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King of the Castle
King of the Castle

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Family (Advanced Editing IV)
Camera: Canon EOS-20D
Lens: Canon EF 28-105mm f/4-5.6
Location: Orem, UT
Date: Jul 8, 2005
Aperture: 4.0
ISO: 400
Shutter: 1/20
Galleries: Family, Portraiture
Date Uploaded: Jul 8, 2005


Place: 45 out of 159
Avg (all users): 5.5952
Avg (commenters): 6.8571
Avg (participants): 5.5682
Avg (non-participants): 5.6098
Views since voting: 1440
Views during voting: 488
Votes: 252
Comments: 57
Favorites: 2 (view)

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07/19/2005 10:14:23 AM
Where's Norman Rockwell when you need him?!?

07/18/2005 08:00:42 PM
What the heck!! You got robbed. This is the best photo conveying the idea of a family in the whole challenge.
 Comments Made During the Challenge
07/17/2005 11:46:51 PM
07/17/2005 09:55:34 PM
um....LOL....wasn't expecting to see this! too funny!

07/17/2005 08:12:11 PM
Ha Ha. A delight as long as it not the everyday view!
07/17/2005 02:31:15 PM
Ripping funny. Bumping up.
07/16/2005 12:05:35 AM
Talk about exposure! What a story this tells about family--toddlerss, mom who wears pantyhose and underwire bras, and dad sneaking that moment of focus elsewhere. Thumbs up from me!
07/15/2005 04:28:15 PM
Fit Challenge Criteria: 0/2
Color/Contrast: 2/2
Photo Quallity: 1/2
Composition: 0/2
My Subjective Affinity: 0/2
07/15/2005 07:04:37 AM
HAHAHAHH i LOVE IT...... well done.... 8
07/14/2005 09:47:02 PM
Not everyone's idealised family scene, but the unselfconscious, intimate chaos does unmistakably say "family". Not a beautiful image, but effective, and a lot more memorable than most in this challenge. 7
07/14/2005 07:59:50 PM
ha ha ha! Classic.
07/14/2005 05:40:24 PM
Definitely edgy. Definitely has the marks of the existence of a family. But this really looks like you are trying to portray a different idea - perhaps an escape from family? Maybe a little quiet time? Doesn't do it for me, but this is a well made picture/portrait
07/14/2005 12:57:50 PM
Best shot of the challenge. Only thing I can think of that would have made this better is slightly more DOF making the front drawer a little more in focus. Good job!
07/14/2005 12:50:07 PM
Great image! DOF, POV, composition all work for me. Excellent job. No idea how to make it better - think its already there. 9 - good luck in the challenge!
07/14/2005 12:17:06 PM
what an untidy room! good pic though made me smile.
07/14/2005 10:28:13 AM
Great concept. Not real sure about the quality of the image however you have here one of the best ideas. Worth a extra point just on composition alone.
07/14/2005 09:20:22 AM
yep spells family to me
07/14/2005 02:02:27 AM
I... I... don't know what to say. I have shots like this of my nephew and my son when they were being potty trained - is that what's going on here? ;-) Photographically, it's good for a journalistic type magazine article or something. I may have to come back to this one...
07/13/2005 11:04:11 PM
Yea, pretty good. Lighting excellent.
07/13/2005 05:01:23 PM
there but for the grace of god are we all....great shot and idea....when will our lives ever be our own again...nice job
07/13/2005 05:06:12 AM
great title..great entry!!
07/13/2005 03:08:41 AM
07/12/2005 11:01:36 PM
Subject Impact: High
Meets Challenge: High
Technical: High
Composition: High
Creativity: High

