Author | Thread |
09/27/2006 01:39:56 PM |
Very nice shot! i like the single light source and the detail in the picturs. live shots for me are kinda hard to pull off but im working on it. nice job here! (10) all the way!
question: i see he asked to use this picture did you let him=)?
Message edited by author 2006-09-27 13:40:18. |
11/07/2005 12:04:49 PM |
I am the bass player for Alice Cooper.
Great shot!! Congratulations on your blue ribbon. One of the best shots I've seen taken live.
I would like to use the photo on my homepage can you please e-mail me @
Thanks Chuck |
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09/02/2005 05:21:11 PM |
Congratulations on getting a blue ribbon with this pretty cool shot and your first entry to boot! Oh and just for the record, about 2 weeks ago I encouraged Kiddi to start participating in challenges here at DPC as I thought he had what it took to be a ribbon winner.
Me and my stupid big mouth... I would have gotten the 13th place if I would have just kept it shut  |
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08/29/2005 11:34:44 AM |
Hi there!
I like the perspective of the guitar, intensity of the expression and the moving fingers. Good job!
-spoken |
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08/27/2005 08:48:14 AM |
Nice =-)
Fingers moving gives it a nice TOUCH. |
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08/26/2005 08:18:29 AM |
Snillingur! Til hamingju með borðann! |
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08/26/2005 05:48:57 AM |
congrats on a great start here on dpc. |
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08/26/2005 04:19:42 AM |
What a great thing to be able to get a blue one on your first entry.
Congrats on your blue one !
Frábær árangur !
Til hamingju með þetta.
Nú er bara að halda þessu gangandi ;-) |
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08/25/2005 07:42:31 PM |
til hamingju með sigurinn :D :D |
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08/25/2005 07:13:00 PM |
til hamingju.
þessi maður var svo drungalegur á tónleikonum að þú nærð honum alveg til hamingju aftur |
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08/25/2005 12:46:07 PM |
who on earth gave you one point? This is A+ |
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08/25/2005 08:44:26 AM |
Til hamingju Kristinn
Glæsilegt að sigra àfyrstu tilraun.
Myndin rokkar feitt. |
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08/25/2005 07:33:21 AM |
Such a classic shot, it really evokes the "live music" theme for me. And apart from that personal/subjective view, it's technically excellent. Great job for your first sub! |
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08/24/2005 11:25:11 PM |
that is an amazing shot i take concert images all the time and it isnt easy. I shot alot of film in my younger days, that is when you really learn to leave you picture alone. I like the fact that you can say that. Just nleave well enough alone to get the right effect. Histograms and so on just let you get to be 18% of the photographer that you really are like the pic and i hope to compete against you in later contests. Great work! |
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08/24/2005 08:00:03 PM |
Hey Kristinn: what a way to make a splash. Your very first entry and wham! An awesome image that pays great tribute to the bass.
Congratulations on your Blue. Waiting for your next effort. |
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08/24/2005 02:38:18 PM |
First challenge entered and the blue ribbon ! Congratulations ! |
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08/24/2005 12:33:30 PM |
Congrats on a fine photo. |
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08/24/2005 12:20:22 PM |
Totally amazing use of available light (f.e. smoke texture in spotlight) and timing (movement of fingers).
Could sell as a print. |
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08/24/2005 11:53:44 AM |
wonderful image with excellent lighting and the angle rocks! |
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08/24/2005 11:36:18 AM |
Great shot, perfect capture. Nice first entry!
Til hamingju, Tyrkinn |
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08/24/2005 10:34:40 AM |
Incredible moody photo. Love the spotlight and the idea of movement with the hands.Congrats on your win. |
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08/24/2005 10:30:42 AM |
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08/24/2005 09:24:35 AM |
Can't ask for more on your first challenge submission, well deserving of the ribbon, I am sure we will all see a lot more of you. |
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08/24/2005 08:53:10 AM |
Congratulations on your Blue with this very cool shot! |
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08/24/2005 08:33:54 AM |
Til hamingju með glæsilegann árangur og góða mynd. |
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08/24/2005 08:19:32 AM |
Phew! Thank goodness the Icelanders are back in action! Was getting worried there for awhile, not a single Iceperson on the frontpage for many days ;) Congratulations Kiddi!!! You "rock"
Ja hérna, það er ekkert annað sumir bara koma, sjá og sigra :) til hamingju kallinn, rosa mynd! |
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08/24/2005 07:47:38 AM |
Wow! A ribbon on your first entry! You're awesome!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! And it is an awesome photo!!!
