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Eighteen Hundred Eighty-One
Eighteen Hundred Eighty-One

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Time Capsule (Basic Editing III)
Camera: Nikon D70
Lens: Nikon AF Micro-Nikkor 105mm f/2.8D
Location: Kirkland, Washington, USA
Date: Aug 8, 2005
Aperture: F/22
ISO: 200
Shutter: 2 Seconds
Galleries: Still Life, Macro
Date Uploaded: Aug 9, 2005

Photographer’s Notes
Literally in 1881, my great grand mother carried this 22 caliber derringer. I thought it would make an interesting time capsule … one I was personally connected to.
If I could have titled this independently from the challenge, I might have called this “Dressing to Kill.”

Post Processing
Reduce Noise (Neat Image)
Sharpen (Lab Color Method)
Add Noise (5% Uniform Monochromatic)
Resize (Bicubic Sharper)
Brightness/Contrast (15/10)
Save For Web

Camera Data
Nikon D70
2005/08/08 20:23:01
JPEG (8-bit) Fine
Image Size: Large (3008 x 2000)
Lens: 105mm F/2.8 D
Focal Length: 105mm
Exposure Mode: Aperture Priority
Metering Mode: Center-Weighted
2 sec - F/22
Exposure Comp.: 0 EV
Sensitivity: ISO 200
Optimize Image: Vivid
White Balance: Preset
AF Mode: Manual
Flash Sync Mode: Not Attached
Color Mode: Mode IIIa (sRGB)
Tone Comp: Auto
Hue Adjustment: 0°
Saturation: Normal
Sharpening: Auto
Image Comment:
Noise Reduction: Fixed Pattern

Place: 69 out of 298
Avg (all users): 5.5594
Avg (commenters): 5.9231
Avg (participants): 5.4167
Avg (non-participants): 5.6627
Views since voting: 890
Views during voting: 384
Votes: 286
Comments: 15
Favorites: 1 (view)

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08/17/2005 01:08:51 AM
Nice. Should have scored higher and I like the personal connection. Pretty cool.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
08/16/2005 04:19:47 AM
do not trunk the cundle light.
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08/14/2005 10:50:14 PM
Nice grouping. Not too busy. Well shot. Sepia tone works well.
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08/14/2005 06:31:39 AM
5 - Good composition to meet the Challenge (in my opinion a shot of this put into a time capsule would fairly well depict the era for future generations). Not sure about the spelling out of the title, sure it is different, but in looking at all the thumbnails, I personally like seeing them all with just the 'year' in numbers. Criticism; whilst I like the simplicity, and the composition is good, the lighting is also nice, I would like to see perhaps a little more 'yellowing' here and softening. I think you captured the candle well and I think if you had not cropped off the tip of the flame, and if possible, brought all items further down the table to gain just the one 'grain' as the 'background/base', it would have made this a better photograph in my opinion. Also, I would like to have seen the bullets placed closer to the gun, maybe on the 'white'(?) gloves. Lastly, frames are always questionable in my opinion, but in this shot, perhaps a nice dark thickish frame might have set this off better. I think there is potential for a more 'dramatic' feel here that I would like to have seen somehow emphasized.
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08/13/2005 12:23:12 AM
FInally! Someone who followed directions, used the year for the title and submitted a GOOD photo. You deserve a 10!
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08/12/2005 03:15:49 PM
nice setup, props and time choice
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08/11/2005 10:00:52 PM
If that is a courting candle, this scene has some interesting implications!! Nicely done. BOL
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08/11/2005 12:12:43 PM
cropped a bit to tight, but nice anyway
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08/11/2005 11:22:30 AM
The flame cropped at the top is distracting.
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08/10/2005 10:09:20 PM
Crop is a little tight on this - I'd like to see the top of the flame and the bottom edge of the gloves, but otherwise great job! 8
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08/10/2005 02:50:44 PM
I would have like to have seen the entire flame, but otherwise, it's very nice.
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08/10/2005 12:33:18 PM
Very good
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08/10/2005 10:55:35 AM
nice composition except for cutting off the top of the candle light
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08/10/2005 10:21:51 AM
Nice concept. Bad cropping. Nice tint. Bad composition.
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08/10/2005 01:39:30 AM
Nice photo but it may be cropped a bit too tight for me. 6
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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