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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Nude III (Advanced Editing IV)
Camera: Olympus Stylus 400 Digital
Location: IA
Date: Aug 17, 2005
Galleries: Nude
Date Uploaded: Aug 17, 2005


Place: 107 out of 118
Avg (all users): 4.2361
Avg (commenters): 4.3590
Avg (participants): 3.8404
Avg (non-participants): 4.3308
Views since voting: 2564
Views during voting: 1287
Votes: 487
Comments: 40
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
08/28/2005 11:43:51 PM
Great idea here, though I think the extreme blur makes the image uninteresting. I think that using this same type of idea, but in razor sharp focus, with a black background and interesting shadows on the models could have the potential for a top 10 finish.
08/28/2005 09:34:28 PM
Interesting treatment.
08/28/2005 08:37:04 PM
A very nice low key effect. Bumping up.
08/28/2005 03:27:41 PM
I would love to see this sharp and in focus. It looks like a cool shot but I think the attempt at abstracting(is that a word?) it only hurts the image.
08/28/2005 12:07:56 AM
Looks like you had a good basic idea (I remember the brilliant Janet Jackson portrait with the same pose) but you've failed to capture anything resembling a decent shot, shame.
08/27/2005 07:24:09 PM
I feel that there is too much processing on this photo. I can hardly see what is going on. I wish you luck in the challenge/.
08/26/2005 11:12:28 PM
You might want to try moving the subject off of center. I would still consider breaking the rule of thirds here. An unexpected subject position would add interest to this image. Otherwise you might crop off some of the black space.
08/26/2005 03:01:15 PM
This is too dark for my taste. It may be my monitor but there appear to be streaks in the head area.
08/26/2005 09:24:52 AM
I like the idea a lot...perhaps make the subject a bit larger in the frame.
08/25/2005 10:44:41 PM
Too dark for my liking sorry.
08/25/2005 02:36:16 PM
I get the feeling that this would be a great picture if only it were focused! I feel like Grandma when she forgets to put on her glasses! The girl's pose is elegant, and the way she puts the weight on her legs is quite elegant. the friendly fellow behind her was a great way to maintain "decency" while also adding an erotic element. I can't tell way the greyness behind them is. What it makes me want to see is a backlit veil in front of these two, which would lend the sort of myserious air I think you're going for here while also maintaining technical precision.
08/25/2005 01:27:11 AM
Focus would help.
08/24/2005 08:57:33 AM
little too much fantacy.. little sharper and a little lighter would have made a nice difference.
08/24/2005 03:09:48 AM
not as exciting as it could have been, but interesting.
08/24/2005 02:08:07 AM
interesting dreamy effect.
08/24/2005 12:13:03 AM
08/23/2005 07:52:32 PM
Too obscure. If you are going for low contrast, I'd at least have it in focus.
08/23/2005 07:43:46 AM
to dark, out of focus, and ..... maybe I just missed your point
08/23/2005 05:17:23 AM
I Don't think this has the impact it could have it misses out I think there is far too much diffusion and the photograph does not speak 4
08/23/2005 01:10:26 AM
This is sorta good in a peeping tom type of way but it's a tad to unfocused and to dark to hold my attention for very long.
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08/23/2005 12:05:54 AM
Definitely interesting, but I find the jet-black shapes in the background distracting. I'd prefer a tighter crop and all the background either jet black or that mottled dark gray, but not a mix. Also a subtle splash of light on the two faces might give the viewer's eye more to hang onto, without ruining the lovely intemacy. In any case, a daring attempt that is undoubtedly too "arty" for many DPC'ers, but keep it up!
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08/23/2005 12:02:50 AM
Sorry but this dosen't work for me. The poor focus and exposure do nothing to make me think fantasy. IMHO. 5
08/22/2005 09:42:28 PM
First impulse is to say too blurry, but I actually think it works well. Nice belly button.
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08/22/2005 09:21:39 PM
The image is a little too soft for my tastes, and the abrupt change from black to gray in the bg distracts me. Nice concept and good luck.
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08/22/2005 09:18:00 PM
I just cant feel this image. I just dont know what to make of it.
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08/22/2005 09:05:33 PM
This is a great shot, and I like the concept completely. that being said, better lighting is a must, as well as to eliminate the "not part of the challenge vote, creating an image where the crop is just below the belly button would have improved the shot as well.
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08/22/2005 07:11:14 PM
Sorry, too much blur for me
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08/22/2005 06:39:25 PM
this is way too dark and blurry, sorry
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08/22/2005 05:08:37 PM
Way too out of focus
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08/22/2005 04:25:51 PM
A little dark & fuzzy for my liking
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08/22/2005 04:08:35 PM
nicely done. <7>
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08/22/2005 02:46:31 PM
weird, and distracting
08/22/2005 12:59:49 PM
The soft focus is great for this photo. Makes the viewer yearn to see more.
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08/22/2005 10:33:51 AM
I like the idea/concept of this shot. I would like it better if the subjects were closer to the camera or the crop was different to remove more of the bottom half.
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08/22/2005 09:34:19 AM
I dont understand the use of the blur for this photo. i thik it would have been an excellent photo even as dark as it is if it had been more defined and focused. comp is good and pose looks fine.
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08/22/2005 05:53:19 AM
The distortion is too heavy on this one. I gather privacy concerns have caused this photo to suffer.
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08/22/2005 02:43:37 AM
there simply was not enough light to take this image.
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08/22/2005 01:45:12 AM
a nude with jeans on... its a good racy shot otherwise and more skin would have been a plus.
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08/22/2005 12:50:46 AM
Could've worked ok, but WAY too blurry - I know you probably meant to do that. If anonymity was an issue, cropping the heads and/or framing the mid-section would've been a better way to go, IMO. Hope this helps. Good luck.
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08/22/2005 12:17:05 AM
where are my glasses?

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