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My Angel
My Angel

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Family (Advanced Editing IV)
Camera: Canon EOS-20D
Lens: Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 II
Location: At home.
Date: Jul 10, 2005
Aperture: F/2.8
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/124th
Galleries: Family, Portraiture
Date Uploaded: Jul 9, 2005

OK, So not a family, but a very important part of mine!

I didn't think I'd be taking anything else in the time frame that even got close to family, and I really like this shot, so had to share.

Phoebe was playing with in an old combine harvester cabin in a shed at home.

Editing in the gimp on linux, shot in JPG, then:

- USM diameter 40, effect .18
- Dodged & burned a little as there was a hot-spot and one side of her face was a little dark.
- USM diameter .3 effect 1.1
- Curves adjustment for better contrast.
- new layer, colour balance blue & green + 40, and desat 30. layer mask to get correct skin tone back.
- Another new layer, from before the blue-green cast with mask for jacket, desat 20.
- Flatten layers
- Crop slightly to get rid off distractions on the right.
- Scale
- Sharpen 28
- Save to meet 150k rule..

Done. Phew. Lots more editing that I normally do, but I was aiming for a 'look' with this shot that I think I got. Probably would have worked better with a darker background, but heck, I think it's cool.. She's my Angel.

Place: 62 out of 159
Avg (all users): 5.3976
Avg (commenters): 6.7778
Avg (participants): 5.1905
Avg (non-participants): 5.5030
Views since voting: 986
Views during voting: 370
Votes: 249
Comments: 18
Favorites: 1 (view)

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
07/17/2005 02:35:11 PM
And what an angel. Bumping up.
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07/15/2005 02:33:28 PM
Only thing is the lighting seems a bit harsh for the subject. You might try making the little girl the very right side of the frame, and cropping out an inch or two of the left side to get rid of some of the harsh feel. A nice pic though regardless
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07/14/2005 05:32:18 PM
This brings nostalgia to an old dad. You have captured a classic expression here that I know very well.
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07/14/2005 02:50:39 AM
Awwww. She looks so serious. But seriously cute. MAKE HER smile. ;-)
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07/13/2005 11:11:22 PM
I love the expression on the face of this little charmer, nice capture
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07/12/2005 05:35:12 PM
This is one of my favorites in the challenge. I love the colors and the expression on her face. She's adorable.
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07/12/2005 02:19:45 PM
hehe.. I recognize this little girl. such a sad face here. She must not like the winters in New Zealand :)
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07/12/2005 01:53:19 PM
Fit to challenge criteria: 2 /2
Contrast/Colors: 1/2
Photo Quality: 2/2
Composition: 1/2
My subjective affinity: 0/2
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07/12/2005 01:38:35 AM
your angel is not that impressed with you right now;-) great pic for this challenge
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07/11/2005 04:20:31 PM
She indeed is an angel. Look at her sweet face. I am a sucker for emotive photos.

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07/11/2005 02:41:18 PM
Wow, there have been some great shots in thsi challenge. I have given lots of 7, 8, & 9's. This is my first 10. Well composed & exposed. Lovely expression. Well done.
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07/11/2005 12:38:13 PM
Sweet baby portrait. The skin tones and colors are well captured.
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07/11/2005 11:18:55 AM
Nice composition. Sweet picture.
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07/11/2005 09:03:46 AM
Nice composition,,,,colour, lines and child's expression
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07/11/2005 07:44:36 AM
She is so cute! What a great picture.
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07/11/2005 06:49:26 AM
Nice capture. Her eyes seem a little dull. Perhaps sharpening them a little and dodging her white just a hair to make them stand out from her hair. Maybe even crop out the background so that it is just her and the foreground, no distractions. Just a few thoughts. But I love her expression, no cheesy smile, just her.
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07/11/2005 03:23:21 AM
first thought was "needs to clean the glass door" - but then it does convey true family ... child fingers leave glass doors full of prints!
The pink jacket against the green door frame is very nice.
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07/11/2005 01:02:01 AM
Great natural pose. The colors are nice. I'd crop out some of the glass to the left and zoom in her a tad more.
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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