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Less is more...

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Nude III (Advanced Editing IV)
Camera: Nikon D70
Location: At home
Date: Aug 16, 2005
Aperture: f/8
ISO: 200
Shutter: 2 sec
Galleries: Black and White, Nude
Date Uploaded: Aug 18, 2005

Tried to find a different angle on the subject, hope it worked... Used 50mm f/1.8 prime and tripod with a bare lightbulb from ceiling directly in front. Post work , b&w conversion using hue/sat, added more contrast with duplicate layers set to screen & multiply with layermasks.

Place: 37 out of 118
Avg (all users): 5.8371
Avg (commenters): 6.8163
Avg (participants): 5.4176
Avg (non-participants): 5.9340
Views since voting: 7512
Views during voting: 1263
Votes: 485
Comments: 50
Favorites: 2 (view)

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
08/28/2005 11:56:33 PM
You make her skin seem both glossy smooth and textured at the same time, very well done.
08/28/2005 07:05:06 PM
Nice shot. Great concept and composition. A bit soft on the right.
08/28/2005 03:56:05 PM
I really like it how the highlights/shadows emphasise the shapes. Great symmetry as well.
08/28/2005 01:56:07 PM
Good composition with the delicate charm of b/w. Bumping up.
08/27/2005 07:12:37 PM
Nice tits ;-) Gotta love the lines in this one! 7
08/27/2005 04:22:30 PM
great composition and you've got the skin tones perfectly. well done
08/27/2005 02:06:59 PM
This doesn't look like less at all :-P
08/27/2005 01:00:45 AM
It sure is! Cool, cheeky, funny, original. May not be very erotic, but I like the lighting, hands on breasts, B&W (i.e. refreshingly non selective desat...), the format/aspect ratio of the shot, near symmetry of it.

I give you a 9.

08/26/2005 01:03:05 PM
very nice but if the fingers were in focus you could score much higher. and true, less IS more.
08/25/2005 09:25:18 PM
I like the whole less is more thing. I think this might not get the votes that it deserves, I think the finger tips should have maybe been more in focus. I hope you do well. Good luck. 9
08/25/2005 09:08:17 PM
Nice placement. Not sure about the focus, though. I think it would have been nice to have the hands in focus as well.
08/25/2005 02:51:44 PM
I really wish your focus was sharper here. Nice idea; the title adds to the image.
08/25/2005 06:21:22 AM
great symmetry...a little on the soft side though (focus..that is)..7
08/24/2005 09:20:04 PM
dont really have any advice for this shot. maybe less fingers? 2 or 3 instead?
08/24/2005 07:46:08 PM
Love the simplicity & detail of textures in this. The B&W really works.
08/24/2005 07:00:10 PM
Nicely done. Excellent focus and dof. The texture and tones of the skin is fantastic. Nice crop and good use of border. Well done.
08/24/2005 01:03:52 PM
Love the detail in this shot. The capture is amazing! Lighting is great!
08/24/2005 11:17:44 AM
lighting a bit harsh for subject matter
08/24/2005 02:43:07 AM
Good contrast and composition. Excellent photo.
08/24/2005 12:58:52 AM
Great B/W tones. Nice composition. Yes, sometimes less is more. :-)
08/23/2005 11:14:28 PM
I like everything but the title. lol
08/23/2005 08:22:12 PM
I like the clarity of the photo and the tonal qualities. Nicely artistically done.
08/23/2005 03:15:27 PM
I really like the lighting on this one.
08/23/2005 01:42:24 PM
Lovely, smooth and depth.
08/23/2005 01:34:38 PM
You are right about that. But maybe if less hands where more? Great focus, good work.
08/23/2005 11:27:51 AM

Message edited by author 2005-09-29 16:53:20.
08/23/2005 11:16:50 AM
nice angle... hehe... 6
08/23/2005 09:18:59 AM
great image, love the lighting and symetry - the only thing I would change is the title :)
08/23/2005 08:29:29 AM
I like the simplicirty of this.
Nice form lightinhg & contrast.
My only criticism is that the hands liik very masculin. Or are they? This should be made clear to the viewer.
08/23/2005 06:55:02 AM
for sure! awesome sharpness, focus and tones.
08/22/2005 11:45:01 PM
Excellent, i love this. 9
08/22/2005 11:05:32 PM
I contemplated this pose, and you (or your model) probably out did me. I love the tonel. I might have given this more than I did, had the border been a bit less. (However it's well inside accceptable, just think it's unneccesary)
08/22/2005 11:02:56 PM
I would have cropped this from finger tip to finger tip. I think it would have fit your title better and the distracting hands would be out of there.
08/22/2005 10:48:01 PM
In this instance less is more. I love the tight crop. I also am glad that you didn't neat image all the character out of her skin. Great job.
08/22/2005 10:15:00 PM
Nice symmetry.... I like the way the skin looks almost metallic.
08/22/2005 09:55:04 PM
I like the message of this shot. Good texture on the skin and hands. Good crop to make the symmetry.
08/22/2005 09:22:00 PM
I love the contrast, the fingers show age, while the breasts seem to show youthfulness. Good lighting. Overall, a good image. 7
08/22/2005 07:04:04 PM
not frame , please !, i doen not see less, just enought !
08/22/2005 04:37:24 PM
If I was a member, this shot would be a 10 and in my opinion it should win first place. Excellent skin tones, shadows, and the symmetry on it is excellent.
08/22/2005 04:29:31 PM
Very interesting crop. Causes the pic to become a study in lines and texture rather than a standard nudie-pic. Original. I like it.
08/22/2005 04:29:10 PM
I like the texture of the skin in this one. The frame is a bit to thick, but other than that a great job.
08/22/2005 02:51:06 PM
how very janet jackson. Good crop - less IS more.
08/22/2005 02:42:47 PM
Good, clean, and very artistic. The reflection does distract a little, but is not overwhelming.
08/22/2005 02:41:58 PM
Beautifully simple image. Tones work well as does lighting. Love the symmetry. 8 - Good luck in the challenge!
08/22/2005 02:00:11 PM
Lovely curves in the breast showing form, but for this type of close up where you have the hands as parts of the composition, they need to be 100% exact mirrors of each other.
08/22/2005 01:01:23 PM
I love the detail, and the wonderful tonal range from black to white. Very nicely done. <7>
08/22/2005 12:46:57 PM
I get the idea, but I'm not crazy about the long rectangular crop. Maybe some post editing might've given it a bit more oomph.
08/22/2005 09:58:34 AM
This photo is a definite plus to this challenge.
08/22/2005 01:45:49 AM
...more or less. Either those are very large breasts or very small hands. :)
08/22/2005 12:56:04 AM
nit picky but the finger tips seems a bit out of focus... also i think your shot could have used a bit more darks to increase the tonal range. A creative shot.

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