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Abstract blues
Abstract blues

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Rain (Advanced Editing IV)
Camera: Canon EOS-20D
Lens: Canon EF 100mm f/2.8 USM Macro
Location: At home, Reykjavik
Date: Aug 13, 2005
Aperture: 16
ISO: 400
Shutter: 1/250
Galleries: Abstract, Macro
Date Uploaded: Aug 12, 2005

Not at all what I wanted to submit but since it didn´t rain a whole lot this week I was forced to improvise, originally I was going to do a shot of my wife dancing in the rain and make a photo that could be on the cover of a movie titled "dancing in the rain" or something to that effect. This is just a waterdrop on it´s way to my citchen sink in front of a blue cloth.

Lit with a MR-14ex and a 580ex to the left of the frame. Had dust spots all over the image so I used the healing brush extensively to clean up the image. Also took out several reflections from the MR-14ex flash in the water that I didn´t like. Finally used curves to increase the contrast and sharpened.

I really expected to be hammered for being off topic but I was getting "update button withdrawal" so I decided to post it anyway and I am glad I listened to my instinct, thanx for all the comments.

Place: 16 out of 228
Avg (all users): 6.4737
Avg (commenters): 7.9667
Avg (participants): 6.2479
Avg (non-participants): 6.6150
Views since voting: 2134
Views during voting: 531
Votes: 304
Comments: 36
Favorites: 7 (view)

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08/23/2005 10:00:59 PM
I have to admit I feel pretty stupid. I honestly thought this was crystal. I had no clue it was really water.
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08/23/2005 09:43:35 PM
Unique and lovely. A perfect drop. Congratulations on your top twenty finish.
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08/22/2005 03:48:44 PM
Svona gengur þetta bara! Gaf henni sjöu í kosningunni, vel gert og til hamingju með sextánda sætið fyrir órigningarmynd ;)
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08/22/2005 05:03:21 AM
Kom mér nokkuð á óvart hversu háa einkunn myndin þín fékk, ekki það að hún sé slæm heldur að ég hefði haldið að hún væri "off topic".
Annars bara góð frammistaða hjá þér.

Til hamingju með árangurinn !
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
08/21/2005 12:32:19 PM
Ok, how'd ya do this??? 10
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08/20/2005 09:04:00 PM
such a nice water drop shot, the blue is perfect, and the shape is one in a million. It's nice, but it really isn't "rain" to me. It's a controlled water drop. Still, it's done perfectly, and I can score you on that!
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08/20/2005 08:01:46 PM
Awesome. Amazing shot. 10
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08/20/2005 06:20:52 PM
If this is a real raindrop, you've shown me something about nature I didn't know. Thanks! Well done.
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08/20/2005 03:54:06 PM
Wow. Wow. This is fantastically beautiful.
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08/20/2005 12:12:09 AM
Very cool. Bold subject on a pleasing and unobtrusive background. What is the reflection here?
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08/19/2005 09:45:16 PM
looks like blue diamonds...very beautiful....
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08/19/2005 09:42:12 PM
impressive clarity and sharpeness. Great capture.
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08/19/2005 06:36:24 PM
Not very rainy, but what the heck, it's a great shot. It looks like a spindle off a lathe. I like the watery-blue colours and sparkle. You're obviously a fancy-pants photographer ;-)
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08/18/2005 07:56:26 PM
Very cool shot! Love the blue tones!
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08/18/2005 04:36:20 PM
Very interesting and appealing image. Beautiful colors and clarity. The lines & composition work very well too.
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08/18/2005 11:12:46 AM
Really nice image. Superb coloring. Good Luck! 7
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08/18/2005 10:22:12 AM
Interesting... Your pic makes the water look like crystal.
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08/18/2005 06:55:36 AM
very cool - doesn't scream rain to me, but I have to give it marks for sharpness and quality. Must have been difficult to capture.
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08/18/2005 04:19:18 AM
Interesting and excellent capture. I like the blue colors and the lighting is excellent. 10
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08/18/2005 03:35:37 AM
Intriguing. Great capture and unique.
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08/17/2005 12:28:01 AM
I never seen raindrops like these falling out of the sky!
There is nothing on this image that i dont like... but is this rain??????
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08/16/2005 11:28:07 PM
This is very cool and a great capture if it is water. I say that because it almost looks staged. Forgive me if I'm wrong as it is an excellent shot regardless. Goodluck!
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08/16/2005 09:39:07 PM
WOW - looks like a chandlelier crystal!!! This is stunning. Talk about capture. WOW
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08/16/2005 04:36:56 PM
ooooooh ahhhh....wonder how ya did this!
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08/16/2005 12:39:40 PM
Very crisp and sharp. Focus is perfect. 7
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08/16/2005 09:35:33 AM
The image is extremely pleasing (and interesting from a scientific point of view).
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08/16/2005 07:08:54 AM
Great shot.
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08/15/2005 10:29:53 PM
appealing, interesting image and color..I like the leaves reflected in water droplets: has a jewel-like quality..very well done.
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08/15/2005 07:27:08 PM
How am I supposed to tell that this was taken in the rain? Don't get me wrong, its an awesome photo, but I really cant tell if this is rain or not.
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08/15/2005 04:40:23 PM
simply wow!!! one of the best o far!!!
amazing bg
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08/15/2005 02:13:42 PM
Pretty neat! How did you do that? Good Luck! 10
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08/15/2005 12:17:56 PM
This ought to ribbon for you. Amazing the shape the water has taken in motion. , Looks like blown glass. 10.
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08/15/2005 08:55:52 AM
'8' (only pretend and fyi) - Wow - but is this rain? Challengewise if I were voting, I would 'pass' it as rain even just for the 'illusion' or 'emulation' (IF not rain) - it is almost like a macro of a 'heavy' rain 'drop'. I have never seen a water droplet (or whatever the correct term is) shot like this. The coloring, and indeed effect within the 'drop' (including the 'stem') is incredible. The 'sparkle' on the edge too... wow, but my cynicism just will not let me believe this is an actual raindrop captured naturally outdoors....if you have, I will be speechless. Great shot, but Challengewise, well, will wait and see what it is when the Challenge is over. Amazing shot at any rate, very nice. Criticism; wish it were at least 640 in height, and possibly in width. Perhaps that top right 'parted' droplet out of frame, maybe might have made this even better, not sure. Adding to favorites for inspiration. edit:typos

Message edited by author 2005-08-22 06:32:10.
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08/15/2005 08:30:37 AM
this is amazing, no comments, because it is perfect
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08/15/2005 03:28:56 AM
Very nice photo but is it rain?
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08/15/2005 02:16:48 AM
that is just about the strangest thing i have ever seen.
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