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08/24/2005 07:38:11 AM |
Til hamingju kappi, áttir þetta skilið!
Congrats, you deserved it! |
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08/24/2005 07:06:25 AM |
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08/24/2005 07:01:42 AM |
Well deserved - congratulations!!! What the heck is it about Iceland; is it like the greatest photographer capital of the world??? |
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08/24/2005 05:49:53 AM |
congrats, well deserved win.
You should make this a print and advertice it to Alice Cooper fan clubs. |
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08/24/2005 05:31:31 AM |
Tilhamingju drengur þetta er magnað að ná þessu àfyrsta skipti :) |
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08/24/2005 05:14:18 AM |
Vá... til hamingju... flott mynd
Þú hefðir lÃÂka geta unnið á hinni sem þú sendir inn á af cooper sjálfum...
Cool shot, great win. |
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08/24/2005 04:33:30 AM |
Wow! Thank you all of you voters, and commenters. OMG I'm going to be so horribly cocky and proud for the next couple of weeks :)
Thanks again! |
08/24/2005 03:11:22 AM |
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08/24/2005 03:02:25 AM |
one challenge - one ribbon - blue!
Til hamingju geimdrengur! |
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08/24/2005 01:57:39 AM |
wow! a blue ribbon on your first challenge! thats a record! congratulations. |
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08/24/2005 01:36:18 AM |
COOL... congrats on your first ribbon AND your first submisson.. well done.. can't wait to see more... |
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08/24/2005 01:35:36 AM |
Hey you're not allowed to win a ribbon till ya been here at least a couple of challenges! Just kidding... Nice shot and congrats on the blue! Now give the rest of us a chance. :-)
TC |
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08/24/2005 01:06:52 AM |
You're in Iceland, so you should expect to always finish in the top 20% for some reason. :) Congratulations! |
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08/24/2005 12:55:29 AM |
Awesome Win....You totally owned this photo. Congrats! and welcome to DPC! |
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08/24/2005 12:35:11 AM |
first challenge + blue ribbon = SUPER DUPER COOL! |
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08/24/2005 12:32:46 AM |
Wow, a blue ribbon on your first challenge! Congratulations. Looking forward to seeing more from you. |
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08/24/2005 12:10:58 AM |
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08/24/2005 12:09:10 AM |
"This is my first submission here, so I don't expect much", ummm did you expect a blue?? Nice Job! |
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08/24/2005 12:04:23 AM |
Great job. One of my favs. Good going!!! |
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08/24/2005 12:04:20 AM |
Congrats!...Blue on first'll be hooked now.....nice job |
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08/24/2005 12:03:56 AM |
Wonerful shot great tones. First entry and first medel great job! |
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08/24/2005 12:03:51 AM |
One challenge, one blue. Well done! |
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08/24/2005 12:03:19 AM |
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08/24/2005 12:01:31 AM |
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08/24/2005 12:01:02 AM |
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Comments Made During the Challenge  |
08/23/2005 11:17:57 PM |
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08/23/2005 11:09:59 PM |
reallllly nice... one of the best.... i love the spotlight.... expression....colors......10 |
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08/23/2005 09:16:51 PM |
I like the lighting and expression of this image. |
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08/23/2005 06:47:16 PM |
I like the moodiness. Very nicely done, like the contrast. A definate favorite. |
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08/23/2005 11:18:19 AM |
Awesome, I don't think there is anything else to say! |
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08/23/2005 01:05:25 AM |
Great perspective on the guitar neck! |
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08/22/2005 06:54:56 PM |
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08/22/2005 12:35:08 PM |
Very good! Perfectly composed and that beam of light adds just the right punch. |
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08/22/2005 05:22:53 AM |
I like it, It all came together on this one. Right place right time right light. good job |
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08/22/2005 01:00:11 AM |
Cool capture. Lighting is right on. |
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08/21/2005 10:01:36 PM |
A mean angle to bring out the cool flavor. Bumping up. |
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08/21/2005 11:31:22 AM |
great light, colors, composition, framing and texture |
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08/21/2005 10:36:57 AM |
frábærir tónleikar, frábær mynd, skemtielga við það að basaleikarin hafði gaman af þvàað láta taka myndir af sér. |
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08/21/2005 12:04:21 AM |
Great shot. Lighting and POV make this a powerful bass image. Good luck...8 |
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08/20/2005 08:50:10 PM |
Nice composition. The spotlight and the bass's neck work together to frame the musician very dramatically. I also like the spare, stripped-to-the-bones feel of it. Suits character of the instrument. 7 |
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08/20/2005 12:36:27 PM |
Love the way the lighting comes into play here... |
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08/20/2005 10:17:15 AM |
whoa these lines..super
and the expression..soo bass
fantastic image! |
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08/20/2005 10:15:10 AM |
Don't ask me why, but of all the straight forward indoor rock concert shot from below in the crowd type shots, I really like this one. I don't know if it's the tonality (Did you use a tri-tone type treatment or is this the actual lighting?) or the lines but this shot just seems to jump out at me. It works! Nice capture.
