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Too Little, Too Late
Too Little, Too Late

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Rain (Advanced Editing IV)
Camera: Nikon D70
Lens: Nikon AF Nikkor 50mm f/1.8D
Location: Alberta, MI
Date: Aug 14, 2005
Aperture: 11
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/60
Galleries: Nature
Date Uploaded: Aug 14, 2005

A mess of deceased freshwater clams in the now-dry Alberta Pond, Alberta, MI.

Thanks to everyone for the nice comments, they are very much appreciated.

I knew I wanted to do something involving mud cracks when I saw the challenge details (it's the geologist in me). Fortunately we're in the middle of a swell drought, there are many mud cracks to be found. Unfortunately we're in the middle of a swell drought, rain is in extremely short supply. To cure the latter I spent most of the challenge designing rain machines. After many unsuccessful attempts at construsting something portable and easy to use I resorted to old faithful: a plastic plant watering can with diffuse end.

I humped a few gallons of water, the watering can, a spritzer bottle, camera, tripod, and accessories down to the dry lakebed.

After some trials with my first subject (poor Mr-Dried-Out-Snail) I collected a lot of clam shells, found an appropriately cool set of giant mud cracks, and tossed the shells on the cracks.

After positioning and framing the camera I spritzed everything down to get it wet looking then, with coordination I'll never duplicate, held the watering can in right hand and remote in the left. Right hand furiously sloshing water, me praying it looked rain-like, left hand in an awkward position (so the camera sees the remote) trying desparately to click click click as the water fell fell fell.

Did I mention it was 85 and bright sunshine? No? Post-processing was me trying to make it look less sunny.

No one reads this far so I'll stop here. If you have questions please ask!

Place: 53 out of 228
Avg (all users): 5.9276
Avg (commenters): 7.0000
Avg (participants): 5.9138
Avg (non-participants): 5.9368
Views since voting: 1537
Views during voting: 518
Votes: 290
Comments: 25
Favorites: 4 (view)

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01/21/2006 07:54:10 PM
Impressive set-up and a really great shot. Very inspiring. Sure fooled me!

Message edited by author 2006-01-21 19:54:45.
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01/06/2006 02:26:14 AM
I just realized I never left you a comment on this excellent shot - gave it a 9 back when we voted. Knowing now all the hassle it was for you to capture this, I'd have given you a 10. Perseverance sure pays off.
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12/26/2005 03:12:45 PM
Wow, you went through a lot of effort for this picture. I don't think the sun shining dimenished anything. I've often seen it rain while the sun is shining, particularly when I lived in Florida. The muscles were an extra nice touch, and I'm thinking its what made this photo have the impact that it does. I doub't I would have ever questioned that was rain had you not said so. Great work JP.
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12/15/2005 04:36:08 PM
Great shot and set-up story. A fascinating capture!
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11/05/2005 11:11:31 AM
Man, I just re-encountered this. Quite a tale! And I actually like the picture too, LOL.
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09/26/2005 07:59:46 PM
ahh for the love of art!!!! Thats a great story. I was waiting for you to say that after all that work.. it started pouring out ;) LOL... I love the shot and it does look like rain to me. :)
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09/03/2005 12:10:35 PM
jp not only read the whole thing laughing all the way. the things we go thru for the love of art. Because we are in a draught her in IL as well this image speaks volumes to me.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
08/21/2005 11:37:50 PM
This is fascinating, i could look at it for hours.
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08/20/2005 05:13:43 PM
interesting......veeeery interesting.
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08/20/2005 02:50:52 AM
Are these mussels? I'm not understanding your title. Anyway, I think you definitely captured rain in this shot. I like how the rain juxtaposes against the jagged edges of the rocks.
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08/18/2005 06:49:44 PM
Powerful shot, and moreso because you got it with water in the picture. Kinda a desolation with hope type shot.
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08/18/2005 05:51:00 PM
Nice one, right title good luck ;-)
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08/18/2005 04:36:48 PM
Great capture! What a telling image. Love it.
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08/18/2005 01:15:20 PM
I thought they were roaches at first!!!!
Nice title and subject matter.
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08/17/2005 11:16:47 PM
Fascinating shot. Love the deep shadowed cracks and the lighting on the shells and flat surfaces. Very well lit for raining. Love how the streaks of rain look, too. 10
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08/17/2005 09:53:00 PM
Really good comp & lines through this! I like the detail & clarity. Well done!
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08/17/2005 05:38:09 PM
I like the story, contrasting the dry & wet elements & the beasts effected by it, very creative! [8]
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08/17/2005 01:14:14 PM
verry nice textures, I like it.
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08/16/2005 11:26:20 PM
Had you played a bit with shadows and highlights, it may have created a more dramatic effect. None the less, this is an excellent submission. Good luck!
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08/16/2005 08:48:23 AM
amazing frame, and amazing colors, i really like it, good luck
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08/16/2005 06:58:41 AM
Fantastic texture of the earth. I think it would have been perfect without the shells. Great photo.
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08/15/2005 04:47:51 PM
This is amazing. It looks so 3-dimensional. Excellent job.
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08/15/2005 12:09:06 PM
Like the composition and color. Great shot.
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08/15/2005 02:20:51 AM
Good action photo and definately meets challenge. What throws me off on your theme are the little green sprigs of grass.
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08/15/2005 12:51:10 AM
This is truly unique. I love the cracks with the oysters amidst the rain. Extremely unusual. Nicely done. The monochromatic theme with the touch of the pearly white really is a stunning visual. I think I'd have dropped above that crack in the 2nd centered stone and it would still work. Just my opinion. Otherwise - great. 8
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