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don't cry...
don't cry...

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Dairy (Basic Editing III)
Camera: Canon PowerShot G6
Location: kitchen
Date: Aug 23, 2005
Aperture: f2.2
ISO: 50
Shutter: 1/8s
Galleries: Emotive
Date Uploaded: Aug 23, 2005

That spec in the 'milk' is really bugging the bejebus out of me Why Oh Why Can't I Spot Edit *cries all over again*

Oh yeh, my milk isnt milk hahahah.
Milk just isnt milky enough in this country!

my prediction is that people will complain about the forground splash not being in focus - but c'mon but me a DSLR if you dodn't like it :p

Place: 33 out of 284
Avg (all users): 5.8020
Avg (commenters): 7.0345
Avg (participants): 5.5200
Avg (non-participants): 5.9653
Views since voting: 1908
Views during voting: 805
Votes: 409
Comments: 36
Favorites: 4 (view)

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09/06/2005 09:53:33 PM
Hello, and greetings from the Critique Club. Let us get started, and hopefully I'll help in some small, or large, way.

Initial Thoughts

I was grabbed by this as soon as it came up as a very daring and fascinating photograph.

Composition / Content

You've definitely got some dynamic composition going on here. The glass grabs you first, being out front and in focus, and gives the viewer a choice of viewing. The colors of the girl in the background, or follow the accident. Peripherally, even if you follow the milk spillage, you are still given the view of the girl and you instantly know something else is going on here besides spilled milk. The energy in the girl's pose is also wonderful, and you really feel for her.. why is she so distraught over such a simple thing.. this opens the door to a story.. Are there other, worse things happening here? What emotional issues could possibly work to give such a strong reaction to the subject?

Great work on the emotional/artistic side of the photo. Unfortunately, things of this nature are not generally huge for DPC voters, and tend to get left by the wayside. If you're concerned about score, I would try and leave the artistically potent photos by the wayside.. if you are concerned more with showing your work.. then you've made a heck of an impact.


I love how you've given the background a life of its own, and also included a subject beyond your main subject. This is seldomly seen in this kind of capacity. Your DOF is also wonderful, as the fade-out adds to the emotional distraughtness.. If there's anything *I* would do, it would be to maybe switch the heels out for a more "pedestrian" type of shoe, giving the distraught subject a more innocent "I don't deserve this" type of feel.

Camera Work / Technical

Given the fact that you were using a P&S (albeit a very good one), your shallow DOF work is fantastic. I know first hand how hard it is to do great DOF work with these cameras, and you've nailed it quite well. More DOF in the foreground on the milk probably would have solidified the photo more for voters, but I like it as it is. Gives the viewer the focus on the glass, and, as I said earlier, allows them the choice of where the eye leads. Your exposure might be a little on the under side, but easily correctable in post.

Digital Processing

Without spot editing, you're right, the speck stands out once you notice it, but I think more people are forgiving of that in open challenges. As for processing, just a couple of points. I'd have used levels a little more to really brighten up the milk and other lighter areas of the photo, and then used either contrast or selective color (with neutrals and blacks), to give a nice contrast boost. This would make the photo pop a little more and remove the "flatness" feel that it has. It's not a strong flat, but it is there to my eyes.

Fits the Challenge

Don't think we can argue that it doesn't fit the challenge, and is probably one of the more original and unique shots in the challenge.

My Opinion of the Photo

I love the shot. It's a wonderful take, suggests a great story and can really make a viewer think. You set out to make a photograph and I believe you've done just what you wanted to. A couple tweaks to the processing (contrast, slight sharpening, levels), and you'd have probably brought this up to a good 6.2 or so. Just remember that this type of photograph is generally overlooked by a lot of voters, so you have to choose sometimes whether you want to submit for yourself, or for a score.

Good job, and good luck in future challenges.
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08/31/2005 09:47:07 AM
For what it's worth, re: your comment on DOF: the dSLR actually has significantly narrower DOF at a given aperture/working distance than your camera, so this would have been more difficult to get in focus throughout.

That said, I don't think DOF is an issue here; you have placed your plane of sharpness very skillfully on the rim of the glass.

