DPChallenge: A Digital Photography Contest You are not logged in. (log in or register
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mostly 'armless
mostly 'armless

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Black & White (Classic Editing)
Collection: Challenge Entries
Camera: Canon PowerShot S40
Location: UK
Date: May 29, 2002
Galleries: Abstract, Black and White
Date Uploaded: May 29, 2002


Place: 39 out of 153
Avg (all users): 5.9218
Avg (commenters): 7.1071
Avg (participants): 6.0000
Avg (non-participants): 5.8492
Views since voting: 1900
Votes: 243
Comments: 30
Favorites: 2 (view)

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08/31/2002 12:55:00 PM
06/22/2002 11:42:00 AM
Wow, my highest rated photo so far! Thanks for all the comments! (and votes!) :o)

The hand here was my own, which is why its not been manicured or anything (I still bite my nails sometimes, which is why they don't look so good), and the shot was taken using a complex system of a tripod balanced on a windowsil at night, using the reflection of the LCD screen in the window to position my hand, and lit using a desklamp.

The original shot, pre B&W and cropping, can be seen at //www.manic.nu/hand1a-orig.jpg

The lamp was in shot in order to get the camera's light sensors to darken the rest of the background. I then cropped the lamp out of shot, converted the image to B&W, then played with the colour balance and contrast, so that the glow off the top of my hand was reduced. I didn't crop any closer as I wanted a good amount of black around the hand, to make it look more like it was floating in nothing.

I wasn't intentionally going for an Addams Family theme - I merely saw the reflection of my hand in the window and tried to replicate it, ending up with an image I was very happy with. The only things I feel I could have improve were pointed out in your comments - the lighting on the top of the hand, and on the thumb, plus a bit more focus tweaking.

Thanks again!

Message edited by author 2002-12-14 14:18:13.
 Comments Made During the Challenge
06/09/2002 08:56:00 PM
love that cousin It look! Nails could do with some care. Good picture, like the DOF fading away into the background. Could be cropped tighter ?
06/09/2002 08:01:00 PM
Perfect title. My only complaint is the partly visible bits of the hand near the top. I think the photo might be more bold if the cutoff was more pronounced (though it is quite pronounced as it is!)
06/09/2002 04:34:00 PM
Looks like "thing" from the Adams Family (I'm probably not the first one saying that). Anyhow, I think the picture will have had more impact if there is less black below the hand.
06/09/2002 04:28:00 AM
Good, creative (low budget?) lighting, and well composed.
06/08/2002 02:02:00 PM
A very simple, uncomplicated photograph. Could be a little clearer perhaps, But I like it very much. Husband called it intriguing.
06/07/2002 03:21:00 PM
Cool effect. I think lighting from the side more (or added lighting) might have exposed the finger tips better, but might have ruined the illusion, just a thought. Photo 9 Creativity 9 B&W 9 total 9
  Photographer found comment helpful.
06/07/2002 02:20:00 AM
nice mouse posture! :)
06/06/2002 12:40:00 PM
Interesting. I don't think I'd know how to do that.
06/06/2002 09:24:00 AM
Unique photograph. I think it might have been a little better is the focus was a little stronger, but still an interesting shot.
06/05/2002 11:23:00 PM
"Well I just 'ad to laugh...I saw the photograph..."
--John Lennon

It's mostly that "mostly" qualification which causes me some concern...nice job...
06/04/2002 11:23:00 PM
Cousin IT! Great photo.. the 'glow' on the top of the hand is really nice! This is one of my favorites this week... GREAT SHOT!
06/04/2002 06:51:00 PM
The disembodied hand.
06/04/2002 03:38:00 AM
First of all, i have to love this because of the Douglas Adams reference! Brilliant. Then, I love it because of the horrible pun. I find this funny and original, not to mention the great lighing.
06/04/2002 02:52:00 AM
witty title
06/04/2002 12:06:00 AM
06/03/2002 11:20:00 PM
06/03/2002 09:24:00 PM
the thing lives nice contrast
06/03/2002 08:43:00 PM
great job, looks like a portrait of "Thing" (Adam's Family) :) Wish nails were manicured, the thumb was lit up slightly and top left of hand/wrist darkened other than those very picky wishes it's really good
06/03/2002 06:02:00 PM
Neat pix---wish it had more depth of field.Looks like the hand was moving slightly.
06/03/2002 05:29:00 PM
Neat b&w. Fun work, simple and clever. Little more focus. Good job.
06/03/2002 05:10:00 PM
Very artistic
06/03/2002 02:52:00 PM
Is that line from Douglas Adams?
06/03/2002 01:21:00 PM
Great job at blackening the background, awesome idea too.
06/03/2002 12:11:00 PM
Hey didn't I see you in a movie! I'm starting to think my monitor is a bit fuzzy cause this is the third picture I see that I think needs some focus.
06/03/2002 08:38:00 AM
06/03/2002 06:17:00 AM
Ten for creativity!! Well done and well thought of!!
06/03/2002 05:49:00 AM
Cool idea - tips of fiungers aren't quite sharp enough.
06/03/2002 04:10:00 AM
WOW~~ The "HAND"

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