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Dairy Cows Being Milked
Dairy Cows Being Milked

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Dairy (Basic Editing III)
Camera: Fujifilm FinePix S5100
Location: Dakin Farm - Myakka City, FL.
Date: Aug 20, 2005
Aperture: 1:2.8
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/10
Date Uploaded: Aug 20, 2005

Photographed at a friend's farm in Myakka City, FL.

Place: 168 out of 284
Avg (all users): 4.7652
Avg (commenters): 5.0000
Avg (participants): 4.4828
Avg (non-participants): 4.9283
Views since voting: 12144
Views during voting: 544
Votes: 396
Comments: 26
Favorites: 0

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11/11/2005 07:12:28 AM
Having lived on a farm in the summers for many years as a kid, this perspective really hits home. I like it.
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08/31/2005 09:46:43 AM
Wow...I had no idea they had dairies in FL! When I was married we had a dairy, milked around 70-90 and had a dry herd of 100. (trying to remember back that far!) but we lived out west! :)

That's a hell of a dairy...looks like they can milk several cows at once, we could only milk 6 at a time...

Message edited by author 2005-08-31 09:47:30.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
08/30/2005 11:53:04 PM
Not very appealing to look at, but there's certainly no denying you've met the challenge. ;-)
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08/30/2005 10:20:32 PM
Poor cows...but nice picture!
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08/30/2005 03:53:15 PM
oi, not a pretty picture. but then again, I suppose it's not supposed to be. you should sell this picture to PETA or some other kind of org
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08/30/2005 03:49:39 AM
Udderly provocative. I'll skip the milk in my Wheaties tomorrow.
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08/30/2005 02:20:52 AM
Ouch!!! This looks like a great joke should be attached to it. Nice shot though.
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08/28/2005 10:58:58 PM
what a messy operation. i grew up around small dairies, they'd laugh at this
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08/27/2005 12:28:07 PM
Very documentary.
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08/26/2005 08:10:28 PM
That's disgusting and freaking animal abuse. The depth is nice though but I hate it.
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08/25/2005 11:35:41 PM
After seeing this picture I've re-confirmed my dislike for milk. It's interesting, yes, informative, even, but its too busy and dirty.
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08/25/2005 08:41:49 PM
Well, original but the fact that the machinery is dirty doesn't appeal to me. That and the only part of the cows you see are their legs.
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08/25/2005 08:39:42 PM
dont like this cuase it looks gross and i kinda feel sorry for the cows
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08/25/2005 08:15:21 PM
Too much noise
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08/25/2005 08:00:43 PM
poor cows...
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08/25/2005 04:21:20 PM
I like this image, however it is disturbing in a way. Very industrialized business.
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08/25/2005 02:26:30 PM
thank goodness i drink soymilk.
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08/25/2005 07:38:41 AM
Gosh, that doesn't really look all that comfortable for the cows. I'll appreciate them more when I eat my cereal in the morning.
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08/24/2005 07:48:40 PM
great job meeting the challenge!
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08/24/2005 06:55:06 PM
This angle dosn't tell me anything, I wouldn't have known what this was without the title. 6
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08/24/2005 11:58:42 AM
I almost took a very similar shot! LOL Did you taste any?
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08/24/2005 09:08:56 AM
This has a photojournalism feel to it. I can see the headline "Cows Sucked Dry at Milford Farms" or something like that. Milford? Where did I get that? LOL Interesting and unusual - AND NO COOKIES!!! :~)
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08/24/2005 06:55:13 AM
I'm not sure I want to see this... but it is a good pic of how things really are.
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08/24/2005 05:58:51 AM
I think is missing a point of view or interest.
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08/24/2005 04:29:07 AM
nice shot, but hope those animal rights yahoos don't see it.-6-
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08/24/2005 02:37:43 AM
gross and real
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