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Bomaz Farm - lane & stalls
Bomaz Farm - lane & stalls

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Dairy (Basic Editing III)
Camera: Canon EOS-300D Rebel
Lens: Canon EF 50mm f/2.5 Macro
Location: Bomaz Farms, Pleasant Valley Township
Date: Aug 22, 2005
Aperture: F2.8
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/125th
Galleries: Rural
Date Uploaded: Aug 23, 2005

Filename : CRW_3450.CRW
Canon CRW Header
ImageSpec : 3072~2048
ExpouserMode : Single
ImageFileName : CRW_3450.CRW
ThumbnailFileName : CRW_3450.THM
ISOSensivity : 100
LensFocalLength : 50.0(mm)
White Balance : Auto
Quality : RAW
FlashMode : Off
Drive Mode : Single-frame
Focus Mode : One-Shot
ImageSize : Large
Easy shooting mode : Manual
Contrast : Normal
Saturation : Normal
Sharpness : Normal
MeteringMode : Center-weighted
ExposureProgram : Manual
Color Tone : Normal
CCDImageSize : 3152~2068

Place: 38 out of 284
Avg (all users): 5.7461
Avg (commenters): 6.8421
Avg (participants): 5.4014
Avg (non-participants): 5.9467
Views since voting: 1107
Views during voting: 538
Votes: 386
Comments: 23
Favorites: 1 (view)

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09/02/2005 06:28:08 PM
great job!!!
09/02/2005 09:36:11 AM
Didn't get a chance to vote this challenge. I would have given this an 8 - 9. You're doing great work in B&W and repeating lines -- this is an example of your fine work. Leading lines that give us a hint of "cow" just enough but nothing more. Repetative patters and contrast in textures add interest. Nicely done. (just now read the other comments and I see I'm not alone in what works!)
08/31/2005 07:37:43 AM
This was the only 10 I gave in this challenge. You were robbed ;)

 Comments Made During the Challenge
08/30/2005 11:14:41 PM
i like how it is not full...
08/30/2005 08:22:00 PM
This is very nice. Meticulous exposure to retain good interior detail across the range. Packed with interesting repeating patterns and marvellous textures. The sort of image that repays a couple of moments study. 9
08/30/2005 07:48:31 PM
Nice idea and I like the cows at the end. Creative!
08/30/2005 11:15:39 AM
Unique to the challenge. Love the lighting.
08/29/2005 11:18:45 AM
What a perfect idea. I love the angle and coloring.
08/27/2005 11:35:03 AM
Nice toning, interesting subject matter. A different angle, or perhaps a closer view of the cows might have made it even better.
08/25/2005 11:13:17 PM
excellent, love the tone and the mood - horizon seems higher on the left so the photo feels tilted. thank you for not taking a photo of a glass of milk!
08/25/2005 08:14:18 PM
Good leading lines & repeating pattern...I just wish it led to something, like that cow was in front of the gate
08/25/2005 03:45:54 PM
Interesting, lots of unusual textures. Good job.
08/25/2005 12:59:37 PM
Where are the cows? on vacation? no cows, how'd it match the challenge?

just kidding. I just don't know why I like this photo. but I know why it stands out from the rest. 8!
08/25/2005 08:19:37 AM
Excellent lighting and nice sepia tone.
08/25/2005 06:40:35 AM
wow, lovely, love the light. nice clean farm, very nice composition
08/24/2005 09:35:51 PM
Very nice... good luck!
08/24/2005 08:49:59 PM
Interesting shot though I think more "cow" silhouette might have made it better.
08/24/2005 08:35:05 PM
nice picture - good focus, good composition, good lighting. 6
08/24/2005 07:54:36 PM
I like the tonal qualities you chose along with the two lone cows down at the end of the shot. Nice point of view.
08/24/2005 05:05:48 PM
I like the bw and leading lines in this.
08/24/2005 04:16:43 PM
Great leading lines. I like the sepia. Good use of filtration. Nice crisp shot.
08/24/2005 07:41:49 AM
one of my favs for this challenge
08/24/2005 07:41:47 AM
Wonderful leading lines. The linear composition is very pleasing. Your contrast is also well balanced.

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