Once again, your lighting is practically dead on here. You've got an incredibly strong eye for emulation, and you seem to know what you're doing, and how to get there.
Just two things to touch on for this one (and the other one, I chose this one to put the comment on). #1 is your contrast. Your blacks are not quite as black as they could be. This may be a monitor calibration thing, or other sort, but I'd suggest going in and using either a +5 - +8 contrast boost in Brightness/Contrast, or use a selective color adjustment layer and bring the "neutrals" black slider up a few notches, and the "blacks" black slider up a few notches. This should help get your blacks blacker while leaving the rest of the shot toned well.
#2 is your sharpness. This has a softer feel than the shot you were emulating. The contrast boost will probably help this out too, but I'd suggest also using a small sharpness increase too, either with USM, or with the regular Sharpen, and then using the "Fade Sharpen" under "edit" immediately after applying it. (If you're using PS CS or one of the PS above 7). For USM, I'd just apply it lightly, say starting at 85%/0.2/0 and going from there. This will just help crisp the photo up a bit, and give it a stronger feel.
As always, these comments are based on my personal opinion, on my observations between your photos and the ones you were emulating, and on experience. They are meant as a guide, not as "set in stone" rules or anything. You've done a wonderful job with both your photos, and you should be proud of your work. You'll be a mentor with Sher and I in no time :) |