make it full size dOOd, for next time.
07/13/2005 12:16:20 AM
I have no idea what this is.
07/13/2005 12:13:00 AM

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