Score: 10

We use to have the bathroom as a place to go hide. Looks like you have to share.... Had to give you the highest on creativity. great job. I needed a laugh.
07/12/2005 03:51:10 PM
highly amusing ... very creative .. glad I don't have to clean up the mess :)
07/12/2005 12:47:31 PM
Yep, this says "Family" to me in a way I understand all too well. I assume it is staged, but I have seen the real thing. Good composition good dof. 9
07/12/2005 12:13:28 PM
A beautifully conceived "candid" of a family man. Two thumbs up for this gem.
07/12/2005 10:32:33 AM
Looks like thes bathroom could use Merry Maids, but I get the idea.
07/12/2005 09:38:20 AM
Oh my gosh! That's funny!
07/12/2005 08:47:50 AM
hahahaha.. a man on his throne. good humour angle for this challenge.
07/12/2005 08:46:17 AM
Interesting idea, but the clutter is distracting. Thanks for the laugh though.
07/12/2005 12:29:46 AM
well. ok. if you say so dear.
07/11/2005 10:28:37 PM
this is my favorite... what a true depiction of family... looks just like mine! give it a 10
07/11/2005 09:46:49 PM
OMG!! LOL So, how does it feel to have a picture of you taking a dump on the internet for everyone to see? Work of art!! Now, enlarge it, frame it, and hang it on the wall. Kudos for humor and originaltiy!! Thanks for the good laugh. Hope everything came out okay.
07/11/2005 09:45:35 PM
this is funny, but it is also gross. I don't want to see someone taking a crap.
07/11/2005 09:13:32 PM
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha! This is my favorite one!
07/11/2005 08:30:34 PM
07/11/2005 06:00:18 PM
omg - what a riot! - Family - oh yeah ... 10!
07/11/2005 02:29:14 PM
Very creative and very well done! All too real! Nice job!
07/11/2005 02:14:03 PM
Now THAT'S funny. :-)
07/11/2005 01:22:04 PM
LOL made me giggle! That definitely looks like a well-lived-in family bathroom.
07/11/2005 01:21:15 PM
oh my! cute, but disturbing just the same! hehe. Great composition and colors, I like it!
07/11/2005 12:44:09 PM
and the sad thing is the bachlore life is just like that
07/11/2005 12:10:49 PM
ROFLMAO! OMG, that is sooo funny! Very clever and certainly meets the challenge well - the family's crap is everywhere! The lighting is a little harsh and the DOF is just okay, but I really like this shot!
07/11/2005 11:43:05 AM
this says "victim" more than "family'! funny photo, the hanging bra is a very nice touch, the letters stuck to the tile, you must have spent hours dressing this set for the shoot
07/11/2005 11:00:37 AM
Can't believe somebody submitted one like this. Some days it's NOT so good to be the king!
07/11/2005 09:48:55 AM
Holy sh...I love it!...the king on his throne...so chaotic yet somehow peaceful if that makes any sort of sense. That clutter is great....love the clutter...makes me feel good to see all that clutter...clutter is normal...clutter is good...I hope this does well and I can't wait to see the other comments. {{{crossing my fingers for you}}}
07/11/2005 09:31:12 AM
This is GREAT! What a funny title and thought! Very original!
07/11/2005 07:05:47 AM
ROFL! Yep that looks like a real family home. Ignoring the question of whether I even want to think about the model doing his business the framing of the walls and clutter is actually really strong and there is (thankfully) so much other than the obvious to look at - the letters and numbers on the tiles, the toys, the laundry and so on. Nice one!
07/11/2005 06:52:06 AM
Really conveys the messiness of family life. Although the technique is a bit off, this concept really speaks to me in many ways. Says it all!
07/11/2005 04:43:02 AM
what's those "womens things" doing near the thone. I like this shot it gives a good insight into a classic family situation, well done.
07/11/2005 02:05:43 AM
sorry - but not a fasmily I would want to be part of. I like the bathroom clean, and the door shut when in use. On a positive note - the colors are well balanced
07/11/2005 02:04:52 AM
you even got the toothpaste in the shot. haha. a kid hiding in the laundry basket would have been frosting on the cake. 10.
07/11/2005 01:16:20 AM
THIS IS HILARIOUS> Somebody has a sense of humor. Put t this in black and white and I might give it a ten. Way to go.
07/11/2005 12:29:42 AM
This is hillarious great job.
07/11/2005 12:20:33 AM
07/11/2005 12:15:12 AM
hmmmm... you have a sense of humor, I'll give you that!
07/11/2005 12:13:00 AM
This is soooooooooooooooo funny! Love it! There's a whole lot goin on in the pic :)

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