by karmat
Nice picture, and it does meet the challenge, I think with the purple petals and the yellow centers. The bee also helps to add to the yellow part, I think.
I really like the crop on this. It feels the frame with a predominant background color, and forces the eye to the bee. there is not a lot of room to wander around in. Also, for the most part, I like the depth of field that you have chosen to use. Looking at your information and everything, the bee could have been in focus if it were backwards just a touch. It would appear that the camera was focusing on the flowers instead. What I have found useful with my 707 is to turn the display on until I have the little square box (or corners of it) in the center of the screen. I put my main subject in it, press the shutter half way down to lock exposure, etc. then reframe and shoot. Sometimes it works better than others, but by doing this, I am more able to control where the focused part is. You may know this, and if so, sorry, didn't mean to tell you something you didn't already know.
It appears a bit edgy, almost like it wasn't quite right from the camera and you applied some post processing to it. Maybe brightness/contrast/saturation/sharpening, etc., or a combination. Or it may be a bright sun light. I'm really not sure. While it serves to make the front flowers *pop* from the back ones, it gives it an almost grainy look. some may like it like that.
If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to PM me. Best to you in future challenges.
karmat |