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You know that tingling feeling you sometimes get reading a scary book...
You know that tingling feeling you sometimes get reading a scary book...

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Illusions II (Advanced Editing IV)
Collection: Special Effects
Camera: Pentax *ist DS
Lens: Pentax FA 35-80mm f/4.0-5.6 AF
Location: Home Office
Date: Aug 7, 2005
Aperture: F19
ISO: 200
Shutter: 30 seconds
Galleries: Humorous, Performance
Date Uploaded: Aug 7, 2005


Place: 39 out of 127
Avg (all users): 5.9456
Avg (commenters): 6.3333
Avg (participants): 5.6437
Avg (non-participants): 6.0725
Views since voting: 2010
Views during voting: 714
Votes: 294
Comments: 32
Favorites: 0

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08/28/2005 08:13:34 AM
This is a great shot! Should have scored alot highter. Great work!
 Comments Made During the Challenge
08/14/2005 08:01:53 AM
08/13/2005 11:50:55 PM
I think the kid is too engrossed in the book to notice the scary apparition, or maybe he knows it's just an illusion.
Good pic, I enjoyed it.
08/13/2005 06:54:37 PM
great idea and execution of the shot!
It might have been scarier if the image was darker (shot with less light)...And the few 'extras' on the 'set' are a bit distracting (the white cord, the potted plant, the 'busy' chair...) But nice job though, extra points for originality!
08/12/2005 11:54:57 PM
I like this one! Nice crisp main image and just enough gost image!. Too bad your model didn't have a spooked expression, this would be priceless! Tell him he did a great job of holding still for it!
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08/11/2005 11:33:44 PM
Very nicely done double-exposure!
Never that much luck getting my kids to sit still that long. (8)
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08/11/2005 01:16:46 PM
I like the concept, alhough I feel that maybe this is a little too bright, given the subject matter.
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08/11/2005 08:19:22 AM
Excellent ! Well done. I really like this illusion. Only thing I'm not crazy about is the corner line that intersects the ghost.
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08/11/2005 03:20:54 AM
looks like a fun set up here.
nice double exposure. I would put gloves on the horror figure to make it more sinister
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08/11/2005 12:33:05 AM
Clever!!!! I l ike this superimposed image. Nicely done.
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08/10/2005 07:52:26 PM
This is a very nice concept. What you have here is very well done. Avenues of exploration may have led one to a simpler setting. While the chair is a beauty, the viewer can not imagine a young boy filled with adventure sitting on it. A napsack, a sleeping bag with a few candles, etc, etc. Now, if time constraints did not allow for a different execution, then I would have changed angles to hide the wires. Even the plant should have been reconsidered to simplify the image. On the positive side the double exposure was very well done. 6
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08/09/2005 09:15:09 PM
Harry Potter's a scary book? Naw! Good and humorous long exposure here :)
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08/09/2005 07:49:37 PM
good illusion..hand on chair is a little dark and unghostlike.
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08/09/2005 03:15:04 PM
Great exposure - 9
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08/09/2005 02:30:01 PM
is the boook upside down,
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08/09/2005 02:13:38 PM
great capture.... the wire on the floor behind the chair is distracting and a different chair with less pattern might help.
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08/09/2005 10:34:08 AM
I'm not completely sure, but that looks like a "Harry Potter" book that the boy is reading. The "monster" and the book do not match up. It is nice seeing a kid read. Technically, the picture is sound. Nice long exposure and well detailed.
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08/08/2005 11:44:15 PM
Good illusion althought the image has that staged feel that doesn't really come over and grab you like an image of this type should. hope that makes sense 7
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08/08/2005 09:31:51 PM
heh, he's so unsuspecting, where's the killers knife? and is that harry potter he's reading?
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08/08/2005 07:35:53 PM
Cool idea, good composition and execution
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08/08/2005 07:25:21 PM
Cool....would be great if the monster's left hand was "ghosted" too.
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08/08/2005 05:22:03 PM
Great shot, especially as light as it is.
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08/08/2005 04:31:28 PM
First Impression: I think there is too much light for the intended mood. Also, the boy's legs seem disproportionally long because of the closeness and wider angle. The cabling is a bit distracting too.
Was I fooled? Yes of course! We all know children don't read anymore!! Oh the masked guy!
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08/08/2005 12:34:09 PM
This is a great idea, but it loses some of the effect it might have had because of several things... first, the setting. I think this would have been fantastic if you'd had this set in the child's room, while he's in bed in the dark with a small reading lamp or maybe a flashlight, then had the scary image looming over him or under the bed or something. Secondly, the obvious "human" hand takes away from the image: it is clear that the scary thing is just a human in disguise. Simply keeping the hand in the robes would work well. Thirdly, the child's expression doesn't show anything other than concentration or possibly even boredom, he needs to show a hint of fear or nervousness, or something... perhaps a glance over his shoulder, anything to show that the subject is showing your title " You know that tingling feeling you sometimes get reading a scary book..." Right now, I'd say, no, he doesn't know that feeling...
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08/08/2005 11:11:24 AM
Nice! I like the color, great lighting, good effect.
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08/08/2005 09:59:51 AM
Very cool - That's an all-too familiar feeling!
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08/08/2005 05:38:41 AM
Ahhh....the old Scary Movie mask! Nice exposure.
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08/08/2005 02:39:23 AM
just an idea. a DVD jacket of the movie instead of book while boy is shown watching (like holding a remote control) would have given the illusion better context. nice work.
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08/08/2005 02:34:08 AM
i know that feeling! very creative thinking.
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08/08/2005 01:54:12 AM
this picure scared me...I'm sitting in the dark voting :) the boys legs appear very long with them pointed right at the camera
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08/08/2005 01:27:45 AM
nicely done. the box(?) and wires in the corner are distracting though.
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08/08/2005 12:52:49 AM
lol pretty great shot, i like the idea greatly... however, if thats a harry potter book, i dont think it would generate a creepy feeling... lol great idea
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