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Exposing Their Love
Exposing Their Love

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Family (Advanced Editing IV)
Camera: Nikon Coolpix 5700
Location: Fresno, Ca
Date: Jul 10, 2005
Aperture: 5.2
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/500
Galleries: Family, Digital Art
Date Uploaded: Jul 10, 2005

Tried to create a different look by overexposing this shot. I thought it looked pretty good.

Place: 145 out of 159
Avg (all users): 4.4575
Avg (commenters): 4.4348
Avg (participants): 4.2184
Avg (non-participants): 4.5875
Views since voting: 987
Views during voting: 516
Votes: 247
Comments: 27
Favorites: 0

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07/21/2005 12:11:41 PM
i think the title says it all. i dont understand why people are TELLING you that it's overexposed... i guess not all photogs are artists
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07/21/2005 10:19:43 AM
Well sometimes an idea just doesn't work for everybody. Just thought I would give it a shot.
07/18/2005 11:01:12 AM
Awwwwww. . . I'm sorry this wasn't more appreciated by the general public. I personally love it, and think the artsy style looks really cool!!!! I think it should have scored much higher!!!!!

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
07/17/2005 06:57:43 PM
Good idea, but way overexposed, do some more post processing and try again.
07/16/2005 11:28:16 PM
As presented here, this image seems to have crossed the border between high-key and overexposed. Since there is still a fair amount of shadow detail, I suspect that you could bring back a lot of the tonal range by setting your white/black points and reducing the contrast. The harsh shadow cast by the guy's profile suggests that this scene was primarily lit by a single bright light just above the camera. If you intended this photo to look high-key, using a reflector to soften the edges of that shadow would have made this look more professional.
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07/14/2005 05:43:43 PM
I think I get the over-exposure, and this is a good portrait. However I see more of a "love" story in this than "family" - just my impression. I still give it a six for having something unique.
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07/14/2005 04:56:58 PM
Fit Challenge Criteria: 1/2
Color: Contrast: 0/2
Photo Quality: 0/2
Composition: 1/2
My Subjective Affinity: 0/2

The highlights are way too bright. The man's shadow on the womans face and shoulder are very distracting, as well as on the wall between them.
07/12/2005 09:22:19 PM
I really like this photo! Only two nitpicks are her shoulder strap (ruins the duotone feel) and i wish the focus was the same on her as it is on him. One fix for the green strap would be (in PS) to go into Hue/Sat in the Green channel and desaturate it or change its hue, although its advanced editing so you could do a number of other things too!
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07/12/2005 04:04:39 PM
hmmmm maybe the overexposed brightness is what you wanted but, I think it washes the shot out too much.
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07/12/2005 03:18:15 PM
Overexposed for sure, but in an effective, artsy way. Good shot
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07/12/2005 09:56:13 AM
Ohhh, young love... Normally, I'm not crazy about overexposed shots, but this one works for me. I'm guessing you have a well defined, edgy style. Very cool.
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07/12/2005 01:34:13 AM
closed eyes, little blowen out, still a very nice entry.
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07/11/2005 10:12:11 PM
The lighting is just to harsh to be a pleasant view. She is a bit blurred as well.
07/11/2005 04:16:04 PM
I get the play on words but over-exposure didnt do anything for me with the composition.
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07/11/2005 12:43:22 PM
Really good expressions and I like the sepia tones. I think most voters will probably count off for the "overexposed" appearance of this shot, but I assume this was a conscious choice in connection with the title ("Exposing...").
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07/11/2005 11:12:38 AM
hard shadow from his chin and forehead on her, funny faces, I'm not sure what's going on here, but I'm not seeing 'family"
07/11/2005 11:06:34 AM
Exposed being the key phrase here - or uhmmm over-exposed. The bright lighting is distracting from what seems to be a very touching image. Still doesn't really say "family", but does speak of love.
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07/11/2005 10:51:23 AM
The lighting is too harsh here.
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07/11/2005 10:36:42 AM
Blown out highlights... unless that was what you were going for...!
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07/11/2005 10:05:35 AM
The processing on this shot makes it very hard to look at. Way too bright and washed out looking. There is nothing in the shot to tell me they are 'exposing' anything, certainly not love, as well as nothing in the shot to me that indicates family.
07/11/2005 08:17:42 AM
I can tell they are teasing each other but I think there is too much lighting or something. I would love to see her expression more, but the image is too washed out.
07/11/2005 08:05:25 AM
A little overexposed
07/11/2005 07:42:51 AM
I really love this. It's creative and artistic. I love the lighting. I love the expression on their faces. Great technique! Good luck!!! 10
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07/11/2005 04:59:29 AM
different I like the treatment 7
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07/11/2005 04:14:54 AM
I know the brightness was intended but I think its a little too much and there is a dark shadow on the womans sholder that kind of dominates the photo.
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07/11/2005 03:25:48 AM
over exposed perhaps on purpose - but too much for my taste
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07/11/2005 12:43:39 AM
personally, i think it's so over-exposed, you must have done it on purpose. kinda hard to look at, though.
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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