Nice shot!
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08/31/2005 08:56:32 AM
Man I didn't even notice that speck.

BTW, your shot was done with tons of originality. The 5's did you in. I think you should've been easily in the top10 with this one.
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08/31/2005 07:00:41 AM
Ah, you got ripped off in the voting. Very well done, creative photo with a story!
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08/31/2005 05:02:26 AM
unfortunately missed the voting on this challenge, but i am surprised your image did not place higher.
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08/31/2005 04:10:30 AM
This was one of my favourites; yes there were many spilt milk images, but this one has something speecial.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
08/30/2005 11:55:04 PM
Great perspective and idea! IMHO, somehow the floor is a bit too busy, a black floor might have added more impact or drama.. As if finding a black floor is easy to do :) nice composition and lighting!
Well done!
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08/30/2005 11:01:00 PM
Very nice picture story. Bumping up.
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08/30/2005 08:33:19 PM
This was my origonal idea...then i decided not to do it. its good vision.
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08/30/2005 08:14:23 PM
this splilled milk photo was repeated a little bit too much
08/30/2005 01:54:35 PM
Original idea. :) The milk doesn't really look like it's coming from the class, but from under it. That's my only issue with this. I like it otherwise. :)
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08/29/2005 09:15:25 PM
This is such a wonderful interpreation of the common phrase. I just love this picture. The model being out of focus is so perfect, it puts the attention where it belongs and removes the need to pose the model perfectly. A 10 in my book. I just wish I was creative enough to have thought of it myself!
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08/28/2005 09:52:02 PM
I like it! There's another one like this, but it's definitely showcased in a different fashion. Another favorite. Good job.
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08/28/2005 08:40:06 PM
So dirty and grimy, I love it.
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08/28/2005 08:06:40 PM
unique...i love it!
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08/28/2005 04:50:35 PM
Interesting DOF.
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08/28/2005 12:12:57 PM
why not? milk is expensive!
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08/27/2005 11:37:32 PM
I love how you have enough DOF to capture the person, but still throw them out of focus. Better maybe if the girl in the background was turned around to balance out the glass, and if the front of the milk was in focus.
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08/26/2005 08:27:04 PM
I like the perspective the best. The gir's outfit compliments the milk. Nice work. =)
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08/26/2005 10:36:54 AM
Haha, I wondered if someone would do this one. Very witty. Excellent use of DOF too.
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08/25/2005 09:01:25 PM
"Don't cry over spillled milk". I really like the idea, and how the girl in the background is out of focus actually makes it a little more interesting. Great picture.
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08/25/2005 08:30:39 PM
Effective DOF, maybe another pose in the background would make it even stronger.
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08/25/2005 07:14:39 PM
Wow. Young lady is taking it pretty hard...

:P Nice...8
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08/25/2005 06:19:42 PM
Ha, ha. Very good DOF. Lighting is a tad flat IMHO. 7
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08/25/2005 01:52:36 PM
I like the composition. The slight OOF on the girl works well. 7.
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08/25/2005 12:42:14 AM
wow she's really upset
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08/24/2005 09:48:05 PM
lol, i tried that one out... good job!
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08/24/2005 05:29:35 PM
Awesome image. The marble floor... the girl in the background, the selective focus. This picture tells a story and is interesting to look at. Great work.
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08/24/2005 03:11:56 PM
...pelo leite derramado.
Very nice shot.
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08/24/2005 01:58:26 PM
Wow! Very original picture. Powerful. I like it!! :-)
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08/24/2005 11:41:50 AM
Nice perspective
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08/24/2005 10:54:39 AM
wow great composition and idea
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08/24/2005 09:47:58 AM
HAHAHAHAAH, quite funny!!!!!!
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08/24/2005 07:54:56 AM
to me the girl doesn't modify the spill. What is your subject milk or girl in red.
08/24/2005 12:39:29 AM
I like it! Cool idea. an 8
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08/24/2005 12:36:32 AM
Like the concept and the depth of field... was this shot in brazil by any chance? that cup looks awfly familiar...
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