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Human Pod
Human Pod

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: What is the Matrix? (Classic Editing)
Camera: Canon PowerShot A40
Location: Home
Date: May 20, 2003
Aperture: 2.8
ISO: 50
Shutter: 1/25
Date Uploaded: May 20, 2003

Actually, I wasn't going to submit for this "Matrix" challenge. However, the results of the medical complications that I've had gave me the inspiration for this shot. I don't mean to gross anybody out, but the container is actually the collection bottle for the drain I have in my abdomen. The contents are my bodily fluids that are draining from a seroma that developed after a huge hernia repair I had back in March. I thought it kind of looked like the pods the matrix used to store the humans in the movie. I used an online "Matrix" poster for the backdrop and then placed the drainage bag in front. It didn't really turn out how I envisioned, but close. I practiced for the duotone member challenge by putting the greenish tone to this one. I thought the graininess to the shot was fitting for The Matrix.

Place: 30 out of 140
Avg (all users): 5.5520
Avg (commenters): 6.2500
Avg (participants): 5.5488
Avg (non-participants): 5.5540
Views since voting: 1059
Votes: 221
Comments: 11
Favorites: 0

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05/30/2003 01:43:51 PM
I knew I recognized that JP bulb! I had my gall bladder out in January, had complications, and had one of those things hanging out of me for almost a month. Was that not the weirdest sensation when they pull that thing out??? Sorry I couldn't bring myself to score higher - the image just had too fresh and real-world a connotation for me to get past. :-)
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05/28/2003 08:50:56 AM
Very good (running to the bathroom to be sick)
 Comments Made During the Challenge
05/27/2003 10:53:37 AM
very nice
05/24/2003 03:45:05 PM
You built the matrix just for the challenge. 8
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05/24/2003 10:59:39 AM
Excellent technique just the quality of the image. I'm not sure that you intent to make it grainy or it is just the trade off.
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05/23/2003 01:45:51 AM
cool idea... the focus is a bit off and it's a little noise... try remove noise filter...
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05/21/2003 01:44:48 PM
the matrix is such a good movie, good reprensentation
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05/21/2003 10:42:42 AM
Original and creative. I'm not sure what it is, but I certainly see the connection to the matrix. There seems to have been time and thought put into the image. The placement of the 'pod' is good, and of course the background works. The pod does seem a little blurry, but I think it works within this image. The visualization is what sticks out. The message and the impact comes across just great.
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05/21/2003 08:11:40 AM
a maggot ?
05/21/2003 05:47:26 AM
I like this... what is it, really?
05/21/2003 01:05:16 AM
Alright, if this is what I think it is, that's just gross. Just had surgery four months ago, and this looks like the drainage tube that collected the puss and fluid out of my incision. Beyond that, there's no real focus (subject wise) and is very blurry. I suppose that could be an "artistic" choice, but it doesn't work for me.
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