TC |
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08/20/2005 07:22:21 AM |
Very nicely composed. Great emotion. Difficult shot under such low light conditions. |
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08/19/2005 06:51:48 PM |
Like the angles on this image. Intense facial expression on your subject. Handled the tough lighting problelm nicely. |
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08/19/2005 03:24:28 PM |
Very good perspective, lighting. Excellent symetry with the spot light and the guitar. Love the smoke in the light .
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08/19/2005 02:51:18 PM |
just slightly yellow cast imo, but really really cool. 9 |
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08/19/2005 03:56:32 AM |
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08/18/2005 10:37:18 PM |
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08/18/2005 03:04:30 PM |
A great capture with a talented composition! So far the best "Live music"-photo I have seen. Wide angle lense and speedy hand give extremely fine feeling. |
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08/18/2005 09:01:32 AM |
Love the lighting and way you composed this! |
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08/18/2005 08:23:49 AM |
The best concert picture in the challenge. Movement, lighting, coours, attitude are all spot on. 9 |
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08/18/2005 12:58:25 AM |
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08/17/2005 10:42:22 PM |
Real nice. 8 You might enjoy me website. I am a concert photographer. PLEASE have a look: |
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08/17/2005 10:25:44 PM |
the sepia is awesome here, great lighting and good use of motion blur
9 |
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08/17/2005 10:03:20 PM |
I love the smoky light cascading down. It is EXACTLY parallel to the line of his guitar. Pretty darn cool. I'm upping this to a 9. |
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08/17/2005 09:44:03 PM |
Wow, real nice. I'm not sure I'll find one I like more than this one. |
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08/17/2005 06:08:16 PM |
This is really good. Love the angle and color. |
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08/17/2005 01:19:59 PM |
Great angle. The smoke under the light is the perfect finishing touch. |
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08/17/2005 11:54:45 AM |
Superb shot, great lighting, good capture of the face, the shadow is artistic but key elements well lit...
(9) and the highest score from me yet |
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08/17/2005 11:24:31 AM |
10. The parallel between the spotlight and the bass guitar makes for excellent composition. The background is minimal. It is a bit over-contrasty, but I think that works in this setting. Rock music, after all, is about the dramatic. |
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08/17/2005 10:11:29 AM |
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08/17/2005 06:55:41 AM |
Very nice, love the use of wide angle. Background is nice and simple. Good colour balance. Very competent indeed, but missing an extra something... I wish the bass player was a tad more dynamic. |
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08/17/2005 04:39:22 AM |
Classic shot. great composition with angle of single light shaft and guitar neck. |
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08/17/2005 04:12:23 AM |
great pic. the lighting is great. as a bass player myself, very good! |
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08/17/2005 12:37:15 AM |
Awesome Lighting and angle. 10. |
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08/17/2005 12:35:21 AM |
Great shot, great expression ....10 top ten I think... |
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08/17/2005 12:16:27 AM |
I like the hand motion and the lighting is terrific. Great shot! |
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