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Comments Made During the Challenge  |
07/19/2005 01:16:19 PM |
Excellent action shot. Even though it's stop action there is a sense of movement. Well done. |
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07/17/2005 08:30:43 AM |
Fólk er ábyggilega að gefa þér lærri einkunn þvàað myndin er svart/hvÃÂt. Þetta er fÃÂnt action og cropið eiginlega eina góða cropið af ÃÂslensku fótboltamyndunum. Held að hún væri betri àlit en ætla ekki að gefa henni minna fyrir vikið. Spurning hvort að fólk sé lÃÂka ósátt að sjá ekki àandlitið á fleirum. En mér finnst það alveg slepa þvàað myndin er það fÃÂn. Gangi þér vel. |
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07/16/2005 10:19:38 PM |
very drematic! right place at the right time! wonderful skill shown! BY YOU AND THEM! |
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07/16/2005 04:42:06 AM |
comp is good exp is a little dark focus could have been a little better |
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07/15/2005 10:40:23 PM |
Mér hefur aldrei fundist myndir af sporti þar sem sést aftan á alla vera að virka. Hefðir þú verið akkúrat hinum meginn á vellinum og náð þessu skoti hinseginn þá væri þetta fÃÂnt. En þetta missir smá sjarma með þessi "bök". |
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07/15/2005 03:00:16 PM |
Nice shot. Good DO. The B&W works well |
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07/14/2005 02:51:57 PM |
These kinds of shots always entertain me. Everyone's captured in such an odd position. The guy in the middle looks like he's about to push the other guy's head off his shoulders. Very nice in B&W, too. Well done. I give you a 9. |
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07/14/2005 06:00:00 AM |
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07/13/2005 07:36:56 PM |
Now that is a helluva contact sport! I like the lighting. Composition a bit off for me. |
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07/13/2005 05:44:02 AM |
The hand on the 8 looks like its going into his head and out the other side.
Good moment - whish we could see more faces. |
Photographer found comment helpful. |
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