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Depressed & Lonely
Depressed & Lonely

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: D&L (Advanced Editing IV)
Camera: Canon EOS-350D Rebel XT
Lens: Canon EF 70-200mm f/4.0L USM
Location: Lake Wawasee, IN
Date: Aug 22, 2005
Aperture: 4.0
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/800
Galleries: Nature, Animals
Date Uploaded: Aug 23, 2005


Place: 45 out of 200
Avg (all users): 6.0974
Avg (commenters): 7.5455
Avg (participants): 5.9457
Avg (non-participants): 6.2391
Views since voting: 979
Views during voting: 391
Votes: 267
Comments: 37
Favorites: 0

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09/13/2005 03:05:28 PM
I was using a lens with 4.0 as the lowest, but I agree, the background could use more blurring, which I suppose I could have done in post-processing, and I could have even taken out the "bush" but I wasn't sure if that would break the rules (removing a major element).

It was shot in AV mode, I was having some problems getting anything to expose well, so I actually took three or four of these, and this one was the brightest, set at +2 exposure (as far as the light meter was concerened). I probably should have switched over to manual.

Thanks for the tip on the processing, I'll try sharpening less in more steps in the future. As to the haloing, I dodged the bird, and I think that is what gives that effect.

Thanks for the critique!

Thanks man, the poster above you is quite clearly insane as well :).
09/11/2005 01:44:31 AM
Hello, and greetings from the Critique Club. I am your critiquer, Artyste, and we have a lovely little write up for you today.

Initial Thoughts

A little dark, not sure what I'm looking at here. oh! I see it. Hey, that's not half bad.

Composition / Content

Your composition is quite nice IMO, with but one failing, the little tree/bush hangings there distract a little too strongly. I was drawn to them at first and it took me a minute to get to the rest of the image. Chalk that up to the fact that DPC can be slow to load perhaps. Love the look of the model, and how you've given room for the direction of the bird's walk.


Possibly slightly busier than it could be, I wonder if dropping the aperature to 3.5 or 2.8 would have blurred it out that much more. As I said above, I'm not too keen on the bush being there either, but outdoor shots aren't always that manageable, so it's not a *huge* complaint at all. Nitpicking, really.

Camera Work / Technical

I wish we could know what mode some of these were shot on, I'd be very curious to know if you were on M, Av, or Tv (or P for that matter). It looks to me like this shot was underexposed, and you brought the exposure up in areas yourself. The work on the bird has left a little haloing that is a touch off-putting, and renders the image a little surreal. It works with your title (especially because of the look on the bird's face), but overall it's just a little flat. I think a slight over-exposure and a drop down to a moody dark would have worked a little better.. however, I could be way off base too, and if that's what you *did* do, then I withdraw the suggestion.

Digital Processing

You provided no information on this, so I don't have too much to say except that a little more use of layer masks might have helped the haloing on the bird. (also, that seems to have been strengthed by the slight over-sharpening on the image as well). Sharpening is tricky, and I find that it's better to sharpen in a few smaller steps, than trying to do it all at once.

Fits the Challenge

Yes, that poor bird certainly does look depressed and lonely, I do have to give it that. It's certainly a great candid capture, and good eyes for noticing something that'd get buy a good many of us.

My Opinion of the Photo

I like it. After the initial "I'm not sure.." stage, which only lasts a second or so, it really drags you in and you get the feeling of the photo. The few minor technical issues I mentioned are just that.. minor issues. They may have kept you from a better score, but the emotiveness you've got here is a great capture.

Good luck on future challenges.
09/05/2005 08:34:54 AM
Wow, out of the loop for a while, you've come back with a vengeance. Congrats on the 6+!

I like how the tree frames the upper-left corner. A couple of the commenters below are clearly insane.

