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08/14/2005 05:59:51 PM |
This would have been better if the line (as in the pinky and first finger) was more defined and not so 'processed' looking. Also, this is a copy of the first Illusiuons challenge... |
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08/14/2005 02:28:13 PM |
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08/14/2005 11:36:56 AM |
This is a very well done illusion which takes advantage of all that falls into the first zone simply drops out and blends in with a background of a similar zone. There is one more thing that can be done to enhance this effect. Let us say you print this out life size and then use say the pinky. Cut it out, you need not cut perfect. Then use a black magic marker and blackenned the edges. Now you cover the entire pinky and place the cut piece at an abnormal angle to create a displacement. The viewer will at once figure that you are dropping tones but then the displaced fingertip will aid the illusion by creating a double take from the viewer. However be proud of this effort since in its own right it is complete. |
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08/13/2005 07:28:21 PM |
Cool illusion. Some of the edges seem a bit too crisp and clean, but clever. |
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08/13/2005 02:43:52 PM |
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08/12/2005 05:08:26 PM |
Very nice! Ya got the focus spot on on the palm of the hand, but it's a little soft at the fingertips. Looks like ya wrapped the tame a little too tight though, ya can see where thing pointer and middle fingers bulge a little above it and also the thumb.
TC |
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08/12/2005 03:14:39 AM |
Been done before, but wonderfully executed....7 |
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08/11/2005 05:56:51 PM |
Nice idea and it looks real. But being a member challenge I think you should have done a little more Photoshop work to it. Like clone out the spot in the middle of the hand and the white specs above the thumb. Still a 9 though. |
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08/11/2005 04:24:54 PM |
Re-done from the last challenge. The tape catches a glint from the light in a few places, making it visible. having the wrist still attached may have added something to it as well. |
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08/11/2005 01:03:10 AM |
very well done. the idea was done on the first illusions challenge, but your lighting is better. |
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08/10/2005 02:17:22 PM |
Very well done, can't find a single thing to fault. |
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08/10/2005 03:27:16 AM |
great illusion, it just shows what can be done with masking the same colour as the background.
Simple technique well executed. |
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08/09/2005 10:00:39 PM |
Yikes! Nice job, good illusion |
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08/09/2005 01:06:58 PM |
Aside from being a bit blown out, I love this picture! Great idea and execution. |
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08/09/2005 08:18:57 AM |
It looks like black tape wrapped around your fingers, if so this is very simple yet very effective. Good Job. Bumping up |
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08/09/2005 02:47:32 AM |
That's what my hand seems like when I get money in it and it just slips through my fingers! LOL
Not original, but a good version. |
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08/08/2005 11:21:35 PM |
Similar to one in the prior illusions challenge, but excellent execution on this. |
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08/08/2005 09:41:48 PM |
a nicely composed digit disection |
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08/08/2005 09:03:48 PM |
cool shot, i guess black ribbons? i like the lighting, but thing the color could have been more than just black and white, maybe a duotone while still maintaining the invisible sections. |
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08/08/2005 06:35:30 PM |
Looks like a robotic hand. Freaky. I like it a lot. Nice sharp execution. |
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08/08/2005 06:22:50 PM |
Nice execution of the illusion. Lighting seems kind of harsh...makes the hand look waxy, but maybe that was what you were going for. |
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08/08/2005 05:42:36 PM |
Trippy, nice detail, good in B/W. |
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08/08/2005 04:52:00 PM |
Great illusion this really stands ou,t although the finger tips look a little smooth maybe to much neat-image? |
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08/08/2005 02:22:27 PM |
good - you have a tiny glare on the tape around the thumb that needed to be cloned for the full effect. The model has a lovely hand (i like hands) |
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08/08/2005 09:57:10 AM |
Great job. The only thing that bothers me is that it looks like I can see the knot tied on the black cloth around the thumb (against the palm), otherwise the illusion would be complete. |
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08/08/2005 06:23:11 AM |
Nicely done, the thumb cover shows a tiny tiny reflection, brilliant idea! |
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08/08/2005 05:42:35 AM |
Nicely done! Way to fill the frame! |
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08/08/2005 04:48:56 AM |
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08/08/2005 02:18:16 AM |
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08/08/2005 02:09:42 AM |
This is a neat shot. I think the highlights on the palm could come down a little bit to give the hand more texture, but an otherwise well executed idea. |
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08/08/2005 01:28:46 AM |
Nicely done, a true illusion. The palm may be a bit bright but not bad |
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08/08/2005 01:12:11 AM |
I've seen this image before (in the Illusions challenge a while back). It's still a pretty good illusion though. Makes you look twice. |
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08/08/2005 12:29:11 AM |
nicely done, An improvement from the last challenge. |
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