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Blue Light District
Blue Light District

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Nude III (Advanced Editing IV)
Camera: Gateway DC-T50
Location: Studio/Office, Buchanan, VA
Date: Aug 21, 2005
Aperture: 1:3.5
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/50 sec
Galleries: Nude, Studio
Date Uploaded: Aug 21, 2005

This took a LOT of PP.

Selective layers of background & model
Faded out background layer to white (added flash maxed out highlights, shadows, midtones)
Spot editing (blending brush & smart erase) to eliminate blemishes on skin
Layed out more flattering lines/curves of model's body and used shrink tool to conform the subject to those lines
Neat Image
Blending brush to smooth lines of clothing
Changed image to Negative
Added filter = Glow: Neon
Adjusted curves
Saved for Web

Post Challenge
Okay, for those of you out there wondering... Yes, this is me. I used the outline and shrinkage filter tools/brushes to make my actual body more "appealing" to the masses - although I obviously neglected something in the translation based on my score and comments - LOL. I've posted an outtake that I think would have done much better (based on feedback I've gotten post-challenge). It's all about mod-70s extremes. And yes, I was trying to emulate some of the posters from that era - unfortunately, I fell very painfully short of achieving those goals. And yes, I completely understand the negative comments I've received - you were basically right on the mark (I wasn't).

I hope to learn a lot from the experience and move on - that's the best we can do, right?!? I promise not to subject the general public to this form of abuse in the future!!! ROFL (It'll be a completely new format next time!)

Place: 109 out of 118
Avg (all users): 3.9591
Avg (commenters): 3.8889
Avg (participants): 3.4624
Avg (non-participants): 4.0758
Views since voting: 6676
Views during voting: 1260
Votes: 489
Comments: 42
Favorites: 0

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11/30/2005 07:00:37 PM
And for the record, I thought the processing on this was quite interesting and certainly gave a different impression on the challenge. The pose, I don't know about the shrink tool, don't have that in PI, but to go with the title it is perfect. The shirt gives the exact impression of a 'teddy' or short top on woman (no, not saying you are feminine looking) getting ready to reveal all. I suffer from the same fate with a lot of my shots - original thinking gets squashed.
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11/30/2005 06:56:32 PM
Originally posted by SJCarter:

And, no I'm not disclosing whether or not this was me! ;-)

But you did exactly that! I meant to point this out a long time ago but got sidetracked by other images in your portfolio and never got back to it. Don't feel bad, at least you disguised your butt. I let mine hang out unedited.
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09/04/2005 07:59:06 PM
Well, this obviously didn't pan out the way I had hoped, BUT (pun intended) I did learn quite a few things... LOL Shoulda gone with my 2nd choice (or better yet, passed on this challenge). Live and learn! At least I got a LOT of interesting comments and suggestions. And, no I'm not disclosing whether or not this was me! ;-) Cheers & on to the next challenge!
08/30/2005 09:07:37 PM
Ok so I have to say....if this is you, this took some guts!!
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08/30/2005 12:21:07 PM
42 ones???!!!! - Well I liked this pic. I wish I thought outside the box more often myself and was more creative with PS. Also thought it would make a great poster.
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08/29/2005 12:08:33 AM
Is that a jock strap Jimmy? LOL! You've got more guts than I buddy :)
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
08/28/2005 10:09:06 PM
I don't care for the treatment of this. The top is really soft and the legs look over-sharpened.
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08/28/2005 03:39:22 PM
I understand stepping out of the box but, I don't think it worked out too well for this one.
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08/28/2005 02:37:57 PM
First thought: there is something around the outline that, I feel, was caused during post. It isn't good to look at.
Second thought: Sorry, this is pretty harsh, but why would the photographer ruin such a sweet booty with such a treatment? I just don't get it.
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08/28/2005 12:01:03 AM
Very odd. Don't know what you were trying to achieve here.
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08/27/2005 11:14:01 PM
Interesting and intriguing. I hope your comments will tell how this was done.
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08/27/2005 12:53:04 AM
I never have and never will truly appreciate or understand this type of psychedelic overprocessed shot.
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08/27/2005 12:35:40 AM
Pretty funny. But isnt that Red light district?
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08/25/2005 11:58:22 PM
Interesting to say the least. As long as the model is hiding behind the processing, why not lose the shirt. Note: there is nothing wrong the post processing, I just wondered.
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08/25/2005 11:05:16 PM
I'm afraid the processing here doesn't grab me at all. It makes me wonder whether a nearby nuclear reactor may have exploded, and she's trying to escape, or something :/
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08/25/2005 05:10:23 PM
KMART? Reminds me of a blacklight poster. Nothing special, though.
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08/25/2005 08:13:42 AM
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08/25/2005 05:04:44 AM
clever 10
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08/25/2005 01:23:26 AM
This shot doesn't do anything for me.
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08/24/2005 11:24:46 PM
This doesn't do anything for me. I see the nudeness, but not sure it will do very well, good luck.
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08/24/2005 09:27:33 AM
post processing a bit harsh, could have been an excellent pic.
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08/24/2005 02:32:22 AM
Doesn't look real. Cool lighting.
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08/24/2005 02:09:14 AM
I'm not a good one to judge this approach.
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08/24/2005 12:27:34 AM
Cool shot!
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08/23/2005 10:45:07 PM
Hmmmm, this photo leaves me baffled. Not sure what kind of effect this is. It isnt very appealing.
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08/23/2005 10:00:56 PM
Over processed. Don't like it
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08/23/2005 08:30:45 PM
I like the concept and the glow effect, but a bit too grainy for my taste. Pretty cool otherwise though.
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08/23/2005 07:44:20 PM
Don't like the effect. Never does nice for the "butt crack"...
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08/23/2005 06:03:55 PM
Not sure what to say about this picture... colours are sad, composition is non-existant. A frame could do some good on this shot. No emotion or interest at all in this shot, sorry. 4
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08/23/2005 04:00:07 PM
this is way too abstract for me. it's obvious what this is, maybe had you left the photo as it was originally.... ? the title however is clever.
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08/23/2005 10:21:46 AM
Very abstract, maybe too much for my liking for this challenge, but thats me.
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08/23/2005 07:41:58 AM
Not sure I like what ya did, just me
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08/22/2005 11:13:12 PM
I'm sorry, I just don't like the way this looks, it kind of annoys me. 5
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08/22/2005 09:32:23 PM
Not a big fan of the effect.
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08/22/2005 08:59:50 PM
I really like the Idea here, but this image looks overly processed, and heavily photoshopped, and doesn't give me much that makes me really get anything from this.
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08/22/2005 08:57:38 PM
I like the crop and angles. I'm still deciding on this shot, the non-crisp edges from the shirt are what I'm debating about. I've got days to decide --- reserving final judgement for now. Overall a very interesting image.
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08/22/2005 03:05:22 PM
too overprocessed
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08/22/2005 07:49:52 AM
I really don't care for the processing on this one. Just a matter of taste and nothing more.
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08/22/2005 02:47:23 AM
I don't know what to say except that I see nothing good in this image. Even as an abstract, it falls flat. Looks like someone went crazy with the blur brush also. Sorry I can't be more positive. Only suggestion I could make is that the composition would be good if it were a plain color or BW, not-so-processed shot.
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08/22/2005 02:47:12 AM
This is not the effect you would get from a black light - way too post processed.
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08/22/2005 02:41:28 AM
really really wierd imo... i think this has left the realm of photography. For constructive critism i would say try something completely different in your post processing.
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08/22/2005 12:46:28 AM
Very interesting artsy feel, though subject and pose don't impact me very much.
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