Message edited by author 2005-09-05 13:04:55.
 Comments Made During the Challenge
09/04/2005 11:47:38 PM
awww. birds rarely emit emotion, but you captured something here. nice job. 9
09/04/2005 11:31:49 PM
This seagull really does look depressed and lonely. Convincing.
09/04/2005 07:07:30 PM
What a gait and what lovely feelings radiate from this tender study. 8
09/04/2005 06:58:39 PM
You have somehow caught emotion in this little guys face, wonderfully titled. 8.
09/04/2005 02:45:39 PM
great candid. stuff in the upper left is a bit distracting and may be a lighter color would add some contrast (?), but the mood is captured perfectly
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09/04/2005 06:39:59 AM
haha. I'm feeling that bird. I think the leaves in the top left corner are distracting tho. Nice picture
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09/04/2005 02:17:32 AM
aww, you can sure see it on his face <:-(
great picture, 10
09/03/2005 07:26:53 PM
The subject detail and composition are quite impressive. I think the hanging branches at the top left do not add any thing to the this image and they take away from the desolation of the background which adds, for me, to the depression of the image. Damn fine otherwise.
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09/03/2005 08:05:08 AM
I like this. I've never seen a depressed bird before.
09/02/2005 08:03:36 PM
just love this....really looks like he's p****d off! gerat shot
09/02/2005 05:46:16 PM
could be a bit brighter, and would be better without the branches on the left, but otherwise a great shot.
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09/02/2005 04:33:21 PM
Very pretty. The color is subdued, but solid.
09/01/2005 01:55:10 PM
If it wasn't for the tree on the left, this would be a perfect shot.
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08/31/2005 05:26:00 PM
You've managed to get the "awwwww" factor here for a flying rat/seagul well done for that alone....great shot, great composition.
08/30/2005 04:58:39 PM
I just love this shot, The gull looks really depressed, and lonely. The colours , lighting, DOF etc are all just perfect, Deserves a place in the top three.
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08/30/2005 08:40:53 AM
I like the composition and the colors. The soft background works very well with the colors of the bird.
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08/30/2005 04:28:59 AM
Cheer up, plenty more fish in the sea...
08/30/2005 12:03:02 AM
08/29/2005 11:46:00 PM
I know a lot of people took a photo and then tried to backfill a "D&L" tile into the photo, but this guy REALLY does look depressed and lonely. Great job.
08/29/2005 11:09:38 PM
Wow, don't think I have ever seen that much emotion in a bird! lol...Beautiful shot too. The blues definitely add to the mood. Lovely.
08/29/2005 06:26:14 PM
Lovely contrast/sharpness/color, just hope it was a bit brighter.
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08/29/2005 05:09:55 PM
Great capture, it really looks like he is depressed and lonely. Those branches in the upper corner on the left hand side distract a bit IMHO, but this is an excellent shot nevertheless.
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08/29/2005 05:02:42 PM
This little guys face really fits the title, I love the lighting with the feel and the unique idea. Great job.
08/29/2005 03:46:21 PM
that bird does look rather dejected...
08/29/2005 01:59:44 PM
The bird is depressed - I see it!!! No bird should be alone. Well any picture that evokes emotion like this deserves at least a 7...you deserve an 8!! I love it!!
08/29/2005 01:12:10 PM
Wow. That bird really does look sad. You captured great emotion in this. Great job!
08/29/2005 12:36:53 PM
This is so sad. No, I know its not really, but your toning, composition, POV, DOF all work with the title to give the image the emotion I think you were looking for. I can actually believe this bird is depressed and lonely. If only more people would see the relationship of a good title and an image that goes with it! 10. Very well done.
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08/29/2005 11:47:02 AM
Very nice shot. I like the blured background. The bird DOES look depressed and lonely! 9
08/29/2005 10:32:55 AM
I love the expression of the bird! It looks really sad. And just walking around aimlessly like that. My favourite!
08/29/2005 08:08:52 AM
Love the colors! Has a cool, lonely feeling. Great capture!
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08/29/2005 07:55:47 AM
First time I ever saw a depressed looking bird
08/29/2005 04:40:25 AM
this is nice, i really like it, amazing
08/29/2005 12:41:12 AM
Oh my God. If seagulls could look forlorn, this one definitely does.
08/29/2005 12:23:02 AM
AWWw You can't help but feel sorry for him. The grays and blues just add to the mood of the title. I like the hint of greenery hanging in the upper left.
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